Racking of wine or beer, i. 119. Rain in Egypt scarce, i. 170, the cause thereof, ib. several prognostics of rain, 178. Rainbow, the sweetness of its odour, i. 178. Raleigh, Sir Walter, a design to murder him by Sir Christopher Blunt, i. 416, compared the ladies of the queen's bed-chamber to witches, which have power to do hurt, but no good, 313, retort upon, 316, resentment against him by the Spanish ambassador, ii. 206, letter from the lord chancellor to the king, concerning the manner of proceeding against him, 207, declaration of his demeanour and carriage, 208. Rams' skins good to be applied to wounds, i. 158. Rates, they should be easy to the undertakers for planting Ravenstein, lord, rebels against Maximilian, i. 752, 758, Realm, the state of it how many ways endangered, and what punishments are due thereupon, i. 675. Rebel and enemy distinguished, i. 465. Rebellion, how punishable, i. 675, several raised in Ireland by the king of Spain, 392, in the north, to what it was owing, ib. how a subject may be guilty of it by taking up arms, 421, what consequences the law draws from it, 421, 422. Receipts how to be managed after the union of England and Scotland, i. 458. Receptacle for converts to the reformed religion, recommended, i. 496. Recoveries, what they are, i. 583, they bar entails, &c. ib. other effects thereof, ib. methods of proceeding therein, ib. why first introduced, ib. Recusants, how to be punished, i. 674, magistrates, who are so, how to be dealt with in Ireland, ii. 84. Red within, some few fruits, i. 141. Red juice in plants, i. 154. Reed or cane, a watery plant, i. 155. Referees, the meaning of that word, ii. 229, note †. References in chancery, when they may be made, i. 719. Referendaries, i. 301. Refining of metals insufficient, i. 182, how to multiply the heat, or open the body in refining, i. 244. Reflexion of sounds, i. 113, not to be guided like the reflexion of species visible, ib. Reformation of religion under queen Elizabeth, i. 381, the benefits thereof, ib. Refraction causeth the species visible to appear bigger, i. 170, other observations about refractions, ib. Registers in chancery, their office, and orders relating to it, i. 718. Relief, a sum of 51. so called, to be paid by every tenant by knight's service to his lord, i. 579, of tenant in socage, what, ib. Religion, unity in it, i. 262, the chief band of society, ib. Lucretius's exclamation against it, 263, the best reason of state, 308, of our church commended, 510. Religion, how careful king James was of it, i. 713, the care of it recommended to the judges of the circuits, ib. our author disapproves of the exercise of divers religions, 382, every man's conscience should be let alone in the quiet belief of his own, ib. concerning the disputes about it in England, ib. two rules of proceeding with men in religious matters, where conscience is pleaded, 387, concerning the propagation thereof, 496, not to be scoffed at, 344. Religious sects, 307. Remitter, what the law means thereby, i. 557, several cases of it explained, ib. Rents, case thereof considered, i. 610, concerning the execution of them, ib. Re-ordination of priests maintained by some, i. 347. Repletion hindereth generation, i. 133, and stature, 143. Reproofs from authority should not be taunting, i. 269. Resemblances between the species of plants, i. 157, and likewise among animals, ib. Respiration of the world, what, according to Apollonius, i. 190. Rest causeth putrefaction, i. 123. Revelation of God's will by the Scriptures, i. 338, how made before them, 339. Revenge, wild justice, and ought to be weeded, i. 264, 332. Revenge, i. 264, puts the law out of office, ib. can only take place where there is no law to remedy, ib. public revenges most fortunate, ib. mischiefs of allowing private revenge, 679. Revenue of the king, how to be managed and advanced, i. 715, ii. 113. Revenues, sundry sorts of royal revenues, i. 588, of the crown ought to be preserved, 520. Reverence