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Several Miscellaneous and Weighty Cases of Conscience, learnedly and judiciously resolved, by the Right Rev. Father in God, Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. by Sir Peter Pett. Lond. 8vo.

Edited 1692

The Genuine Remains of that learned Prelate, Dr. Thomas Barlow, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln, containing divers Discourses, theological, philosophical, historical, &c., in Letters to several persons of honour and quality. Lond. 8vo. 1693 Directions for the Choice of Books in the Study of Divinity. Ox. 4to. 1699

A Letter concerning the Laws, Ecclesiastical and Civil, made against Heretics by Popes, Emperors, and Kings, Provincial and General Councils, approved by the Church of Rome.

Whether the Pope be Antichrist, &c. Letter to Mr. John Tombes, in Defence of Anabaptism, inserted in one of Tombes' books.

A Tract to prove that true Grace doth not lie so much in the Degree as in the Nature. This also is inserted in a book, intitled, Sincerity and Hypocrisy, &c., written by William Sheppard, Esq.

BARLOW, WM., B. D.; Bp. of Roch.; Bp. Lincoln. Died 1613.

Translation of Three Sermons on Famine and Dearth of Victuals, &c., by Lavater, L.


Vita et Obitus ornatissimi celeberrimiq. Viri Richardi Cosin, Legum Doctoris, Decani Curiæ de Arcubis, Cancellarij seu Vicarij generalis Reverendissimi Patris Joannis, Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, &c. Lond. 4to.

1598 Carmina Funebria in ejusdem Venerandi Doctoris triste Fatum, &c. Lond. 4to. 1598

Defence of the Articles of the Protestant Religion against a certain Libel. Lond. 4to. 1601 Authentic Relation of the Famous Conference

between Archbishop Whitgift and the Puritans, held at Hampton Court, Jan. 14, 15, 16, 1603, before King James I. Reprinted in the Phoeniæ, vol. i. 1638 Sermon on Matt. xxi. 22. Lond. 8vo. 1601 Sermon preached at St. Paul's Cross, on Psal. xviii. 50, (the next Sunday after the Gunpowder Plot.) Lond. 4to.


Sermon on Acts xx. 28. Lond. 4to. 1606 Sermon on Luke xvii. 37. Lond. 4to. 1609 Answer to a Nameless Catholic's Censure upon the Apology made by King James for the Oath of Allegiance. Lond. 4to. 1609

BARLOWE, Wм., D. D.; Bp. St. David's ; Bp. Ba. & W.; Preb. West. Died 1568.

A Dialogue, describing the Originall Ground of these Lutheran Factions, and many of their Abuses. Lond. 16mo. 1553

He was one of those Bishops who compiled The Godly and Pious Institution of a Christian Man, called the Bishop's Book. Lond. 1537 Christian Homilies. Cosmography.

The Buriall of the Masse.

In Burnet's History of the Reformation there is his Answers to certain Queries concerning the Abuses of the Masse.


In Edward VIth's Reign he is said to have translated into English The Apocrypha, as far as the Book of Wisdom.

BARLOWE, WM., Preb. Win. and Li.; Archd. Sar. An eminent Mathematician and Divine in the 16th century; died 1625.-Vide Biog. Dict.

A Discourse of the Variation of the Compasse, or Magnetical Needle, wherein is showed the Manner of the Observation, Effects, and Application thereof, made by W. B., with a Preface to the Trauellairs, Seamen, and Mariners of England. Lond. 4to. 1596

The Nauigator's Supply, containing many things of principal importance belonging to Navigation, with the Description and Use of divers Instruments framed for that purpose. 1597

Magnetical Advertisement, or diverse Pertinent Observations and improved Experiments concerning the Nature and Properties of the Loadstone. Lond. 4to. 1616

A Brief Discovery of the Idle Animadversions of Mark Ridley, M. D., upon a Treatise, intitled, Magnetical Advertisement. Lond. 4to. 1618

BARNARD, FRAS., D. D.; Preb. Nor. Funeral of Mrs. Fularton, a Sermon on Psal. xc. 12. 4to. 1735

BARNARD, JN., D. D.; Fel. Lin.; Preb. Lin. A Divine; died 1683.

