BECON. sary to be had of the true Christians in these last and perilous dayes. Lond. 8vo. 1549 The Spyrytual and Precious Pearle. To which is added, A humble Peticyon to the Lord, practysed in the Common Prayer of the whole famylie at Shene, duryng the trouble of their Lord and Master, the Duke of Somerset, his Grace. A comfortable Epistle too Goddes faythful People in Englande, wherin is declared, the cause of taking awaye the true Christiane Religion from thence, and howe it maye be recovered and ob tained agayne. Strasb. 1554 The Pomander of Prayer. Lond. 8vo. 1558 Cœnæ Dominicæ et Missæ Papistica Compa ratio. Bas. 8vo. 1559 Various Treatises, printed by Day. Lond. 1560 Syche Man's Salue; wherin the faithfull Christians may learne both how to behave themselves paciently and thankfully in the time of Sickness; and also vertuosly to dispose their temporall goodes, and finally to prepare themselves gladly and godly to die. Lond. 8vo. 1561 The Reliques of Rome, contayning all such matters of Religion, as have in times past bene brought into the Church, by the Pope and his adherents; faithfully gathered out of the moste faithfull writers of Chronicles and Histories, and nowe newely both diligently corrected and greatly augmented to the singular profit of the Readers. The whole Worckes of Thomas Becon. 1564 These Works contain, besides those already noticed, the following, viz. :-The Christmas Basket; the Nosegay; the Newe Year's Gifte; the Governaunce of Virtue; the Catechesme; the Jewel of Joy; the Principles of Christen Religion; the Fruitful Treatise of Fastyng; the Cas tell of Comfort; the Solace of the Soule; the Fortress of the Faythfull; the Christen Knight; Homely against Whordome; the Floure of Godly Prayers; the Dialogue of Chrystes Byrth; the Inwective against Whordome; a comfortable Epistle to the aflicted People of God; an humble Supplicacion vnto God for the restoryng of his Worde; the Displaying of the Popish Masse; the Common Places of the Holy Scripture; a Comparison betwene the Lorde's Supper and the Pope's Masse; certayne articles of Christen Religion proued and confirmed, with the Testimonies and Authorities of ancient Fathers; the monstrous merchandise of the Romishe Byshops; the Diversitie betweene God's Worde, and Man's Invencion; Christes Chronicle; the Summarye of the Newe Testament; the Demaundes of Holy Scripture; the glorious Triumphe of God's moste blessed Worde; the Prayer of Death. Many of the above were reprinted separately by John Day, without dates. The Governaunce of Virtue. Lond. 8vo. 1566 A new postil conteinyng most Godly and learned Sermons vpon all the sundry Gospells that be redde in the Church thorowout the yeare: Lately set forth vnto the great profite, not only of al Curates and Spiritual Ministers, but also of al other godly and faythful Readers. Lond. 1566 The Acts of Christe and Antichriste. 1577 BECONSALL, THOS., M. A.; Fel. B. N. C. Ox. Sermon on John v. 28, 29. 4to. BEDFORD, HILKIAH, Fel. St. John's. Born 1663; died 1724. An Apology for Dr. Hicks and other Nonjurors, in answer to Thomas Wise, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1710 A Vindication of the Church of England, in answer to Priestcraft in Perfection. 