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We believe that the portrait and life of Professor Munroe Smith, contained in this number, will be of special interest to the students of the Law School, owing to the fact that his lectures in the School of Political Science are closely connected with the work in law and to the fact that a large percentage of the students have attended some, at least, of his courses. Professor Smith has always been a most popular and valued instructor, and we are glad of this opportunity to present to the students his portrait and the record of his life.

School, is a member of the class of '88, of Harvard College (Academic), and of the class of '91, of the Law School. Though barely two years in active practice, he is a member of the large law firm in this city of Gould, Hilkie & Garrison. He is a nephew of the Garrison of abolitionist fame. Mr. Garrison is well-known as a writer. He has published a volume of verses, and is a contributor to some of the leading magazines.

Our leading article in the present number is on "The Chinese Question," by Professor Moore, Professor of Diplomacy and International Law in this college. We know of no one so eminently fitted to treat this vital question as Professor Moore. As Third Assistant Secretary of State under Bayard, he was recognized as the International lawyer of the Department. His training and large abilities make him a distinct authority in this field, and on all subjects connected with diplomacy. The article is a survey of the treaties and legislation relating to the immigration of the Chinese. This uncolored record brings out more forcibly than any hot words could do, the injustice the United States has done to China, the breaches of national faith it has committed and the disgraceful character of our legislation.

Mr. Lloyd McKim Garrison, who writes interestingly on the methods of legal instruction in the Harvard Law





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