Censura Cleri, against Scandalous Ministers, not fit to be restored to the Church's Livings, in point of prudence, piety, and fame. 4to. 1660 A Short View of the Prelatical Church of England, with the Anatomy of the Common Prayer. 4to. 1661

Theologo-Historicus, or the True Life of the most Rev. Divine and excellent Historian, Peter

Heylyn, D. D., Subdean of Westminster. To this was added, An Answer to Mr. Baxter's False Accusation of Mr. Heylyn. This work was principally wrote in opposition to George Vernon's Life of that Author. 1683

A Catechism for the use of his Parish.

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Sacred Poems, in Five Books: I. Kooμonoïa,
or the Creation of the World. II. The Fall of
Adam and the Redemption by Christ. III. An
Hymn to the Holy Trinity. IV. A Pastoral
Eclogue upon the Restoration of King Charles
II. and an Essay upon the Royal Exchange.
V. Panegyris, or the Muses, &c.


The Life of Oliver Cromwell, the Tyrant; an
English Poem.

Several Dramatique Pieces, viz. Xerxes, Py-

thias and Damon, Holofernes, &c. in English

and Latin. Also, some Tragedies of Seneca,

translated into English.

Upon the Fire of London and the Plague, a

Latin Poem, in heroic verse.

A Latin Elegy upon the Beheading of St. John

the Baptist.

Αὐλικοκάτοπτρον, sive Estheræ Historia Po-

etica Paraphrasi, idque Græco Carmine, cui
versio Latina opponitur, exornata una cum
Scholiis seu Annotationibus Græcis: in quibus
(ad Sacri Textus dilucidationem) præter alia non
pauca Gentium Orientalium Antiquitates Mores-
que reconditiones proferuntur.

Additur Parodia Homerica de eadem hac His-

toria, accessit Index Rerum ac Verborum copio-

sissimus. Lond. 8vo.



Select Discourses. Lond. 12mo.

The History of that most victorious monarch,
Edw. III. King of England and France, and
Lord of Ireland, and first founder of the most
noble Order of the Garter; being a full and ex-
act account of the Life and Death of the said
King; together with that of his most renowned
son Edward, Prince of Wales and Acquitain,
surnamed the Black Prince; faithfully and care-
fully collected from the best and most ancient
authors, domestic and foreign, printed books,
manuscripts, and records. fol. 1686, 1688

Comm. in Euripidem, cum Vita ejus, et Tract.
de Tragoedia Veterum Græcorum. Cantab. 1694

Sermon preached on St. Matthew's Day, be-

fore the Governors of the London Hospital, on

Matt. ix. 9. 4to.


Notæ, &c. in Anacreontis Carmina. Vita

Anacreontis: Tract de Lyrica Poesi. Cantab.

8vo. 1705. Reprinted, 1721.

Notæ, &c. ad Homerum. Cantab. fol. 1711

BARO, or BARON, PET., D. D.; M. Prof.
Div. Camb. A learned Divine; died about 1600.
Four Sermons on Psal. cxxiii., &c. 8vo. 1560
In Jonam Prophetam Prælectiones xxxix. :
Theses publicæ in Scholis peroratæ et dispu-
tatæ: Conciones tres ad Clerum Cantabrigien-
sem, habitæ in templo B. Mariæ; Precationes
quibus usus est Author in suis prælectionibus
inchoandis et finiendis. Published by Osmund
Lake, at London. fol. 1579. The Theses above
mentioned, two in number, were translated into
English by John Ludham, under the following
titles: first, God's Purpose and Decree taketh
not away the Liberty of Man's corrupt Will.
Second, Our conjunction with Christ is alto-
gether spiritual. Lond. 8vo.

De Fide, ejusque ortu et natura, plana et di-

lucida explicatio, &c. Lond. 8vo.

Summa trium sententiarum de Prædestina-

tione, &c. Hard. 8vo. 1613. This work was

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matician and Divine; Chan. of the Univ. of Camb.; born 1630; died 1677.