8vo. 1710 A Defence of the Church of England from Priestcraft. Lond. 8vo. 1711 The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted; the History of the Succession since the Conquest cleared; and the English Constitution Vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Dr. Hidgen's View and Defence; wherein some mistakes also of our common historians are rectified; of the house of Suffolk, are now first published and several particulars relating to the succession from ancient records and original MSS.; together with an authentic copy of Henry VIIIth's Will. Lond. fol. 1713. An Abridgment of the same. 8vo. Lond. 1714 An Answer to Fontenelle's History of Oracles. Translation of the Life of Dr. Barwick. BEKINSAU, JN., M. A.; Fel. New Col. Ox.; died 1559. De Supremo et Absoluto Regis Hen. VIII. mp erio. 8vo. 1546, 1612 BELL, GEO. M. A.; Preb. York. Assize Sermons on Matt. vii. 12; on Zech. xi. 7. 8vo. St. Alban's. Born 1625, died 1683. BELL, WM., Fel. St. John's, Oxf.; Archd. Sermons on Psal. cxxvii. 1; of Family Religion, on Joshua xxiv. 15; on Acts xxiv. 16; on Ephes. v. 15, 16. BELL, WM., D. D.; Fel. Mag. Cam.; Preb. Westm. Benefactor of the Bell Scholarship, Cam., and many other noble charities, and Chaplain to H. R. H. the Princess Amelia. 1756 Dissertation on the Causes which principally contribute to make the Nation Populous. Enquiry into the Divine Missions of John the 1697 Baptist and Jesus Christ. Lond. 8vo. 1761 D BELL. A Defence of Revelation in general, and the Gospel in particular, in Answer to a late Book, intitled, The Morality of the New Testament digested, under various Heads, &c. 8vo. A Sermon preached at the Consecration of Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Rochester. 4to. 1774 1765 An Attempt to ascertain and illustrate the Authority, Nature, and Design of the Lord's Supper. Supplement, intitled, An Enquiry whether any Doctrine relating to the Nature and Effects of the Lord's Supper can be justly founded on the Discourse of our Lord, recorded in the sixth Chapter of St. John. 8vo. 1790 The last Sentiments of P. F. le Courayer, D.D on the different Doctrines of Religion; with his Life. Lond. 8vo. 1787 Arguments in proof of the authenticity of the Narratives of the extraordinary conception and Birth of St. John the Baptist, and the miraculous Conception and Birth of Jesus Christ. 8vo. 1795 BELOE, REV. WM., B. D.; F. A. S.; Preb. St. Paul's and Lincoln. 1783 Ode to Miss Bascawen. 4to. The Rape of Helen, from the Greek of Coluthus, with Notes. Lond. 4to. 1786 1788 Poems and Translations. Lond. 8vo. Attic Nights. See AULUS, GELLIUS. Joseph, from the French of Bitaube. Anecdotes of Literature and scarce Books. Lond. 6 vols. 8vo., containing many curious extracts from ancient authors. 1807-12 The same in Latin. Oppenh. 8vo. 1620 Eight Sermons publicly preached in the University of Oxford. Oxf. 4to. 1614 The Sin against the Holy Ghost discovered, and other Christian Doctrines, delivered in twelve Sermons on part of the 10th of the Hebrews. A Latin Sermon on Rev. v. 10. 4to. 1616 Prælectiones de Perseverantia Sanctorum. 1618 A Commentary, or Exposition on the third chapter of Amos. Lond. 4to. Several Sermons on occasional Subjects. 1629 BENNET. Sermons on Psal. lxxxv. 10. 8vo. 1749 The Means of Enjoying and Perpetuating Peace; on 2 Thess. iii. 16.. 8vo. 1749 BENNET, THO., Fel. St. John's, Camb. "Eminent Divine;" born 1673; died 1728. An Answer to the Dissenters' Pleas, or an Abridgment of the London Cases, wherein the substance of these books is digested into one short and plain Discourse. Lond. 8vo. 1769, 1700 Discourses on Schism, shewing that schism is a damnable sin, &c. with his Answer to a book, intitled, Thomas against Bennet. 1700, 1702 A Confutation of Popery, in three parts. 1701 A Defence of the Book on Schism, in answer to Mr. Shepherd's Objections in his three Sermons of Separation, &c. Camb. 8vo. 1703 An Answer to Mr. Shepherd's Considerations on the Defence of the Discourse of Schism 1703 Devotions: viz. Confessions, Petitions, Intercessions, and Thanksgivings, for every Day in the Week; and also before, at, and after the Sacrament, with occasional Prayers for all persons whatsoever. 