COWELL. taining two tables, one of the ancient names and pleas of Great Britain, the other of the ancient surnames. 1609, 1638, 1658, 1672, 1708, 1709 Institutes of English Law digested into the method of civil and imperial Institutiones. 1651 COXE. Sacraments; in the collection of Records at the end of Dr. Burnet's History of the Reformation. He had a hand in the Declaration concerning the Functions and Divine Institution of Bishops and Priests, and in the Answers to the Queries, concerning some Abuses of the Mass. Several Letters and small Pieces in Strype's COWPER, SPENCER, D. D.; Preb. Cant.; Annals of the Reformation, &c. Dn. Dur. Born 1713; died 1774. A Speech at the Installation of the Bishop of Durham. 4to. A Spital Sermon. 4to. Eight Discourses. Lond. 8vo. 1752 1753 1773 Martyr. An Oration at the conclusion of the same. Both in Latin. 4to. 1549. And afterwards among P. Martyr's Works. He had a great hand in compiling the first Liturgy of the Church of England; and was one of the chief persons employed in the Review of it in 1559, and in translating the Bible. He turned into verse the Lord's Prayer. When a new Translation of the Bible was made in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth,-now commonly known by the name of the Bishops' Bible,-the Four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistle to the Romans, were allotted to him for his portion. Resolutions of some Questions concerning the He is said to have a hand in Lilly's Grammar. A Letter, written by him in 1569, directed to the Parson of Downham, found in the Parish Chest of that place, was some years ago published in the Gentleman's Magazine. Bp. Cox did his utmost to get the Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticorum established but through the opposition of the chief courtiers, this design miscarried a third time. COXE, WM., M. A.; F. R. S. and F. A. S.; Archd. Wilts. Sketches of the Natural, Civil, and Political state of Switzerland, in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth, Esq. Lond. 18mo. 1779 Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. To which are added, The Conquest of Siberia, and the History of the Transactions and Commerce between Russia and China. Lond. 4to. 2nd edit. 1780 Account of the Prisons and Hospitals in Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, with occasional Remarks on the different modes of punishment in these countries. Lond. 8vo. 1780 Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, interspersed with historical relations and 1792 political inquiries. Lond. 5 vols. 8vo. Comparative view of the Russian Voyages, with those made by Captains Cook and Clerke; and a Sketch of what remains to be ascertained by future Navigators. Lond. 4to. 1787 Travels in Switzerland and in the country of the Grissons, in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth, Esq. Lond. 4th edit. 8vo. 1802 Letter to Dr. Richard Price upon his discourse on the Love of our Country, delivered Nov. 4th, 1789, to the Society for commemorating the Revolution in Great Britain. 8vo. 1790 Biographical Anecdotes of Handel and Smith. Explanation of the Catechism of the Church of England, for the use of Sabbath Schools. 8vo. Explanation of the service of Confirmation used by the Church of England. Abridged by Secker. 8vo. 1793 Gay's Fables, with notes and the Life of the Author. 8vo. 1796 Letter to the Countess of Pembroke, on the secret tribunals of Westphalia. 8vo. 1796 Memoirs of the life and administration of Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford; with original Correspondence and authentic Papers, never before published. 3 vols. 8vo. 1800 Sermons: On the excellence of the British Jurisdiction, preached at the Assizes at Salisbury. 8vo. 1799. 4to. 1817 An Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, illustrated with views, by Sir R. C. Hoare, Bart. a new Map of the Country and 90 other Engravings. Lond, 2 vols. 4to. 1801 Memoirs of Horatio Lord Walpole, selected from his correspondence and papers, and corrected COXE. with the History of the Times, from 1678 to 1757. Lond. 4to. 1802 History of the House of Austria, from the foundation of the Monarchy, by Rodolph of Hapsburgh, to the death of Leopold II. 1218 to 1792. Lond. 2 vols. 4to. 1807 An Essay on the Epistles of Ignatius. 