of one's self, a bridle of vice, i. 211. Reversions cannot be granted by word, i. 582. See Atturnment, Reverter. Reverter, its meaning stated in the statute of uses, i. 608. Review, bill of, in what cases to be admitted, or not, i. 716. Revocation of uses, Sir John Stanhope's case relating thereto discussed, i, 627. Rheums, how caused, i. 88, preservative against, 250. Rhubarb contains parts of contrary operations, i. 84, 97. Rhubarb infused for a short time best, 84, repeated, may be as strong as scammony, ib. a benedict medicine, ib. caution in the taking thereof, 88, its virtue, ib. Rice, a nourishing meat, i. 90, the general food in Richard II. his deposition, i. 312. ib. attainted after his death, 735. Richardson excuses himself from being speaker, i. 499. Riches, wherein they resemble muck, i. 321. Riches, the baggage of virtue, i. 289, have sold more men than they have bought out, ib. unjust means of acquiring them, 290, little riches more hard to be got than great, ib. Riding, good for the head, i. 301. Right side and left, senses alike strong on both sides, limbs strongest on the right, i. 186, the cause of each, ib. Rights are of two sorts, i. 598, according to the civilians, of three sorts, 599, when two meet in one person there is no confusion of them, but they remain in law distinct, 658, how this last rule is limited, ib. Riots and violent assaults how to be punished, i. 676. Rocks, springs chiefly generated there, i. 86. Romans, how they esteemed a goose's liver, i. 89, their i. 274. Rome, Virgil's prediction concerning the mixture of Trojans and Italians therein, i. 451, its union with the Sabines, ib. free in its naturalizations, ib. causes of its growth, ib. | Sap assisted by leaving top-boughs in polling, i. 135. Sap esteemed a valiant nation, 681, duels not used amongst them, ib. the emperors thereof used in their titles the additions of nations they had conquered, 447. Romulus, his legacy to the Romans, i. 286. Rooms built for health, i. 194. Roos, William lord, ii. 170, 177. Roos, lady, personates Luke Hutton, ii. 218. Roots, advantages of digging and loosening the earth about them, i. 132, 133. Roots of fruit trees multiplied, i. 133. Root made larger Roots potted, grow winter, ib. Roots, by putting panicum about it, 134. greater, 137. Roots preserved all bulbous, fibrous, and hirsute, 151. descend deep, 155, others that spread more, ib. the cause of each, ib. Rosa solis, the herb, i. 139. Roots of trees that Roses damask, how conserved, i. 126, 132, how to make them late and sweet, 132, 133, and come twice a year, 147. of trees, 155, the differing nature thereof in several trees, ib. "Sapientia Veterum" quoted, i. 97. Satiety, or cloying in meats, i. 118. Savage, Sir John, slain riding about the walls of Boloign, i. 760. Savages, how treated, i. 289. Saville, Sir Henry, some account of him, ii. 45 note †, his judgment of poets, i. 322. Savoy, the state thereof considered, i. 382. Scales growing to the teeth as hard as the teeth, i. 96, of Sunism more scandalous than corruption of manners, i. 332, how to be punished, 674. Schoolmen compared to the fictions of astronomy, i. 274, 320, useful, 301. Rotten apples putrify sound ones, i. 122. Schools of learning to be cherished, i. 511. Rubbing. See Friction. Scipio Africanus, his declension, i. 296. Rue improved, i. 138. Rue helpeth the fig-tree, ib. Scire facias, a writ, in what cases not to be awarded, i. 721. manner in digesting them, i. 546. Scoffing at holy matters, one cause of atheism, i. 274. Russian monks, their prodigious patience, i. 293. Rust of metals, i. 122, 245. Scotland, account of the parliament held there in 1616, ii. 189. i. 429. Scriptures are from God and contain his will, i. 339, are not to be altered, ib. Rutland, his examination in relation to Essex's treason, Scribonianus, his conspiracy against Claudius, i. 326. Rutland, Frances, countess of, ii. 187 note §. S SABELLIAN heresy, the occasion of its rise, i. 