8vo. 1704 A Confutation of Quakerism; or a plain proof of the Falsehood of what the Principal Quaker Writers (especially Mr. Barclay) do teach concerning the necessity of immediate Revelation, in order to a saving Christian Faith, &c. 8vo. 1705 A brief History of the joint use of precomposed 1708 set Forms of Prayer. Camb. 8vo. A Discourse of joint Prayer. Camb. 8vo. 1708 A Paraphrase, with Annotations, upon the Book of Common Prayer, wherein the text is ex'plained, objections are answered, and advice is 1708 humbly offered, &c. Lond. 8vo. Charity Schools recommended, in a Sermon preached in St. James's Church, Colchester, on Rom. xii. 13. 8vo. 1710 Letter to Mr. B. Robinson, occasioned by his Review of the Case of Liturgies, and their Imposition; and a second Letter on the same subject. The Rights of the Clergy of the Christian Church; or, a Discourse shewing that God has given and appropriated to the Clergy authority to ordain, preach, baptize, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1711 Directions for Studying: I. A General System, or Body of Divinity. II. The Thirty-nine Articles of Religion. To which is added, St. Jerome's Epistle to Nepotianus. Lond. 8vo. 1714 Essay on the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, agreed on in 1562, and revised in 1571. 1715 The Nonjurors' Separation from the Public Assemblies of the Church of England examined, and proved to be Schismatical upon their own principles. Lond. 8vo. 1716 The Case of the Reformed Episcopal Churches in Great Poland and Polish Prussia, considered in a Sermon on 1 John iv. 11. Lond. 8vo. 1716 A Spital Sermon, preached before the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, &c. of London, on Matt. xxv. 40. Lond. 8vo. 1717 A Discourse of the Ever-blessed Trinity in Unity, with an Examination of Dr. Clarke's BENNET, PH., M.A.; Fel. Mag. Col. Camb. Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity. 8vo. 1718 Reflections upon Logic. Ox. 8vo. 1740, 1755 A Letter to a Fellow of a College; being the Sequel of a Letter to a Young Gentleman of Oxford. 8vo. 1740 The Connection between Irreligion and Immorality; a Sermon on Rom. i. 28. 8vo. 1744 1745 1748 An Introduction to Moral Philosophy. A Letter to a Young Gentleman. 8vo. Advice to a Young Man of Rank, upon coming to the University. A Sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, on 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. 4to. 1750 De Studiis Theologicis Prælectio. 1764 Τῶν Παλαιῶν, &c. Επιτάφιοι. Funeral Eulogies upon Military men, from Thucydides, Plato, Lycias, Xenophon; in the original Greek. To which are added, Extracts from Cicero; with Observations and Notes, in English. 8vo. 1768 Reflections on the Study of Divinity. To which are subjoined, Heads of a Course of Lectures. De Vitâ et Moribus Johannis Burtoni, S. T. P. Etonensis. Epistola Edvardi Bentham, S. T. P. R. ad Reverendum admodum Robertum Louth. S. T. P. Episcopum Oxoniensem. 8vo. 1771 A Sermon preached at the Yearly Meeting of the Children educated at the Charity Schools in and about London. 4to. 1772 An Introduction to Logic, Scholastic and Ra tional. 8vo. 1773 BERKELEY. tion, says, that he translated into English the Book of Psalms, at the Command of Queen Elizabeth, when an English Version was to be made; and that he likewise translated Ezekiel and Daniel. Exposition of Acts of Apostles in MS. BENTLEY, RICH., D. D.; Preb. Worc.; Libr. St. James'; Mast. Trin.; Archd. Ely; R. Prof. Div. Born 1661; died 1742. Epistola ad Joan. Millium, continens quasdam Annotationes, Emendationes in Hist. Chron. J. Malalæ. Oxon. 8vo. 1691 Eight Sermons against Atheism, preached at Boyle's Lecture. Lond. 4to. 1693 Of Revelation, and the Messias; a Sermon on 1 Pet. iii. 15. 