DAKINS, Wм., B. D.; Sen. Fel. Trin. Col. One of the Translators of the Bible. DALE, JN., Fel. Mag. Col. Oxon. Died 1684. The Analysis of all the Epistles of the New Testament. Oxon. 12mo. 1652 DALLAWAY, REV. JAS., A. M.; F. S. A.; Preb. Chich. Letters of the late Dr. Rundell, Bishop of Derry, to Mrs. Sandys, with Introductory Memoirs. Oxon. 2 vols. 8vo. 1789 Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with explanatory observations on armorial ensigns. 4to. 1793 Constantinople, ancient and modern; with excursions to the shores and islands of the Archipelago, and the Troad. Lond. 4to. 1797 DAVENANT. intituled, The Quaker's Folly made manifest to all men. Lond. 12mo. 1659. A Synopsis of Quakerism. Lond. 8vo. 1668 A Collection of the Fundamental Errors of the Quakers. Lond. 1669 A Friendly Debate between Satan and Sherlock. 8vo. 1676 A Friendly Conference between a Paulist and a Galatian, concerning Justification by Faith without Works. Lond. 8vo. 1694 DAUBENEY, CHAS., LL. B.; Fel. New Col.; Archd. Sarum. A Guide to the Church, in several Discourses, with an Appendix. Lond. 8vo. 2 vols. 1798-9. 2nd. edit. 8vo. 2 vols. 1804 Sermons preached at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Wilts. 8vo. 1793-On Cruelty to Dumb Animals. 12mo. 1799-On the Late Desperate Attempt on the Life of his Majesty. Lond. 8vo. 1800-Eight Discourses on the Connection between the Old and New Testament, and Demonstrative of the great Doctrine of Atonement, wherein he opposes Dr. Campbell's Opinions. Lond. 8vo. 1802-On the threatened Invasion. 8vo. 1803-Second volume of Sermons on Practical Subjects. 8vo. 1805-A Charge delivered to the Clergy at the Archdeaconry of Sarum, at the primary Visitation. 8vo. 1805-1806-A Charge delivered at the Visitation. 8vo. 1806, 1807-Preached at Bath on the Fast Day. 8vo. 1809-At the yearly meeting of the Children educated at the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. 4to. 1809-Charge delivered at the Visitation. 8vo. 1813. The Fall of Papal Rome, recommended to the consideration of the People of England. 8vo. 1798 A Letter to Mrs. Hannah More, on her Strictures on Female Education; to which is subjoined, a Discourse on Genesis xv. 6. 8vọ. 1799 Letter to a sound Member of the Church, with a Supplement, containing two Letters to the Christian Observer. 8vo. 1802 Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ. Lond. 8vo. 1803 The Trial of the Spirits, a Caution against Spiritual Delusion. Lond. 8vo. 1804 Explanation of the Judgment delivered against the Rev. J. W. Wickes, for refusing to bury an Infant baptized by a Dissenting Minister. 1811 Remarks on a Bill for better regulating Parish Registers. Lond. 8vo. 1811 Letter to the Right Honourable George Rose, respecting Parish Registers. 8vo. 1812 Reasons for supporting the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge in preference to the New Bible Society, partly given in a Charge. 1812 Remarks on the Unitarian Method of interpreting the Scriptures. 8vo. 1815 DAVENANT, JN., D. D.; Fel. & Mast. Queen's Col. Camb.; Marg. Prof. Div.; Bp. Sar. Died 1641. Expositio Epistolæ D. Pauli ad Colossenses. Camb. fol. 1627; 3rd edit. Camb. 1639 A Sermon on Jeremiah iii. 22. Lond. 4to. 1628 Prælectiones de duobus in Theologia controversis capitibus, de Judice Controversiarum primo, de Justitia habituali et actuali altero. 1631 Determinationes xlix. Quæstionum quarundam DAVIES, JN., D. D.; Fel. Jesus Col. Oxon.; Can. St. Asaph.; Archd. Lland.; Bp. Lland. An Eminent Writer and Antiquary. Born in the latter part of the 16th century. Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ nunc communiter dictæ Cambro-Britannicæ, a suis Cymræcæ vel Cambricæ, ab aliis Wallicæ, Rudimenta, &c. 1621 Antiquæ Linguæ Britannicæ nunc vulgo dictæ Cambro-Britannica, a suis Cymræcæ vel Cambricæ, ab aliis Wallicæ, Rudimenta. 1592, 1632 Dictionarium Latino-Britannicum. Begun and greatly improved by Thomas Williams, Physician, before 1600. To which is added, Adagia Britannica, Auctorum Britannicorum Nomina et quando floruerunt. 1632 The Book of Resolutions; written by Robert Parsons, a Jesuit. Translated into Welsh. DAVIS, ROWLAND, LL. D.; Dn. Cork; Vic. Gen. of Diocese. Born 1649; died 1741. A Letter to a Friend (Mr. Turner, Recorder of Limerick, who had become a Roman Catholic), concerning his changing his Religion. 