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[Fol. ccvii, b.]

fo. xlvi.b. 1. xvi. reulmen superfluous. fo. lxiv. b. 1. ii. thir for thair. fo. eodem b. 1. xviii. syne for signe. fo. lxv. a. 1. xvi. thir for thair. fo. lxvii. a. 1. xi. Paule for James. fo. lxix. a. l. ii. qui for que. fo. eodem. a. 1. xxii. eftir this word auld, eik aige. fo. eodem. a. 1. xxiv. Se for or. fo. eodem. b. 1. xix. fors for feyrs. fo. lxx. a. 1. i. eftir this ane, eik evil. fo. xciii. a. 1. xx. be handis, for be the handis. fo. eodem. b. 1. xxvi. justicati for justificati. Albeit that ten lefis ar wrang cotit, that is to say, fra xcx. to c. yit follow thame because thai can nocht be correckit. fo. xcxiii. a. 1. viii. dangaris for dangeris. fo. eodem. b. 1. i. thir four wordis ar superfluous, writtin, in, his, hart. fo. xcxviii. b. 1. i. houshald for citie. fo. ciii. a. 1. v. nakit for nalit. fo. cvi.a. l. vi. obdient for obedient. fo. eodem. a. 1. xviii. obdiens for obediens. fo. cxviii. a. l. i. the evangil, for the same evangil. fo. eodem. b. 1. ii. quick is membris for quick membris. fo. cxix.b. l. ii. tyrdnes for tyritnes. fo. clxix. a. 1. viii. myd for mynd. fo. clxxiii. b. 1. xvi. fo for for. fo. clxxiv.a. 1. xi. or for thair. fo. clxxxvi.a. l. v. damna for damnatioun. fo. clii. a. 1. ix. eftir this word your, eik: hart and nocht your. fo. cliv. b. l. iv. that is say, for that is to say. fo. clxxxviii. a. 1. xxviii. coast for craft. All uthir faultis, other committit be negligens as thir afore colleckit, or be imperfection of the prent, the lettir nocht beand fullily fillit with ynk or nocht set in evin and rycht order, ane gentil reider may esely persaif, and thairfor suld reid thame as weil as he can in the best maner.


Prentit at sanct Androus be the command and expensis of the maist reverend father in God Johne Archbischop of sanct Androus, and primat of the hail kirk of Scotland, the xxix. day of August the yeir of

our Lord MDLII.


The following abbreviations are used: adj. adjective; adv. adverb; conj. conjunction; Lat. Latin; pl. plural; pp. past participle; prep. preposition; pret. preterite; v. verb; v.a. verb active; v. n. neuter verb; 8. substantive.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Apon, upon, 20.

Jewes wold a stoned him' (Maunde

ville), in Murray's Dictionary.

Abilnes, ability, 214.

[blocks in formation]

Apperandly, apparently, 4.

Apperis, appears, 5.

Appeirand, apparent, 212.

Appreif, prove, 285.

Apprevit, approved, 46.

Artikillis, articles, 13, 138.

Ascendant, ascending, 46.

Ascrivand, ascribing, 63; Ascrivit, ascribed, 146.

Asse, ashes, 154, 250.

Assoilye, absolve, pronounce absolution, 214, 218.

At, of, from; 'ask at,' 243; with, 272. Attouir, Attour, moreover, besides, 50, 55

Attribut, attributed, 146.

Aucht, eighth, 11, 107.

Aucht, v. owe, 4; ought, should, 225.

See Aw.

Aucht, v. owned, possessed. 24.

Auctoriteis, authorities, 62.

Auld, old, 5, 109.

Auncient, ancient, 286.

Avantis, v. vaunts, boasts, 63.
Avisement, advice, counsel, 62.

Aw, owe, 8, 9; Awand, owing, 81.
Aw, ought, 252.

Awance, s. advance, 252.
Awin, adj. own, 252, 260.
Awner, owner, 100.
Ayre, air, 91.

Baige, badge, token, 197.

Baith, Bayth, both, 21, 157.

Baldnes, boldness, presumption, 86,


Balyeis, baillies, magistrates, 81.

Band, bond, 211.

Banissit, banished, 139.

Bankit, banquet, 102.

Bannis, v. curses, 63; Banning, curs

ing, profane swearing, 63, 86.

[blocks in formation]

Barne, child, 41, 90; Barnis, children, 128.

Barnis, barns, granaries, 132.