4to. 1696 Dissertation upon the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, Phalaris, and the Fables of Æsop. Lond. 8vo. 1697, 1777 1697 Annotationes in Callimachum. A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris; with an Answer to the Objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle. Lond. 8vo. 1699 Collectio Fragmentorum Callimachi et Annotationes ad eadem. 8vo. 1742 Annotationes in duas priores Aristophanis Comoedias. Amst. fol. 1710 Emendationes ad Ciceronis Tusculanas Q. 8vo. The University of Cambridge vindicated from disloyalty. Lond. 8vo. 1710 Infamia Emendationum in Menandri Reliquias. Accedit Responsio M. Lac. Præfaturi ad C. Veratii Phillensis. Lug. Bat. 12mo. 1710 Emendationes in Menandri et Philemonis Reliquias, sub nomine Phileleutheri Lipsiensis. 8vo. Tracts concerning Trinity College, Cambridge, with Remarks upon it, by Miller and others. A True Copy of the Articles against Dr. Bentley, exhibited by the Fellows of Trinity College. Q. Horatius Flaccus, ex Recensione et cum Vitis et Emendationibus R. Bentleii. 4to. 1711 Remarks upon Collin's Discourse of Freethinking, in two parts, by Philoleutherus Lipsiensis. Lond. 8vo. 1713 Sermon on Popery, 2 Cor. ii. 17. 8vo. 1715 Reflections on the Scandalous Aspersions cast on the Clergy by the Author of the Remarks on Dr. Bentley's Sermon on Popery, &c. 8vo. 1717 Sermon preached before the King, on Rom. xiv. 7. 4to. 1717 Proposals for Printing a New Edition of the Greek Testament. Lond. 4to. 1721 A Full Answer to all the Remarks of a late Pamphleteer, by a Member of Trinity College, Cambridge. 1721 Complutension Edition of the New Testament, &c. An Inquiry into the Authority of the Primitive Critical Remarks on Captain Gulliver's Travels. BERDMORE, SAM., M. A.; Preb. Southw. Sermons on Rom. xiv. 19. 4to. 1710 Against Murmuring: on 1 Cor. x. 10. 1715 1716 On the King's Birth Day: Gal. iv. 8. On Ps. cxxii. 8, 9. 8vo. 1717 BERKELEY, GEO., D. D.; Fel. of Trin. Col. Dub; Dn. Derry; Bp. of Cloyne, in Ireland. An Ingenious Philosopher; born 1684; died 1753. monstrata. BERKELEY. Arithmetica absque Algebra aut Euclide de1707 An Essay towards a New Theory of Vision. A Vindication of his Theory of Vision. 1733 Principles of Human Knowledge. 8vo. 1710 Three Sermons, in favour of Passive Obedience and Non-resistance; on Rom. xiii. 2. 8vo. 1712 Three Dialogues, the design of which is plainly to demonstrate the reality and perfection of Human Knowledge, the incorporeal Nature of the Soul, and the immediate providence of a Deity, in opposition to Sceptics and Atheists. 8vo. 1713 A PROPOSAL FOR CONVERTING THE SAVAGE AMERICANS TO CHRISTIANITY, BY A COLLEGE, TO BE ERECTED IN THE SUMMER ISLES, OTHERWISE CALLED THE ISLES OF BERMUDA. Sermon on John xviii. 3. 4to. 1732 Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher. 1732 The Analyst, or a Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician. Lond. 8vo. 1734 The Querist, containing several Queries proposed to the consideration of the Public. 1735 A Defence of Freethinking in Mathematics. A Discourse addressed to Magistrates, occasioned by the enormous license and irreligion of the times, and many other things afterwards of a smaller kind. 1736 Siris, a Chain of Philosophical Reflections and Inquiries, respecting the virtues of Tar-water in the Plague. Lond. 8vo. 1744 Farther Thoughts on Tar-water. 