8vo. 1807The Literary Life and select Works of Benj. Stillingfleet. 3 vols. 8vo. 1811 Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, of the House of Bourbon, from 1700 to 1788. Lond. 4to. 1815 Letter to John Bennet, Esq. shewing the impracticability of commuting tithes. 8vo. 1815 Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, with his original correspondence, collected from the family Records at Blenheim, and other Authentic Sources. 2 vols. 4to. 1818 CRADOCK, JN., Abp. Dub. Sermons: Preached before the University of Cambridge. Camb. 4to. 1739-Before the House of Commons. Lond. 4to. 1752-Fast, (Jer. vi. 8). 4to. 1758 CRADOCK, ZACHARY, D. D.; Fel. & Prov. Eton Col.; Can. Chich. Esteemed for Learning and Piety. Born 1633. Sermons: On Eccles. ix. 2. Lond. 8vo. 1678 -The great End and Design of the Gospel and Christianity, (1 Tim. i. 5). Lond. 4to. 1706. CRAKANTHORP, or CRAKANTHORPE, RICH., S. T. P.; Fel. Queen's Col. Oxon. Born 1567; died 1624. Sermons: On 1 Thess. v. 23. Lond. 4to. 1608-2 Chron. ix. 5, 6, &c. Lond. 4to. 16092 Pet. i. 10. Lond. 4to. 1620-On Predestination. Defence of Justinian the Emperor, against Baronius. Lond. 4to. 1616 Introductio in Metaphysicam. lib. 4. 4to. 1641 The Defence of Constantine; with a Treatise of the Pope's Temporal Monarchy. 4to. 1621 Logicæ libri quinque. Lond. 1622. 4to. 1677 Tractatus de Providentia Dei. With several Sermons. Camb. 4to. 1622, 1623 Defensio Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, contra M. Anton. de Dominis, Archiepisc. Spalatensis injurias. Vigilius Dormitans; or, A Treatise of the 5th General Council held at Constantinople, in the time of Pope Vigilius, ann. 553. fol. 1634 CRANMER, GEO., Fel. Ch. Ch. An Excellent Letter to Mr. R. H. concerning the New Church Discipline. 4to. 1641 CRANMER. The Reasons that led him to oppose the Six Articles. Resolution of some Questions concerning the Sacrament. Injunctions given at his Visitation, within the Diocese of Hereford. A Collection of Passages out of the Canon Law, to shew the necessity of reforming it. Some Queries, in order to the correcting of several Abuses. Concerning a Farther Reformation, and against Sacrilege. Answers to some Queries concerning Confirmation. Some Considerations offered to King Edward VI., to induce him to proceed to a farther Reformation. Answer to the Lords of the Privy Council. The Instruction of a Christian Man, in four parts. Lond. in Æde Bertholeti. fol. 1537 Catechismus; that is to say, a Shorte Instruction into Christian Religion, for the synguler commodite and profyte of Children and yong people. Lond. 8vo. 1548 Answers to the Fifteen Articles of the Rebels of Devonshire, in 1549. Answer to Bishop Gardiner, concerning the Lord's Supper. Lond. fol. 1552. The Same, with an Account of his Life and Martyrdom, and his Letters. Lond. fol. 1580. Also to some Passages in the booke of D. Rich. Smith. Defensio Veræ et Catholicæ Doctrinæ de Sacramento Corporis et Sanguinis Christi Seruatoris nostri, et quorundam in hac causa errorum confutatio verba Sanctissimi Domini nixa atq. fundata et consensu antiquissimorum Ecclesiæ Scriptorum formata, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1553. In 1550 English. Lond. 4to. The Copy of Certain Lettres sent to the Quene, and also to Doctour Martin and Doctour Storye, by the most Reuerende Father in God, Thomas Cranmer, Archebishop of Canterburye, from Prison in Oxeforde; who (after long and most greuous strayt emprisoning and cruell handling,) most constantly and willingly suffred Martirdome ther, for the true Testimonie of 1556 Christe, in Marche. 16mo. Confutation of vnwritten Verities, both by the Holye Scriptures and most auncient Authors, and also probable Argumentes and pithie reasons, with plaine answeres to all, (or at least) to the moste part; and strongest Argumentes, which the aduersaries of God's Truth either haue or can bring forth, for the proofe and defence of the same vnwritten Vanities, Verities as they would haue them called. Lond. 4to. 1582. Again, without date, 16mo. Epistolæ Super Controversiâ de Cœnâ Dominicâ. Offenb. 