Columbia Law Times: A Monthly Review Devoted to Law and Political Science, Volume 6Dennis, 1893 |
From inside the book
Page 11
... labor . In this second sub - class of criminals whose improbity is congenital , or has become instinctive by habit , and who at the same time are , by the gravity or number of their crimes , a pressing danger to society , it is ...
... labor . In this second sub - class of criminals whose improbity is congenital , or has become instinctive by habit , and who at the same time are , by the gravity or number of their crimes , a pressing danger to society , it is ...
Page 12
... labor , as has been attempted in Italy , and is a grave error . Among many passing beyond adolescence there is a large number of novices at theft , who have been brought to crime by idleness , ignorance of a trade , abandonment , spirit ...
... labor , as has been attempted in Italy , and is a grave error . Among many passing beyond adolescence there is a large number of novices at theft , who have been brought to crime by idleness , ignorance of a trade , abandonment , spirit ...
Page 13
... labor . If , in spite of his efforts , he is unable to gain a sufficient sum , after a certain number of years , according to his age or his good - will , this constraint can be fixed to ten or fifteen years ; but this term should be ...
... labor . If , in spite of his efforts , he is unable to gain a sufficient sum , after a certain number of years , according to his age or his good - will , this constraint can be fixed to ten or fifteen years ; but this term should be ...
Page 27
... labor under the same system of taxation . CALMIRE . By Anon . London and New York : MacMillan & Co. , 1892 . The writer of this book , whoever it may be , must be a man . respects the book is fashioned after " Robert Elsmere " and " In ...
... labor under the same system of taxation . CALMIRE . By Anon . London and New York : MacMillan & Co. , 1892 . The writer of this book , whoever it may be , must be a man . respects the book is fashioned after " Robert Elsmere " and " In ...
Page 43
... labor and the close thought incident to acquiring an intimate knowledge of the stores of legal learning in " classics one hundred years behind the times ? " Consider such men as Alexander Hamilton , Chief Justice Marshall , Thomas ...
... labor and the close thought incident to acquiring an intimate knowledge of the stores of legal learning in " classics one hundred years behind the times ? " Consider such men as Alexander Hamilton , Chief Justice Marshall , Thomas ...
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Common terms and phrases
acceptance action apply AUSTIN ABBOTT authority Blackstone China Chinese City civilization client Columbia College COLUMBIA LAW Columbia Law School common law Congress Constitutional contingent contract corporation course Court of Appeals crime criminal Dartmouth College Decided decision defendant electric enforce entitled Equity evidence fact give GORDON Dilworth heirs held instruction interest Irving Browne issue John Judge judgment jurisdiction Jurisprudence jury justice labor land Law Journal Law School lawyer lectures legislation liability magazine Medical Medico-Legal ment method MUNROE SMITH N. Y. Court opinion party payment person plaintiff Political Science practice present principles Prof profession Professor published question railway surgeon reason remainder Review rule statute Statute of Frauds stockholders student Supreme Court Tiedeman TIFFANY & CO tion treaty trust United University vested volume Yale Yale Law School York
Popular passages
Page 184 - Chinese subjects visiting or residing in the United States shall enjoy the same privileges, immunities, and exemptions in respect to travel or residence as may be enjoyed by the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation...
Page 57 - In any case in which the constitutionality of any law of the United States, or the validity or construction of any treaty made under its authority, is drawn in question. In any case in which the constitution or law of a State is claimed to be in contravention of the Constitution of the United States.
Page 57 - ... from the district courts or from the existing circuit courts direct to the Supreme Court either by the United States or by the defendants. Sec. 19. That whenever the navigation of any river, lake, harbor, sound, bay, canal, or other navigable waters of the United States...
Page 199 - Pacific Ocean," as used in the Treaty of 1825 between Great Britain and Russia; and what rights, if any, in the Behring's Sea were held and exclusively exercised by Russia after said Treaty?
Page 94 - A future estate is an estate limited to commence in possession at a future day, either without the intervention of a precedent estate or on the determination, by lapse of time or otherwise, of a precedent estate created at the same time.
Page 183 - The United States of America and the Emperor of China cordially recognize the inherent and inalienable right of man to change his home and allegiance, and also the mutual advantage of the free migration and emigration of their citizens and subjects, respectively, from the one country to the other, for purposes of curiosity, of trade, or as permanent residents.
Page 94 - A future estate Is either vested or contingent. It is vested, when there is a person in being, who would have an immediate right to the possession of the property, on the determination of all the intermediate or precedent estates. It is contingent while the person to whom or the event on which It is limited to take effect remains uncertain.
Page 184 - Citizens of the United States shall enjoy all the privileges of the public educational institutions under the control of the government of China; and, reciprocally, Chinese subjects shall enjoy all the privileges of the public educational institutions under the control of the government of the United States, which are enjoyed in the respective countries by the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation.
Page 59 - I2mo, cloth, gilt top $1.50 A romance of the convulsive period of the struggle between the French and English for the possession of North America. The story is one of pure love and heroic adventure, and deals with that fiery fringe of conflict that waved between Nova Scotia and New England.
Page 113 - Whene'er you speak, remember every cause Stands not on eloquence, but stands on laws ; Pregnant in matter, in expression brief, Let every sentence stand with bold relief; On trifling points nor time nor talents waste, A sad...