8vo. 1752 Measure of Submission to Civil Government. Whole Works, with an account of his Life, and several of his Letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, and Mr. Pope, &c. &c. by T. Prior, Esq. Lond. 2 vols. 4to. 1784 On the Petrifaction of Lough Neagh in Ireland. Phil. Trans. 1746. Abr. ix. p. 288. BERNARD, EDW., Fel. St. John's, Ox.; Sav. Prof. Astron.; born 1638; died 1696. Notæ in Fragmentum Seguierianum Stephani Byzantini. A part of this was published by Gronovius, at the end of his Exercitationes de Dodone. Leyd. 1681 Epistola ad Jac. Gronovium de Fragmento Steph. Byz. de Dodone. Lug. Bat. 4to. 1681 Annotationes in Epistolam S. Barnabæ; published in Bp. Fell's edition of that Author. 1685 Translation into Latin of the Letters of the Samaritans, which Dr. R. Hemington procured them to write to their brethren, the Jews, in England, in 1673, while he was at Schern. Published in a Collection, which the learned BERNARD. Job Ludolphus had written to himself and other learned, and who had received a copy of the Translation from Dr. Smith. Short Notes, in Greek and Latin, upon Cotelerius' edit. of the Apostolical Fathers; printed in the Amst. edit. of them. Letter to Dr. Pocock, concerning Weights and Measures, printed in the Dr.'s Commentary on Hosea. Ox. fol. 1685 Reprinted by itself, under the title of, De Ponderibus et Mensuris Antiquorum. Lib. iii. accessit Epistola N. F. de Mari Eneo Salomonis et alia Thomas Hyde, de Mensuris et Ponderibus Sinensium. Ox. 8vo. 1688 Private Devotions; with a brief Explication of the Ten Commandments. Ox. 12mo. 1689 Etymologicum Britannicum, or Derivation of the British and English Words, from the Russian, Sclavonian, Persian, and Armenian languages. Printed at the end of Dr. Hick's Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, &c. Museo-Gothica. Chronologiæ Samaritanæ Synopsis, in two Tables; the First, containing the most famous Epochas and remarkable Events, from the beginning of the World; the Second, a Catalogue of the Samaritan High-Priests, from Aaron. Published in the Acta Eruditorum Lipsiensia. Veterum Testimonia de Versione Ixxii. Interpretum. Printed at the end of Aristeæ Historia, xxii. Interpretum; published by Dr. H. Aldrich. Oxon. 8vo. 1692 Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ, in unum collecti cum Indice Alphabetico. Oxon. fol. 1697 Versio et Notæ ad Inscriptiones Græcas Palmyronorum. Traj. ad Rhen. 8vo. 1698 Veterum Mathematicorum Synopsis. 1704 Several Things of Dr. Bernard, relating to Euclid, in order to a new edition of him, intended. Ox. 8vo. Orbis eruditi Literatura, a Charactere Samaritico deducta. Printed at Oxford, from a copper plate on one side of a broad sheet of paper; containing, at one view, the different forms of Letters used by the Phoenicians, Samaritans, Jews, Syrians, Arabs, Persians, Brachmans, Greeks, Cophts, Russians, Sclavonians, Æthioand other Indian Philosophers, Malabarians, pians, Francs, Saxons, Goths, &c. All collected from Ancient Inscriptions, Coins, and by the Greek Physicians, Mathematicians, and Manuscripts; together with Abbreviations used Chemists. Tables of the Longitudes and Latitudes of the Fixed Stars. Phil. Trans. Abr. iii. 21. The Obliquity of the Ecliptic, from the Observations of the Ancients. In Latin. Ib. 75. BERNARD, NICH., Fel. Gon. and Caius ; Dn. Ardagh. A learned Divine of the 17th century; died 1661. The whole Proceedings of the Siege of Drogheda. Lond. 4to. 1642, 1736 A Dialogue between Paul and Agrippa. 