4to. 1610 Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum ex Authoritate primum Regis Henrici VIII. inchoata deinde per Edvardum provecta et adaucta. 1640 His Judgement concerning the People's Right to, and Discreet Use of the Holy Scriptures. Concerning the Cranmerian Liturgy. See Ed. Stephen's Tracts. An Account of Mr. Pole's Book concerning King Henry VIIIth.'s Marriage. CRAVEN, Wм., D. D.; Arabic Prof. Camb. Born 1730; died 1814. Sermons on the Evidence of a Future State of Rewards and Punishments, arising from a View of our Nature and Condition, in which are considered some objections of Hume, preached before the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 1776 A part of an intended Publication concerning the Jewish and Christian Dispensations. 1798 Discourses on the Jewish and Christian Dispensations, compared with other institutions, and a Future State of Rewards and Punishments. In answer to the Objections of Hume. 1802 The 2nd Elegy of Ovid's 1st book of Elegies; the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 12th of the 2nd book; the story of Lucretia out of the Fasti, and the 2nd and 3rd of Virgil's Eclogues. 1680 The 13th Satire of Juvenal; with notes. Printed in the English Translation of the Satires. fol. 1693 The Translation into English of the Verses prefixed to Quintinel's Complete Gardener. The Lives of Solon, Pelopidas, and Cleomenes, from Plutarch. The Life of Pelopidas, from Cornelius Nepos. Laconic Apophthegms; or, Remarkable sayings of the Spartans, from Plutarch. A Discourse concerning Socrates' Dæmon, and the two first books of the Symposiacs, from Plutarch. This, with the two preceding translations from Plutarch, are published in the English Translations of his Lives and Morals. A Translation of Marilius' Astronomicon. 1696 CREED, WM., B. D.; Fel. St. John's, Oxon.; R. Prof. Div.; Archd. Wilts.; Preb. Sermons: On Isa. Ivii. 21. Lond. 4to. 1674— On 1 Pet. v. 6. Lond. 4to. 1678-A Second Call to a farther Humiliation, 1678-Legacy to his Diocese, (John v. 39), with a Supplement and Tract concerning the Holy Sacrament. 4to. 1679. The Naked Truth, or the True State of the Primitive Church. Lond. 4to. 1675 A Letter to a Friend concerning Popish Idolatry. 1679 Animadversions on Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth. Lond. 8vo. 1685 A Short Discourse concerning the Reading of his Majesty's late Declaration in the Churches. CROWLEY, CROLE, or CROLEUS, ROB., Fel. Mag. Col., Oxon. PRINTER, DIVINE, and РОЕТ. Died 1588. He carried on the business of printing in London, purposely to advance the Reformation, and printed the following Works, of all of which he was the real or reputed Author. The Psalter of Dauid; newly translated in Englyshe metre, in such sort that it may more decently, and with more delight of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Whereunto is added, A Note of four parts, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the reader. 1549 The Voyce of the Last Trumpet blowen bi the seuenth Angel, as is mentioned in the eleventh of the Apocalips, callynge al the estates of menne to the right path of their vocation; wherin are contayned xii. lessons to twelue seuerall estates of menne, whych if they learn and follow, al shall be well and nothing amise. The contentes of thys boke: The Begger's Lessone, the Seruante's, the Yeoman's, the Lewde Prieste's, the Scoler's, the Learned Man's, the Phisician's, the Lawier's, the Merchaunte's, the Gentilman's, the Maiestraté's, the Woman's. In metre. Lond. 8vo. 1549, 1550 A New Yere's Gyfte; wherein is taught the knowledge of ourself, and the fear of God. Worthy to be giuen and thankfullye recyued of all Christen men. Lond. 8vo. 1549 A Metrical Sermon on Pleasure and Pain, Heauen and Hell; remember these four, and all shall be well. Written in Metre. in Warton's Hist. of English Poetry, vol. iii. p. 188. 1550 The Way to Wealth; wherein is plainly taught a most present remedy for sedicion. 8vo. 1550 One and Thirty Epigrams; wherein are briefly touched so many abuses that may and ought to be put away. Lond. 1550, 1551 Ban wedy i dynny air yngair allan o hen gyfreith Howel da vap Cadell brenhin Kymbry ynghylch chwechant mlyned aeth heibio wrth yr hwn vanygellir deall bot yr offeiriat y pryd 'hynny yn priodi gwraged yn dichwith ac yn Kytta ac wynt in gyfreith lawn. A certain case extracte out of the auncient law of Hael da King of Wales, in the yere of our Lord nyne hundred and fourtene passed. 