4to. 1694 The Truly Catholic and Old Religion; shewing that the Established Church in Ireland is more truly a member of the Catholic Church, than the Church of Rome, and that all the ancient Christians, especially in Great Britain and Ireland, were of her Communion. Dub. 4to. 1716 A Letter to the Pretended Charge of Timothy O'Brien, D. D. of Toulouse. Remarks on a Pamphlet, intitled, Goliath beheaded with his own Sword. 4to. Two Occasional Sermons; one intitled, Christian Loyalty. 4to. 1716. The other a Charity Sermon. Dub. 8vo. 1717 1718 DAVISON, JN., Fel. Oriel Col.; Preb. Worces. & St Paul's. Lectures on the Prophecies. Funeral Sermon at the Burial of the Earl of Essex, on Apocalypse xiv. 13. Lond. 4to. 1577 Epistle to the Welch. The 1st edition of this DAWES, LANCELOT, D. D.; Stu. & Fel. Queen's Col. Oxon. Learned Divine. Born was printed before the New Testament, was pub- 1580; died 1633. lished in Welsh. Reprinted, Oxon. 8vo. 1671 Sermons: Preached at the Assizes holden at An Anatomy of Atheism; a Poem. 4to. 1693 The Duties of the Closet. The Duty of Communicating, explained and enforced. Sermons: Preached upon several occasions, before King William and Queen Anne. 8vo. 1707 -On Exod. xxiii. 9. 8vo. Prov. iv. 24. 4to. 1687-Lond. 8vo. 1707-Lond. 4to. 1711Lond. 4to. 1712-Lond. 4to. 1713-At the Anniversary Meeting of the Children educated in the Charity Schools of London and Westminster. His whole Works, with a Preface, and Life of the Author. Lond. 3 vols. 8vo. 1733 DAY, GEO., Bp. Ch.; Mast. St. John's Camb. Compiled Liturgy. DEE, JN., Fel. Trin. Col. Camb.; Ward. Manch. Col. A Great Mathematician. Born 1527; died 1608. De Nubium, Solis, Lunæ, ac reliquarum Planetarum, imo, ipsius stelliferi cœli, ab intimo terræ centro distantiis mutuisque intervallis, et eorundem omnium magnitudine. 1551 The Philosophical and Poetical original Occasions of the Configurations and Names of the Heavenly Asterisms; written at the request of the honourable lady, Lady Jane Duchess of Northumberland. 1553 Brevis quædam Epistola Johannis Dee, qua Vulgares Ephemeridum fictores merito repre DAY, JN., Fel. Oriel, Oxon. Born 1566; hendit. Lond. 4to. died 1627. 1556 Epistola prefixa Ephemeridibus Johannis Feldi a 1557, cui rationem declaraveret Ephemerides conscribendi. Propædumata aphoristica; de præstantioribus quibusdam naturæ virtutibus aphorismi. 1558 Trochilica inventa, lib. ii. 1558 Speculum unitatis, sive Apologia pro fratre Rogerio Bacono Anglo; in quo docetur nihil illum per dæmoniorum, fecisse auxilia, sed philosophum fuisse maximum naturaliterque, et modis homini Christiano licitis maximas fecisse res, quas indoctum solet vulgus in dæmoniorum referre facinora. 1557 Brevis et Perspicua Ratio Ivdicandi Genitvras ex Physicis Cavsis, et varia experentia extructa; et ea Methodo tradita vt quiuis facilè, in genere omnium Thematum inditia inde colligere possit : Cypriano Leonitio a Leonicia excellente Mathematico Auctore. Præfixa est Admonitio de vero et licito Astrologiæ, per Hieronymum Wolfium virum in omni humaniore literatura, linguarum artiumq; Mathematicarum cognitione præstantem, in Dialogo conscripta. Adjectus est præterea libellus de præstantioribus quibusdam Naturæ virtutibus. 4to. 1558 1560 De Itinere Subterraneo, lib. ii. Cabbala Hebraicæ Compendiosa tabella. 1562 Reipublicæ Britannicæ Synopsis. In English. De unico Mago et triplice Herode eoque Antichristiano. 1570 Preface Mathematical to the English Euclid; ublished by Sir Henry Billingry, Knt., where he says, many more Arts are wholly invented by name, definition, property, and use, than either the Grecian or Roman Mathematicians have left to our knowledge. 1570 K DEE. Epistola ad eximium ducis Urbini Mathematicum, Fredericum Commandinum præfixa libello Machometi Bagdedini de superficierum divisionibus, edita opera Devi et ejusdem Commandini Urbinatis. Pisauri. 