346. Sackville, Sir Edward, named to be chairman of the committee of the house of commons, for inquiring into the abuses of the courts of justice, ii. 331 note †, zealous for lord viscount St. Alban, 238, 242, 244, his letter to lord St. Alban, 245. Sacred, why attributed to kings, and never to senates, &c. i. 653. Sailors, their device to get fresh water, from exposing fleeces of wool, i. 94. St. John, Mr. charge against him, i. 689, he slanders and abuses the king, lords, parliament, &c. of England, in some papers, 691. St. John, Sir Oliver, lord deputy of Ireland, ii. 186 note , note 204 §. Salamander, the causes why it endureth the fire, if true, i. 184. Salamander's wool, i. 172. Sale, a property gained thereby when dishonest, i. 586, how it may bar the right of the owner, ib. what markets it must be made in, ib. Salgazus, a sea-plant, i. 154. Salique law, several remarks on it, i. 312. Salisbury, Robert earl of, his character, ii. 158. Salt, a good compost, i. 131, 135, 149. Saltpetre, how to hasten the breeding of it, 149. Salt in plants, 154. Salt hath a sympathy with blood, 199, it is a healer, ib. it riseth not in distillations, 187. Salt-water, how freshened, or the salt imbibed, i. 187. Salt water passed through earth becomes fresh, 82, four differences between the passing it in vessels and in pits, ib. Salt-water good to water some herbs, 157. Saltwater boiled becometh more potable, 187. Salt-water sooner dissolving salt than fresh water, the cause, ib. Salt-water shineth in the dashing, 124. Salt in its several disguises a composition of mercury and sulphur, Scots, a commendation of their virtues, &c. i. 464, ought Sea-fish put into fresh waters, i. 162. Sea-hare, coming near the body, hurteth the lungs, i. 199. Seal: great seal of England and Scotland to be one after the union, i. 456. Search, in what cases the constable has power to do so, i. 649, 650. Seasons of plants, i. 146, 147. Seasons of the year, observations on them by Hippocrates, i. 128. Seats, of houses, i. 177, 296, of justice, set to sale, oppression, 308. Sebastian, king of Portugal, his expedition into Africa, i. 523. Secrecy, the virtue of a confessor, i. 265, what necessary to it, ib. the great importance of it to princes, 277. Secret properties, i. 201. Sectaries, their tenets inconsistent with monarchy, i. 510, not to have countenance or connivance, ib. Secundine or caul, i. 166. Seditions, i. 271. Seditions and tumults are brother and sister, ih. the prognostics, materials, causes, and remedies of them, 272, et seq. See of Rome attempts to alienate the hearts of people from the king, i. 675. Seeds steeped in several liquors hasten their growth, i. 131. Seeds in plants more strong than either leaf or root, 152, 153, the cause, ib. in some not, ib. Seeds how to be chosen, 142, 157, plants growing without seed, 146. Seeds if very old, make the plant degenerate, 142. Seipsum defendendo an act done, why not always justifiable, i. 555, the punishment for killing a man in that act, 571. Seizure, lessee is shown to have no property in timber-trees from thence, i. 619. Sejanus, his intimacy with Tiberius, i. 282, the device to pull him down, 292. Selden, John, his letter to lord St. Alban, ii. 240. Separation of bodies by weight, i. 84, in liquors, 119. Separation of metals and minerals, i. 244, consists of refining, extraction, and principiation, ib. Separation, the external points thereof, between England and Scotland, i. 455, the internal points, 456. Septimius Severus died in despatch of business, i. 262, his excessive fondness to his chief favourite, 282, his character, 295. Sequestrations, in what cases to be granted, i. 718. Serjeantry, tenures by, what they are, and how instituted, i. 578. Servants, i. 268. Servets used in Turkey, i. 162. Simcock, his deposition, ii. 172. Simnel, Lambert, i. 736, his history in personating the 2nd son of Edward IV. ib. changes his scene, and personates Edward Plantagenet, 737, afterwards proclaimed