Barrat, barren, 277. Perhaps a misprint for Barran. In the 'Complaynt of Scotland' spelt Baran and Bar


[blocks in formation]

Betuix, betwixt, 75.

Big, Byg, v. build, 285, 286; Biggit,

built, 285, 288.

Birstit, burst, 102.

Bischoippis, bishops, 1.

Blasphematioun, blasphemy, 284. Blawin, blown, kindled; blawin fyre,' 286.

Blekkis, v. blackens, stains, 122, 139; Bleckit, pp. 120, 122.

Blisse, bless, 75; Blissit, blessed, 13. Blud, blood, 3.

Blyth, glad, joyous, 282.

Blythly, gladly, 104.

Bocht, bought, 95.

Bond, pp. bound, 88.

Bony, beautiful, 53.

Borde, board, 238.

Bordouris, s. borders, 35.

Borrowis, 8. sureties, pledges, 190. Bostis, v. threatens, 28; Bostit, threat

ened, 32.

Bosum, bosom, 105: Bosumes, pl. 281.
Bot, only, 99; but, 6; without, 65;
except, 252; besides, 69.
Bot gif, unless, 172.

Boundmaidin, handmaid (translation

of ancilla), 273. Bowat, hand lantern, 121.

Braid, broad, 121.

Brance, s. branch, 82.

Brassin, brazen, 52.

Breid, bread, 18.

Breik, Brek, v. break, 30, 260.
Brekand, breaking, 148.
Brekaris, breakers, transgressors, 32.
Brether, brethren, 251.
Brontstane, brimstone, 92.
Brount, burnt, 24.

Brukil, Brukkil, brittle, fragile, 54; morally weak, 186.

Brydil, 8. bridle, 108; Brydillis, pl. 107.

Buddis, s. bribes, 97.

Buir, v. pret. bore, 276.

Buird, table, altar, 'buird of God,' 212;
board, plank, 'buird of Baptyme,' 217.
Buke, book, 6; 'Prayar bukis,' 215.
Bund, pp. bound, 263, 289.
Burding, 8. burden, 225.
Bureit, buried, 150.

Buskit, attired, decked, 171.

But, prep. without, 29, 182, 188. See

By, v. buy, 99; Byis buys, ib.
By, prep. besides, in addition to, 6, 69;
contrary to, in opposition to, by the
will,' by the command,' 87, 115, 164,


Bydis, v. bides, 32.

Bygane, By gane, bygone, 224, 286.
Byg. See Big.

Byggare, builder, 28.

Byis. See By.

Byrding, 8. burden, 68.
Byrdis, birds, 49.
Byrnand, burning, 128.
Bytis, v. bites, 159.

[blocks in formation]

Chengeis, v. changes, 97.
Chenyeis, 8. chains, 33, 159.
Cheptour, chapter, 28.
Cheris, cherish, 91.

Cherite, charity, 76, 77.

Chosit. See Cheis.

Childer, Chyldreing, children, 43, 96. Chirurginaris, Chirurgeraris, Chirurgeanis, surgeons, II, 100, 103. Christin, Christian, 7.

Cietesene, citizen, 226.

Cietie, city, 258.

Cirurginar, surgeon, 220.

Claith, a cloth, 192; Clayth, cloth, 134. Claith, Clayis, Clayth, Cleyth, s. clothes, clothing, 63, 81, 218, 262. Cled, clad, clothed, 17, 175; united,

24, 25.

Cleif, cleave, 212.

Cleirkis, clerks, scholars, 280.
Cleithing, s. clothes, clothing, 135.
Clemens, clemency, 275.

Clenge, cleanse, 149; exculpate, absolve, 98; Clengit, pp. 216.

Clerlie, clearly, 23.

Cleyne, clean, pure, 262.

Clippis, v. shears, 155.

Clois, v. close, 268.

Clymmis, v. climbs, 118.

Coackit, forced, constrained, 90. Lat. coactus.

Colleckit, collected, 289.
Collure, s. colour, 197.

Come, pret. came, 148, 217, 270.
Compaciens, compassion, 56.
Compt, s. account, 81, 166.

Comptit, accounted, reckoned, 75, 97.
Concord, v. accord, agree, 4.

Confeckit, made up, confected, 195.
Conferme, confirm, 149.
Conforme, conformable, 100.

Conquest, pret. (from Conques or Con

quace), acquired, purchased, 177, 245.

Consaiffis, conceives, 115.
Consave, conceive, 277.

Consumat, pp. consummated, 278.
Contenit, contained, 284.
Contrack, 8. contract, 19.

