A Perfect MatchXulon Press, 2004 - 216 pages Veronica gave away the daughter she conceived when she was raped while in college. Now she must fight to save another daughter from a terminal illness. |
Section 1 | 5 |
Section 2 | 25 |
Section 3 | 39 |
Section 4 | 51 |
Section 5 | 67 |
Section 6 | 79 |
Section 7 | 97 |
Section 8 | 109 |
Section 13 | 153 |
Section 14 | 155 |
Section 15 | 173 |
Section 16 | 181 |
Section 17 | 183 |
Section 18 | 189 |
Section 19 | 197 |
Section 20 | 199 |
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Common terms and phrases
able Adams adoption afternoon Alvin Smith arrived Asheville attend Aunt Janet baby girl Barbara bassinette birth mother Bishop Brandon and Brittany Charles chickenpox Christmas church daddy daugh daughter David dear Debbie decided Deneka Desiree dialysis dinner doctor donor dorm excited FAMU father feel felt finished gave glad Glisson godparents going happy hospital James and Virginia Janelle Johnson Jennifer Jesus Joseph and Martha kidney letter looked Lord Marcus and Veronica Martha and Joseph match Mommy Monica months morning morning sickness nephrology Netanya night North Carolina nurse okay picked planned pray prayer pregnant returned Reverend Jefferson roommate Saturday scheduled sinner's prayer sister sleepover soon spend Spring Break stay strep throat Sunday sure surgery talk Tallahassee Taylor tell Thank Thanksgiving Veronica asked Veronica called Veronica thought Veronica told waiting wedding week weekend wife