1642 A Farewell Sermon, preached at Drogheda. Life and Death of Archbishop Usher, in s Sermon preached at his Death. Lond. 8vo. 1656 Judgement of Bishop Usher, of the Extent of Christ's Death and Satisfaction, Sabbath, and BERNARD. Observation of the Lord's Day, &c.; containing, also, Old Form of Words in Ordination: Of a set Form of Prayer: Character of Bishop Bedel. Vindication of Archbishop Usher. 8vo. 1658 A Collection of Discourses of Bishop Bedel, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1659 His Judgement on Babylon, being the present See of Rome; Rev. xviii. 4; with a Sermon of Bishop Bedel on the same words. Lond. 1659 Devotions of the Ancient Church, in Seven Pious Prayers, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1660 Clavi Trabales; or, Nails fastened by some great Masters of Assemblies, confirming the King's Supremacy, the Subject's Duty, and the Church's Government; containing a Sermon on Regal Power, on Rom. xiii. 2. Lond. 4to. 1661 BERNARD, RICH., M. A.; Dn. of Leighlin. Thoughts on the French Revolution. BERRIMAN, Wм., Fel. Eton. Born 1688; died 1749-50. Seasonable Review of Mr. Whiston's Account of Primitive Doxologies. Lond. 8vo 1719 1719 1721 1721 A Second Review of the same. 8vo. Sermon on Numb. xxiii. 23. 4to. Sermon on Psal. cii. 19, 20, 21. 4to. The Brutishness of Despising Religion, and the Treatment due to it; a Sermon on Matt. vii. 6. The Authority of the Civil Powers in matters of Religion asserted and vindicated; a Sermon on Job xxxi. 28. 4to. 1722 Eight Sermons preached at Lady Moyer's Lecture. 8vo. 1725 Historical Account of the Trinitarian Controversy, in 8 Sermons on Deut. xxxii. 7. 8vo. 1725 Defence of some Passages in the same. 1731 Sermons at Boyle's Lectures, preached in 1730, 1731, 1732. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1733 Brief Remarks on Mr. Chandler's Introduction to the History of the Inquisition. 8vo. 1733 The Regard had by Providence to Prosperous Iniquities; a Sermon on Eccles. v. 8. 4to. 1733 The Tything of the Third Year; a Sermon on Deut. xiv. 29. 8vo. Sermon on Mark ix. 50. 4to. 1737 1739 BEVERIDGE,Wм., Preb. St. Paul's; Archd. Colch.; Preb. Cant.; declined Bishopric Bath and Wells, but afterwards Bp. St. Asaph. “A learned Divine;" born 1636-7; died 1707. De Linguarum Orientalium, præsertim Hebraicæ, Chaldaicæ, Syriacæ, Arabicæ, et Samaritanæ præstantia, necessitate et utilitate, quam et Theologia præstant et Philosophia. 8vo. 1658 Institutionum Chronologicarum libri duo; una cum totidem Arithmetices Chronologicæ libellis. Zvvódikov, sive Pandectæ Canonum SS. Apostolorum et Conciliorum ab Ecclesia Græca receptorum ; necnon Canonicarum SS. Patrum Epistolarum; una cum Scholiis antiquorum singulis eorum annexis et scriptis aliis huc spectantibus: quorum plurima e Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ aliarumque, &c. Oxon. 2 vols. fol. 1672 Codex Canonum Ecclesiæ Primitivæ vindicatus et illustratus. Lond. 4to. 1678, 1679 A Sermon concerning the excellency and usefulness of the Common Prayer. 4to. 1684 1689 A Sermon on 1 Cor. xi. 16. 4to. The Church Catechism explained, for the use of the Divine of St. Asaph. Lond. 4to. 1704 Institutiones Chronologicæ. Lond. 4to. 1705 A Sermon on the Propagation of the Gospel, on 2 Cor. ix. 2. 4to. 1707 The great Necessity and Advantage of Public Prayer; a Sermon on Acts iii. 1. 8vo. 1708 Of Frequent Communion; a Sermon on 1 Cor. xi. 26. 8vo. Thesaurus Theologicus. 8vo. 1708 1711 BILSON, THOS., D. D.; Fel. N. Col. ; Mast. Winch. Col.; Preb. Winch.; Warden of the Col.; Bp. Wor. and Winch. Died in 1616. The true Difference between Christian Subjection and Unchristian Rebellion. Oxf. 4to. 1585 Sermon on Rom. xiii. 4. Lond. 8vo. 1604 |