1570 Paralleticæ Commentationis praxeosque nucleus quidam. Lond. 1573 The British Complement of the perfect Art of Navigation; and Navigation of Great Circles, and for Longitudes and Latitudes, and the variation of the Compass finding most easily and speedily; yea, if need be, in one minute of time, and sometimes without sight of sun or moon. 1576 The great Volume of famous and rich discoveries, wherein also is the History of King Solomon every three years; his Ophirian Voyage; the Originals of Presbyter Johannes; and of the first great Cham and his Successors for many years following; the description of divers Wonderful Isles in the Northern, Scythian, Tartarian, and the other most Northern Seas, and near under the North Pole, by record written 1200 years since, with divers other rarities. 1576 General and rare Memorials pertyning to the perfect Arte of Navigation. Annexed to the Paradoxal Compas in playne, now first published; 24 years after ye first Invention thereof. fol. 1577 Triple Almanack for 1591. De Modo Evangelii Jesu Christii publicandi, propagandi, stabiliendique inter Infideles Atlanti cos, volumen magnum, libris distinctum quatuor; quorum primus ad serenissimam nostram potentissimamque reginam Elizabetham inscribitur; secundus ad summos privati suæ sacræ majestatis concilii senatores: tertius ad Hispaniarum regem Philippum quartus ad Pontificem Romanum. A true and faithful Relation of what passed for many years between Dr. John Dee, and some Spirits, tending, had it succeeded, to a general alteration of most States and Kingdoms in the World; his Private Conferences with Rodolph Emperor of Germany, Stephen King of Poland, and divers other Princes, about it; the particulars of his Cause, as it was agitated in the Emperor's Court by the Pope's intervention; his Banishment and Restoration in part; as also the Letters of sundry Great Men and Princes, some whereof were present at some of these Conferences and Apparitions of Spirits to the said Dr. Dee. Out of the original copy written by Dr. Dee's own hand, kept in the Library of Sir Thomas Cotton, Knt. Baronet. fol. 1659 Monas Hieroglyphica ad regem Romanorum Maximilianum. Antw. 1564 A Letter Apologetical, concerning the Course of his Studies. 4to. Divers and many Annotations and Inventions dispersed and added after the tenth Book of English Euclid. De hominis Corpore, Animâ, et Spiritu; sive Microcosmicum totius naturalis philosophiæ compendium. DELANY, PAT., D. D.; Fel. T. C. D., 1709; Chan. Ch. Ch.; Preb. St. Pat.; Dn. Down. A Clergyman of Ireland, of considerable celebrity. Born 1686; died 1768. The Tribune; a Periodical Paper, continued through twenty numbers, begun in 1729 : DENNE. Revelation examined with Candour. fol. 1735 Sermons On Prov. xxv. 4, 5. Lond. 8vo. 1738-On John xiii. 34. Lond. 4to. 1744Thanksgiving, (Ps. cxxii. 6-9). 4to. 1763— Before the Governors of the Magdalene Hospital, (1 Tim. vi. 18, 19). 4to. 1763—Against Transubstantiation. 1766 Reflections upon Polygamy, and the encouragement given to that practice in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. 1738 An Historical Account of the Life and Reign of David, King of Israel. 3 vols. 1740, 1742 A Volume of Sermons upon Social Duties. 1747 A Small Pamphlet, intitled, An Essay towards Evidencing the Divine Origin of Tithes. 1748 A Volume of Sermons, the larger part of them practical. 1754 1755 A Letter to Mr. Swift. The Humanist; a Periodical Paper, carried on through 15 Numbers, begun 1757. A Humble Apology for Christian Orthodoxy. Eighteen Discourses and Dissertations upon various Important Subjects. Lond. 8vo. 1766 DENNE. (Mark xvi. 15). 4to. 1730-At the Consecration of Bishop Herring, (Heb. xiii. 7). 4to. 1738On Ps. Ix. 10-12. 4to. 1740-The Labours of a Christian Minister, together with his Reward. Lond. 4to. 1723-The Wisdom and Goodness of God in the Vegetable Creation. Lond. 8vo. 1733-Lond. 4to. 1736-Before the House of Commons, on the King's Accession. Lond. 4to. 1737-The Religious, Moral, and Civil State of the Country considered. Lond. 4to. 1744Concio ad Clerum Londinensem habita in Eccl. S. Elphegi Maii vii. die A. D. MDCCXLV. Lond. 4to. 1745-God's regard to Man in his Works of Creation and Providence. Lond. 4to. 1747 Articles of Inquiry for a Parochial Visitation. The state of Bromley College in Kent. 1772 A Register of Benefactions to the Parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, Middlesex. 4to. 1777 DENNE, JN., M. A.; Fel. Corp. Ch. Camb. Sermon: At the Election of the Lord Mayor, (1 Tim. ii. 2). 