4to. The Fable of Philargyrie, the great Gigant of Great Britain, what houses were builded and lands appointed for his prouisions, and how all CROWLEY. the same is wasted to contente his greedy gut wythall, and yet he rageth for honger. 8vo. 1551 An Information and Petition against the Oppressours of the Pore Commons of this realme. Compiled and printed for them that haue to do in the Parliament. Lond. 8vo. without date. OTHER WORKS OF R. CROWLEY, PRINTED BY DIFFERENT PRINTERS. The Confutation of the misshapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade, called, The Abuse of ye blessed Sacrament of the Aultare; wherein thou hast, gentle reader, the right vnderstandynge of al the places of Scripture that Myles Hoggard, wyth his learned counsail, hath wrested to make for the transubstanciacion of the bread and 1548 wyne. Lond. 8vo. The Confutation of xiii. Articles, whereunto Nicholas Shaxton, late byshop of Salisburye, subscribed and caused to be set forth in print, &c. which he recanted in Smithfielde, at Lond. at the burning of Mestres Anne Askue, &c. 1548 An Epitome of Chronicles; conteyning the whole Discourse of histories, as well of this realme of England as all other countreys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did; much profitable to be redde, namelye, of magistrates, and such as haue auctoritee in commoweales. Gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste, by Thomas Languet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnation of Christe; secondely, to the reigne of King Edward the Sixt, by Thomas Cooper; and thirdly, to the reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye, Queene Elizabeth, by Robt. Crowley. Lond. 4to. 1559 The School of Virtue, and Book of Good Nature. A translation into metre of many of the less exceptionable Latin hymns anciently used by the Catholicks. Lond. 1588 Brief Discourse concerning those four usual notes whereby Christ's Catholic Church is known.. 1581 Translation into popular rhyme of the Psalter, the Litany, and Hymns. Lond. 1549 The Protestants proved to be the true Catholics, and Papists Antichristian Shismatics. 1588 Explicatio Petitoria, (ad Parliamentum,) adversus Expilationes plebes ex Anglico Sermone. In Lat. versa. Joh. Heron interprete. 1548 Sermon on Ps. cxxxix. 21, &c. This sermon was preached in the Guildhall, London, at the election of a Lord Mayor, on the 29th Sept. 1574; an Appendix is added to it, notyng the duties of both of them to whom it appertaineth to chuse, and also of them that shall be chosen to any gouernement in either the ecclesiastical or ciuil state. Lond. 8vo. 1575 The Supper of the Lord, after the true meaning of the vi. John, and xi. 1 Corinth. 8vo. 1538. Crowley wrote only the Preface. See it afterwards. Apology for those English Writers who are charged with false doctrine, under the name of Predestination. Lond. 4to. 1566 Against Thomas Watson's two Sermons, in which he would prove the Real Presence. 1569 BOOKS PRINTED BY R. CROWLEY. The Vision of Piers Plowman; with a Preface, CROWLEY. by R. Crowley. Lond. 4to. 1550. Another edit. Same date. 4to. The Lady Elizabeth Fane's 21 Psalms and 102 Proverbs. Lond. 8vo. 1550 The Pathway to Perfect Knowledge. Lond. 8vo. 1550 The Batterie of the Pope's Botereulx, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1550 A Briefe and Playne Introduction, &c. Lond. 4to. 1550 Kiynniver Vithaban, &c. Lond. 4to. 1551 A Myroure, or Glasse for all Spiritual Ministers, &c. Lond. 8vo. 1551 Poor Shakerley, his knowledge of good and euil, called otherwise, Ecclesiastes; by him turned into meeter. Lond. 8vo. 1551 The Supper of the Lord, after the meanyng of the sixte of John, &c. 8vo. 1553 An Aunswer to sixe Reasons that Thomas Pownde, gentleman, and prisoner in the Marshalsey, at the commaundement of her Maiesties' Commissioners, for causes ecclesiastical, required to be answered. Lond. 4to. 1581 A Replication to that lewd Aunsweare which Friar Iohn Francis, of the Minimies order, in Nigeon, neere Paris, hath made to a letter that his mother caused to be sente to him out of England. A Deliberat Answere made to a rash Offer, which a Popish Antichristian Catholique made to a learned Protestant, as he saith, and caused to be publyshed in printe, A. D. 1575; wherein the Protestant hath plainly and substantially proued that the Papists that doo nowe call themselues Catholiques are indeed Antichristian Schismatiks, and that the Religious Popish Protestants are in deed the right Catholiques. Lond. 4to. 1588 CROWNFIELD, HEN., B. D.; Vice-Pres. Queen's Col. Camb. An Essay, setting forth the divine original, sufficiency, and perfection of the Scriptures. 