Contrackis, v. contracts, 115; Contrackit, pp. 286.

Conveine, convene, come together, 179.
Copulat, united, 280.
Correckit, corrected, 224.
Corrup, v. corrupt, 91.

Corse, body; 'ded corse,' 281.

Corupit, adj. corrupt, 263.
Cotit, pp. cut, 291.
Cottaris, cotters, 98.

Coungeir, v. conjure, 63.

Counsale, s. council, 1, 5.
Counsale, s. counsel, 1, 230.

Count, s. account, reckoning, 214.
Countand, v. counting, 291.
Countrei, pl. countries, 192.
Counye, Cownye, s. coin, 10, 98.
Coupe, s. cup, 211.

Coupil, 8. union, 235; couple, 236. Coupil, v. couple, unite, 236; Couplit, pp. 236.

Cowattis, v. covets, 115. Cowngerar, conjurer, 50.

Crabbit, v. made angry, provoked, 'crabbit and offended God,' 220. Crabit, adj. angry, 85.

Crabitnes, 8. anger, 9, 79; 'halie crabitnes,' 85.

Creat, pp. created, 137, 169.
Crewel, cruel, 228.

Crewelnes, cruelty, 267.

Crisyme, Crisme, chrism, 17, 196.
Crybbe, crib, 147.

Cryit, cried, 274.

Cuir, Cure, s. care, 132, 272.
Cuist, v. pret. cast, 92.

Cum, Cummis, v. come, comes, 255, 13;
Cumand, coming, 122; Be cummin,
become, 172; Cum to(adveniat), "Thy
kingdom cum to,' 255.
Cumlie, comely, 33.

Cummer, vexation, annoyance, 108, 117.

Cummersum, troublesome, 82.

Cundittis, conduits, channels, 178, 231. Cunnand, 8. covenant, 185.

Cunning, Cunnyng, knowledge, wit, 138, 125.

Cuntre, country, 75; Cuntremen, 74. Cupplit, coupled, 205.

Curattis, curates, 3, 289.

Cure, v. care, be anxious, 74. See Cuir.

Curs, v. excommunicate, 19, 234.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Drachonis, dragons, 109.

Dreddour, Dredour, s. dread, fear, 39, 80.

Dreggis, dregs, 223.

Drift, s. drove (of oxen), 32.
Drive, v. delay, defer, 162.

Drogaris, Droggaris, drugs, 11, 101.
Drounkart, drunkard, 151.
Drounkin, drunk, intoxicated, 91.
Dullis, r. makes dull, stupefies, 6.
Dumis day, doomsday, 257.
Dung. See Dong.
Dure, door, 268.

Dwelland, p. pres. dwelling, 53.
Dysing, playing with dice, 68.
Dyspleis, displease, 100.

Eandit, v. pret.(Eand, Aynde, or Ainde, to breathe), breathed upon, 194.

Earar, adv. rather, 30, 245.
Edick, edict, 147.

Ee, eye, 11, 113.

Effeck, s. effect, 120.

Effectuous, effective, 229; Effectuously, effectively, 73.

Efter, Eftir, after, 3, 53.

Efterwart, afterwards, 46, 208.
Eftirhend, Eftir hend, adv. after-
wards, 23, 244; prep. after, 32, 87.
Eglis, eagles, 109.

Eik, add, 144; Eikit, added, 64.
Eil, eel, 118.

Eild, 8. old age, 81.

Eine, Eyne, Eyene, s. eyes, 97, 54,

[blocks in formation]

Ereckit, erected, 52.

Eris, ears, 94.

Ernys, ospreys; 'ernys and eglis,' 109. Eschaip, v. escape, 25, 168; Eschapit, escaped, 155.

Eschamit, ashamed, 234.

Esie, easy, 5; Esely, easily, 6, 285.
Eting. See Eite.

Evangil, gospel, 289; Evangels, gospels, 6.

Everilk, Evere ilk, every, 7, 80.
Evil, adv. badly, 286.

Evin, straight; ane evin up wal,' 28.
Ewil, adj. evil, 4.

Exempil, example, 15.

Exemplaire, exemplary, 234.

Exerce, v. exercise, practise, 267; Exercit, pp. 56.

Exercitioun, s. exercise, 117.
Exhibet, exhibited, 4.

Exprement, expressing, 239; Expremit, expressed, 145, 229.

Eyndland, Eyndlande, p. pres. (from eyndill, to suspect), jealous, 57, 58. Eyne. See Eine.

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