The Population History of England 1541-1871Cambridge University Press, 1989 M10 12 - 779 pages This was the first paperback edition of a classic work of recent English historiography, first published in 1981. In analysing the population of a country over several centuries, the authors qualify, confirm or overturn traditional assumptions and marshal a mass of statistical material into a series of clear, lucid arguments about past patterns of demographic behaviour and their relationship to economic trends. The Population History of England presents basic demographic statistics - monthly totals of births, deaths and marriages - and uses them in conjunction with new methods of analysis to determine population size, gross production rates, expectation of life at birth, age structure and net migration totals. The results make it possible to construct a new model of the interplay of economic and demographic variables in England before and during the industrial picture of English population trends between 1541 and 1871 is a remarkable achievement and in a short preface, the authors consider the debate engendered by the book, the impact of which has been felt far beyond the traditional disciplinary confines of historical demography. |
I | 1 |
II | 5 |
III | 7 |
IV | 8 |
V | 9 |
VI | 10 |
VII | 13 |
VIII | 15 |
LXXI | 336 |
LXXII | 340 |
LXXIII | 342 |
LXXIV | 344 |
LXXV | 348 |
LXXVI | 353 |
LXXVII | 356 |
LXXX | 357 |
IX | 16 |
X | 18 |
XI | 19 |
XII | 23 |
XIII | 30 |
XIV | 33 |
XVI | 37 |
XVII | 45 |
XVIII | 56 |
XIX | 62 |
XX | 66 |
XXII | 71 |
XXIII | 77 |
XXIV | 83 |
XXV | 89 |
XXVI | 92 |
XXVII | 96 |
XXVIII | 97 |
XXIX | 103 |
XXX | 104 |
XXXI | 113 |
XXXII | 118 |
XXXIII | 120 |
XXXIV | 122 |
XXXV | 126 |
XXXVI | 130 |
XXXVII | 136 |
XXXVIII | 139 |
XXXIX | 142 |
XL | 152 |
XLI | 155 |
XLII | 157 |
XLIII | 160 |
XLIV | 162 |
XLV | 166 |
XLVI | 170 |
XLVII | 174 |
XLVIII | 179 |
XLIX | 192 |
L | 193 |
LI | 195 |
LII | 199 |
LIII | 207 |
LIV | 215 |
LV | 219 |
LVI | 228 |
LVII | 236 |
LVIII | 248 |
LIX | 257 |
LX | 265 |
LXI | 269 |
LXII | 277 |
LXIII | 285 |
LXIV | 286 |
LXV | 305 |
LXVI | 309 |
LXVII | 310 |
LXVIII | 313 |
LXIX | 320 |
LXX | 332 |
LXXXI | 359 |
LXXXII | 363 |
LXXXIII | 366 |
LXXXIV | 368 |
LXXXV | 373 |
LXXXVI | 377 |
LXXXVII | 384 |
LXXXVIII | 398 |
LXXXIX | 402 |
XCI | 412 |
XCII | 417 |
XCIII | 421 |
XCIV | 430 |
XCV | 435 |
XCVI | 438 |
XCVII | 443 |
XCVIII | 450 |
XCIX | 454 |
CI | 457 |
CII | 466 |
CIII | 480 |
CIV | 483 |
CV | 485 |
CVI | 493 |
CVII | 527 |
CVIII | 536 |
CIX | 563 |
CX | 588 |
CXI | 597 |
CXII | 624 |
CXIII | 629 |
CXIV | 631 |
CXV | 638 |
CXVI | 645 |
CXVII | 649 |
CXVIII | 657 |
CXIX | 659 |
CXX | 664 |
CXXI | 667 |
CXXII | 670 |
CXXIII | 685 |
CXXIV | 694 |
CXXV | 695 |
CXXVI | 697 |
CXXVII | 698 |
CXXVIII | 699 |
CXXIX | 700 |
CXXXI | 701 |
CXXXII | 703 |
CXXXIII | 705 |
CXXXIV | 707 |
CXXXV | 708 |
CXXXVI | 715 |
CXXXVII | 730 |
CXXXVIII | 733 |
CXXXIX | 736 |
CXL | 739 |
CXLI | 741 |
759 | |
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Common terms and phrases
404 parishes age group age structure aggregative parishes Anglican assumption back projection baptisms and burials birth cohort birth rate births and deaths bubonic plague calculated census census totals cent changes coefficients column compared correction crises crisis mortality crude crude death rate death rate death totals decades demographic distribution economic effect eighteenth century emigration England and Wales England less Monmouth English estimates example female fertility and mortality figure fluctuations growth rates illegitimacy inflation ratio London main run marriage age Marriage Duty Act marriage rate months movements moving average national totals natural increase nonconformity number of events nuptiality obtained parish register pattern peak percentage period population growth population totals pre-industrial proportion quinquennial real wages real-wage reconstitution recorded relationship returns Rickman rise seasonal seventeenth century Source tabulations temperature totals of baptisms totals of births totals of events trend trimean under-registration variables variation vital rates