Euclidis Elementa. Camb. 8vo. Eadem breviter demonstrata. 8vo. 1659, 1678 The same in English. Lond. 8vo. 1724 Euclidis Data. Camb. 8vo. 1657 Mathematica Lectiones habitæ in Scholis publicis Academiæ Cantabrigiensis, item Lectiones iv. in quibus Theoremata et Problemata Archimedis de Sphæra et Cylindro, methodo analytica, eruuntur; annis, 1664, 1665, 1666, &c. Lond. Lectiones Opticorum Phenominorum xviii. 1674 Lectiones Opticæ et Geometricæ xiii. The same in English; by Edm. Stone. 1735 Archimedis Opera; Apollonii Conicorum libri iv.; Theodosii Sphericorum lib. iii.; Nova methodo illustrata et succincte demonstrata. 1675

Lectio in qua Theoremata Archimedis de Sphera et Cylindro per Methodum Indivisibilium investigata ac breviter demonstrata exhibentur. Ad calcem Euclidis. Lond. 12mo. 1678, 1711 Sermons on several occasions. 8vo. 1678 Sermon against Evil Speaking. 8vo. 1678 A Defence of the Blessed Trinity. 1679, 1697 Lectiones Mathematicæ xxiii. in quibus Principia Matheseos generalia exponuntur, &c.; item Lectiones iv. in quibus Theoremata et Problemata Archimedis de Sphæra et Cylindro, methodo analytica, eruuntur. Lond. 1685, 1704 Sermons on Matt. xvi. 19; on Joel ii. 12. Treatise on the Pope's Supremacy. 4to. 1688 Treatise of Industry. Lond. 8vo. 1693 Exposition of the Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments. Lond. 8vo. 1696, 1697 Twenty-two Sermons, on various subjects, selected from his Works. 8vo.


English, or Theological Works, edited by Dr. Tillotson, 1683-1686; reprinted, Lond. 1716 Also, Isaaci Barrow Opuscula, viz. Determinationes, Conciones ad Clerum, Orationes, Poemata, etc., forming a fourth or last volume of his whole Works. Lond. fol.

His Life. fol.

BARROW, JN., Can. Wind. Visitation Sermon, on Phil. i. 15-18.

1687 1683


BARROW, Wм., LL. D., of Qu. Col. ; Arch. Nott.

Eight Sermons, containing Answers to some popular Objections against the Necessity or the Credibility of the Christian Revelation. 8vo. 1799


Case of Schirrous Bladder, from a singular course. Ib. p. 321.

Account of a Malignant Lues Venerea, communicated by suction. Ib. iii. p. 325.

The good Success of opposite schirrous of a strong mercurial Attractive. Ib. iv. p. 30. Case of Mania, from a callous Pia Mater. Ib. p. 414.

An Account of bloody Urine, from a Worm 1744 in the Bladder. Ib. v. p. 757.

BARTON, HEN., D. D.; Ward. of Mert. Col. Oxford.

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BARWICK, JN., Fel. St. John Col. Camb.; Dn. of Dur. and St. Paul's; Preb. An eminent Divine; born 1612; died 1664.

A Piece against the Covenant. Certain Disquisitions and Considerations representing to the Conscience the unlawfulness of the Oath intitled, a Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. The Insufficiency of the Arguments used in the Exhortation for taking the said Covenants; published by command.

Life of Thomas Morton, Bp. of Durham, and his Funeral Sermon; from 2 Tim. iv. 7, 8. Deceivers deceived; a Sermon at St. Paul's.

BARWICK, PET., Fel. St. John's; born 1619; died 1694.

He drew up, in Latin, with unusual elegance and purity the Life of the Dean, his brother.

BARRY, SIR EDW., Bart., M. D.; Prof. of Published in Latin, under the title of, Vitæ JoPhysic in the Univ. of Dub.; died 1776.

Treatise on Consumption of the Lungs. 1726 A Treatise on Three different Digestions and Discharges of the Human Body, and the Diseases of their principal Organs. Lond. 8vo. 1759 Observations, Historical, Critical, and Medical, on the Wines of the Ancients, and on the Analogy between them and modern Wines, with Observations on the Principles and Qualities of Water, and particularly those of Bath. 4to. 1775 An Ulcer in the Lungs piercing through the Diaphragm into the Liver; Ed. Med. Ess. p. 273.


hannis Barwick, Eubriæ Dunelmensis Duanni, cum Appendice Epistolarum, et de Rebus Britannicis. Lond. 8vo.


And in English with an Account of the Writer. In the Appendix is a Defence of the Icon Basilike.