4to. 1753 DENTON, JN., M. A.; Preb. York. Author of some Controversial Pieces. DERHAM, Wм., D. D.; F. R. S.; Can. Wind. A most Eminent Philosopher and Divine. Born 1657; died 1735. The Artificial Clockmaker, or a Treatise of Watch and Clock Works; shewing to the meanest capacities the art of calculating numbers to all sorts of movements, the way to alter clockwork, to make chimes and set them to musical notes, and to calculate and correct the motion of pendulums. Also numbers for divers movements, with the ancient and modern history of Clockwork; and many instruments, tables, and other matters never published before in any other book. 4th edit. with large emendations. 1734 Physico-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from his works of Creation; being the substance of 17 Sermons preached at the Hon. Mr. Boyle's Lectures. Lond. 8vo. 1713, 1714, 1727; 2 vols. 8vo. 1739. 1742, 1745. This work has been often reprinted. A new edition, with additional notes, a translation of the Latin and Greek quotations, and a Life of the Author. Lond. 2 vols. 8vo. 1798; In Italian. Firenze, 1719; In French, Rotterdam, 8vo. 1726; In Belgian, by Abraham Van Loon, M. D. Lugd. Bat. 4to. 1728 Astro-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from a survey of the Heavens; illustrated with plates. Lond. 8vo. 1714, 1715, 1719, 1726. Several editions in Belgian, Lugd. Bat. 4to. 1728; In German, Hamb. 8vo. 1728; In Italian, Naples, 8vo. 1728; In French, 8vo. 1729. Philosophical Letters between the late learned Mr. John Ray and several of his ingenious Correspondents; to which are added, those of Joseph Willoughby, Esq. Lond. 8vo. 1718. Miscellanea Curiosa; being the most valuable Discourses read and delivered to the Royal Society, for the advancement of Physical and Mathematical knowledge; as also a collection of curious travels, voyages, antiquities, and natural DERHAM. histories of countries, presented to the Royal Society. Revised and corrected. 8vo. 1727 The Philosophical Experiments and Observations of the late eminent Dr. Robert Hooke, and other eminent virtuosi in his time. 8vo. 1726 Christo-Theology, or a Demonstration of the Divine Authority of the Christian Religion; being the substance of a Sermon preached at Bath, Nov. 2nd, 1729. 8vo. 1730 A Defence of the Church's Right in Leasehold Estates, in answer to a book called, An Inquiry into the customary Estates and Tenant Rights of those who hold lands of the Church and other foundations, published under the name of Everard Fleetwood, Esq. 8vo. 1731 He published some very learned and curious Notes in Albinus' Natural History of Birds. He corrected and enlarged several editions of Kay's Works, and published Hooke's Philosophical Experiments. On the Height of Mercury in the Barometer at the top and at the bottom of a mountain; on Portable Barometers. Phil. Trans. 1698, Abr. iv. 224 and 231. Account of the Weather for 1699. Id. 483. Account of the Insect called the Dead Watch. Id. 576. Observations on the Weather for several years. Id. 1703, Abr. v. 60. Observations on the late great Storm. Id. 92. Farther Account of the Pediculus Pulsatorius, or Dead Watch. Id. 133. Account of some Magnetical Experiments and Observations. Id. 258, 259. Concerning a Glare of Light observed in the Heavens. Id. 288. 1706 A Pyramidal appearance in the Heavens observed near Upminster, in Essex. Id. 354. 1707 Account of Experiments on the motion and velocity of Sound. Id. 380. On the Migration of Birds. Id. 425. Comparison of the Weather and Rain at Zurich and Upminster. Id. 497. 1709 On the great Frost of the Winter, 1708-9. Id. 533. Account of a Child's crying in the Womb. Id. 539. Dissertation on the same. Id. 539. On Subterraneous Trees in Dagenham and other Marshes. Id. 681. A Pregnant Woman recovering from SmallPox delivered of a Child with Pustules. Id. Abr. vi. 45. 1713 Account of the Rain which falls every year at Upminster, in Essex, for 18 years. Id. Abr. vi. 97. 1714 Account of the Mischiefs ensuing from swallowing the Stones of Bullace and Sloes. Id. 253. Observations on Wasps, and the difference of their sexes. Id. Abr. vii. 16. 1724 Observations on the Lumen Boreale or Streaming. Id. 183. Uncommon Appearances of an Aurora Borealis. Id. 352. On the Meteor called Ignis Fatuus. Id. 374. Account of some remarkable Frosts. Id. 448. Abstract of Meteorological Diaries. Id. 660, 666, 676. 1734 Experiments on the Vibrations of Pendulums. Id. viii. 60. 1736 |