1752 CROXALL, SAM., D. D.; Can. Heref. Divine, Poet, and Miscellaneous Writer. Died 1752. An Ode upon King George's succession and arrival; in imitation of Spenser. Lond. 1714 The Vision; a Poem. Lond. fol. 1715 : Sermons Incendiaries no Christians, (John xiii. 35). 8vo. 1715-Thanksgiving, (Isa. xxxviii. 18, 19). 8vo. 1723-Consecration of Bishop Egerton, (1 Tim. iv. 6). 4to. 1724-On Prov. xxv. 5. Lond. 8vo. 1730-The Royal Sin; or, Adultery in a King rebuked, (2 Sam. xii. 7). 8vo. 1738-On Ps. lxxxvii. 7. 8vo. 1741. Fables of Æsop, and others. Translated into English. 1722 Scripture Politics; being a Review of the Jewish Government, both religious and civil. 1735 Royal Manual. CUDWORTH, RALPH, D. D.; Fel. Eman. Camb.; Mast. Clare Hall; Mast. Ch. Col. ; Preb. Gloucest.; Heb. Prof. Camb. A Learned Divine and Philosopher. Born 1617; died 1688. Discourse concerning the True Notion of the Lord's Supper. To which is added, Two Sermons on the Union of Christ and the Church, in a Shadow. Lond. fol. 1642, 1676 CURTIS. Sermons before the House of Commons, (1 John ii. 3, 4). Camb. 4to. 1647. New edit. 8vo. 1814-On 1 John ii. 34-On 1 Cor. xv. 17. Lond. 4to. 1647. Lond. 8vo. 1670. Camb. 4to. 1647. Dantur Rationes Boni et Mali æternæ et indispensabiles, dantur Substantiæ incorporeæ natura sua immortales. fol. 1651 The true Intellectual System of the Universe; wherein the Reason and Philosophy of Atheism is confuted. To which is added, his Discourse on the Sacrament. Lond. fol. 1678. With his Life, by Birch. Lond. 2 vols. 4to. 1743. In Latin, under the title of, Systema hujus Universi intellectuale, seu de veris Naturæ originibus Commentarii, quibus omnis eorum philosophia qui Deum esse negant, funditus evertitur. Accedunt reliqua Opuscula, ex Anglico Latine vertit, et Notis illustravit, J. L. Musheim. Jenæ. 1773 Discourse concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality. Published by Chandler, Bp. Dur. 1731 CULLUM, REV. Sir JN., BART., Fel. Cath. Hall, Camb. Accomplished Antiquary. Born 1733; died 1785. History and Antiquities of Hawsted. Of a Remarkable Frost on the 23rd June, 1783. Phil. Trans. Abr. xv. 604. 1784 CUMBERLAND, DENISON, Bp. Clonfert, Ireland. Sermons: On Luke xv. 10. 4to. 1764-On John xvi. 2, 3. Dub. 4to. 1765. CUMBERLAND, RICH., D. D.; Fel. Mag. Col. Camb.; Bp. Peterb. Born 1632; died 1718. De Legibus Naturæ Disquisitio Philosophica, &c. et Elementorum Philosophiæ Hobbianæ Refutatio. Lond. fol. 1672. Lub. et Francf. 4to. 1683. In English, with an introduction, &c. by J. Maxwell. Lond. 4to. 1727. Abridged in English, by T. Tyrrell. Lond. 8vo. 1692. Dub. 4to. 1750. In French, by Barbeyrac. 4to. 1744 An Essay towards the Recovery of Jewish Measures and Weights, comprehending their monies by the help of ancient standards, compared with ours of England. Lond. 8vo. 1699 Sanchoniathon's History of the Phoenicians, from Eusebius de Preparatione Evangelica, with a continuation of it by Eratosthenes Cyrenæus, his Canon, which Dicæarchus connects with the first Olympiad. Lond. 8vo. 1720 Origines Gentium Antiquissimæ, or Attempts for discovering the times of the First Planting of Nations. Lond. 8vo. 1724 CURLE, WALTER, D. D.; Fel. St. Peter's Camb.; Bp. Winch. A Sermon Preached at Whitehall. Lond. 1622 CURTIS, RICH., Bp. Chich. Translation of a Treatise of the Workes of three Daies on Rom. i. 20. the inuisible things of God. Also another Treatise of the Truth of Christes Natural Body. Lond. 8vo. 1577 Two Sermons preached, &c.; the first at Paules Crosse, text Apoc. xii. 1-9.; the second at Westminster, before the Queenes Maiestie. Acts xx. 28-31. Lond. 8vo. 1576, 1584 |