BASIER, or BASIERE, or BASIRE, IS., D.D.; Preb. Dur.; Archd. Northum. "A learned Divine," born 1607; died 1676.

Deo et Ecclesiæ Sacrum; Sacrilege arraigned and condemned by St. Paul, Rom. ii. 22. 1646 Diatriba de Antiqua Ecclesiæ Britannicæ libertate; translated into English under the title of

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BATE, GEO., M. D.; Clerk New Col. "An Eminent Physician," born 1608; died 1668. The Royal Apology; or, the declaration of the Commons in Parlement. 4to. 1647, 1648

Elenchus Motuum Nuperorum in Anglia, simul ac Juris Regis et Parliamentarii brevis Narratio. Translated into English. Lond. 8vo. 1652 De Rachitide, sive Morbo Puerili, qui vulgo THE RICKETTS, dicitur. 8vo. 1650

Dispensatory in Latin, Pharmacopoeia Bateana, which continued popular for many years from its numerous editions. The same translated into English. 8vo. 1713

BATE, JAS., Fel. St. Jn's., Camb. Born 1703; died 1705.

The Advantages of a National Observance of Divine and Human Laws; Assize Sermon on Deut. iv. 6. 4to. 1734

The Practice of Religion and Virtue, the only sure Foundation of Friendship; Sermon on 2 Kings x. 15. 4to. 1738

Two Sermons on Psal. cxii. 3, 4. 4to. 1742 The Faith and Practice of a Christian, the only true Foundation of Rational Liberty; a Sermon on John viii. 36. 4to. 1740 Human Learning useful to True Religion; a Sermon on Acts vii. 2. 4to. 1740

An Address to his Parishioners on the Rebellion in 1745.

Infidelity scourged, or Christianity Vindicated, against Chubb, &c. 8vo. 1746

An Essay towards a rationale of the literal doctrine of Original Sin; or a Vindication of God's permitting the Fall of Adam, and the subsequent corruption of our human nature. Leading to a brief view and defence of the scheme of redemption, placed in a new light, and built on a rational exposition of the principal parables, and many other important passages of Scripture, that have been hitherto much misunderstood. Occasioned by some of Dr. Middleton's writings. 8vo. 1752, 1766 1752

Sermon on Prov. ii. 3-5. 4to.

BATEMAN, EDм., D. D.; Archd. of Lewis. Sermons-On 1 John iv. 7.-2 Kings iv. 1, 2.-Deut. xxxiii. 18, 19.-Eccles. vii. 16.


BATEMAN, WYNNE, Fel. St. John's, Camb. Sermon on Rom. i. 20, 21. 4to. 1746

BATHURST, HEN., LL. D.; Fel. New Col.; Bp. of Norwich.

A Charge.

A Sketch of the Ecclesiastical Establishment, a Sermon at the Visitation of Archdeacon Yonge. The True Spirit of the Church of England considered, in a Charge.

Christianity and Present Politics, how far reconcileable: in a Letter to Mr. Wilberforce.

BATHURST, RALPH, M. D.; Fel. & Pres. Trin. Ox. "A distinguished wit."

Diatriba Theologica, Philosophicæ et Philologicæ. 1649

BATLEY, SAM., Dn. Wells, declined bishopric. Maximum in Minimo. 8vo.

BATTELL, RAP., M. A.; Sub-Dn. Chap. Roy.; Sub-Alm. to Qu. Anne; Preb. Worcester. "A skilful performer," born 1649; died 1712. Vulgar Errors in Divinity removed.

1683 The Lawfulness and Expediency of Church musick.

BATTELY, Dr. JN., Fel. Trin. Col. Camb. ; Preb. and Arch-Deac. of Cant.; An Antiquarian ; born 1647; died 1708.



Sermon on 1 John v. 4. Lond. fol. Antiquitates Rutupinæ. Ox. 8vo. Antiquitates St. Edmondburgi ad annum 1272. Mr. John Duncombe published a Translation of the above, under the title, The Antiquities of Richborough and Reculver, abridged from the Latin of Mr. Archd. Battely. Lond. 1774 The Original Institution of the Sabbath.

BAYLY, ANS., LL. D.; Min. Can. St. Paul and Westm.; Sub-Dn. of H. M. Chap. Roy. Three Discourses on the Antiquity, Evidence, and Certainty of Christianity. 8vo. 1751 Two Discourses on the Commandments of God, from Psal. cxix. 48. 8vo. 1778

An Introduction to Languages, Literary and Philosophical, especially to the English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew; exhibiting, at one view, their Grammar, Rationale, Analogy, and Idiom. A Practical Treatise on Singing and Playing, with just expression and real elegance. 1771 A Plain and Complete Grammar of the English Language. 8vo. 1772

The Old Testament, English and Hebrew, with Remarks, Critical and Grammatical, on the Hebrew, and Corrections of the English. 1774

A Plain and Complete Grammar of the Hebrew Language, with and without points. 1774

Remarks on David Levi's Second Letter to Dr. Priestley, in answer to those he addressed to the Jews. 8vo. 1787

The Alliance of Music, Poetry, and Oratory.

BAYLY, JN., Fel. Ex. Ox.

The Angel Guardian; a collection of Sermons. Sermons on Psal. xxxiv. 7, and John i. 1.

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Devotions unto a Godly Life. Lond. 8vo. 1618 Soliloquies provoking to True Repentance. Sermon on Heb. x. 39. Lond. 4to. 1618, 1620 Sermon on Matt. vi. 33. Lond. 4to. 1618 Sermon on Romans xiii. 14. Lond. 4to. 1618 Sermon on John iii. 16. Lond. 4to. 1619 Treatise on the Lord's Prayer, and the Six Principles. Lond. 8vo.


Christian Letters to promote the Honour of Godliness. Lond. 8vo. 1619

The Diocesan's Trial, wherein all the Sinews of Dr. Downham's defence are brought into three heads, and dissolved. Lond. 4to. 1621, 1644

A Commentary on the 1st and 2d chapters of St. Paul to the Colossians, with Lectures upon several texts of Scripture. Lond. 4to. 1635

Help to true Happiness, explaining the Fundamentals of the Christian Religion. Lond. 1635 Letters of Consolation, Exhortation, Direction, with a Sermon of the trial of a Christian's Estate. 12mo. 1637

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians. Lond. fol. 1643

BEADON, Rev. RD., D. D.; Bp. B. & W. A Fast Day Sermon. 4to.

A Sermon. 4to.


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BEAULIEU, LUKE DE, B. D.; Preb. of Glo. La Vie de S. Thomas, Archevêque de Canterberry. Paris, 4to. 1674

Take care of Extremes, or useful Cautions against Popery and Presbytery. Lond. 8vo. 1675 The Holy Inquisition, representing the Religion of the Church of Rome. Lond. 8vo. 1681 Assize Sermon, on Rom. xii. 18. 4to. 1784 Sermon on Jude iii. 4to. Discourse, shewing that Protestants are on the safer side, and that their religion is the surest way to Heaven. Lond. 1687


Coronation Sermon on Isa. xlix. 23. 4to. 1702 The Reciprocal Duty between Kings and Subjects; a Sermon on Rom. xiii. 1. 4to. 1706

BEAUMONT, Jos., D. D.; Preb. Ely; Fel. Peter-ho. Camb.; Mast. Jes. Col.; D. Prof. Born 1615; died, 1699.

Psyche, or Love's Mystery, in 24 cantos, displaying the Intercourse between Christ and the Soul. Camb. fol. 1648, 1702

Some Observations upon the Apology of Dr. H. More, for the Mystery of Ungodliness. 1665 Poems in English and Latin; with an Appendix, containing some Dissertations and Remarks on the Epistle to the Colossians. 4to. 1749 To this is prefixed an Account of his Life.

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The Golden Boke of Christen Matrimonye newely set forthe in Englishe. Lond. 8vo. 1542 The True Defence of Peace, whrein is declaredde, the Cause of all Warres nowe a dayes, show they may be pacified. Lond. 8vo. 1543, 1544 An Inwective agenst ye moste wicked and detestable Vice of Swearing. Lond. 8vo. 1543 David's Harpe ful of moost delectable armony newley strynged, and set in Tune. Lond. 1543 Solace of the Soule. Lond. 8vo.



The Physicke of the Soule, wherein thou shalt finde many Godly emplastures and comfortable salues agaynst al Spiritual Diseases, very neces

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