at Dublin, 738, taken in the battle near Newark, 741, consigned to an office in the king's kitchen, ib. preferred to be his falconer, 741, 764. Simonds, William, 736 note, taken at the battle of Stokefield, 741, no more heard of, ib. Sitting healthful, why, i. 166. Sessions to be held quarterly by the justices, with the Six clerks, concerning the grant of their office, ii. 104. method of proceeding in them, i. 573. Setting of wheat, i. 134. Several fruits upon one tree, i. 140. Sexes in plants, i. 151. Sexviri, their office among the Athenians, i. 668, 672. Sfortia, Ludovico, duke of Milan, i. 769, 770. Shade helpeth some plants, i. 134. Shadows, why they seem ever to tremble, i. 187. Shallows break more than deeps, i. 187. Shame, i. 164, the impressions thereof infectious, 194. Shaw, Dr. his tale at Paul's cross, i. 733, concerning the bastardy of the children of Edward IV. ib. Shell-fish have no bones within, i. 168, have male and female generally, 186. Shene palace almost burnt down, i. 780. Sheriff's tourne, its origin and jurisdiction, i. 571, is called also "Curia franci plegii," 572, made judges of the court for the county and hundreds, ib. called "vicecomites," ib. their office, ib. 651, are bound to attend the judges in their county, by person or by deputy, 576, 577, from whence they are so called, 651. Sheriffs' accounts how to be managed, i. 593, their attendance in the circuits of the judges, 512, ancienter than the conquest, and of great consequence, ib. Shifting for the better helpeth plants and living creatures, i. 134. Shining wood, many experiments about it, i. 124. Shipping, or navy, the walls of England, i. 515, all the necessary materials of it our own produce, save sails and cordage, 516. Shooting, good for the lungs and stomach, i. 301. showers better than day-showers, ib. Night Showers after a long drought cause sicknesses, if they be gentle; if great, not, i. 176. Shrewsbury, Gilbert earl of, ii. 175. Shrewsbury, lady, some account of her, and her trial, ii. 52 note *. Shrieking, i. 163. Sixtus V. how the son of an illustrious house, i. 317, a tale of his reception in the other world, 318. Skipwith, Henry, his cause in chancery recommended by the earl of Buckingham, i. 186. Skull, of one entire bone, i. 168. Slander, how to be punished, i. 570, 571. Sleep, a great nourisher, i. 91. Sleep promotes sweat, and stays other evacuations of the body, 163. Sleep, why hindered by cold in the feet, 168, furthered by some kind of noises, ib. nourisheth in many beasts and birds, ib. creatures that sleep all winter, i. 189. Sleeping plants, i. 151. Smells and odours, i. 129, best at some distance as well as sound, why, ib. best where the body is crushed, ib. not so in flowers crushed, ib. best in flowers whose leaves smell not, ib. Smells sweet, 178, have all a corporeal substance, 179. Smells fetid, ib. Smells of the jail very pernicious, 102. Smells that are most dangerous, ib. Smith, Sir Thomas, his case in Essex's treason, i. 440. Smith, Sir Thomas, sent ambassador to Russia, ii. 186 note *. Smoke preserveth flesh, i. 124. Snake's-skin worn for health, i. 198. Sneezing ceaseth hiccup, i. 159, why induced by looking against the sun, ib. caused by tickling the nose, 170. Snow, why colder than water, i. 93. Snow-water unwholesome, i. 129. Snow causes fruitfulness, whence, 156, 157, puts forth plants and breeds worms, 146, 160, 161. Snow, good to be applied to a mortified part, whence, i. 173. Socage, tenures so called, what, and how instituted, i. 578, &c. reserved by the lord, 579. Socotra, that island famous for the sanguis draconis, i. 154. Socrates, what he said of the oracle of Delphos, i. 315, his sentiments of the writings of Heraclitus, ib. compared to the apothecaries' pots containing precious drugs, i. 324. Soft bodies, i. 181, their cause, ib. are of two sorts, ib. Shute, Mr. carries a message from Sir George Villiers to Soldiers, want of provision for them, when disbanded, comSir Francis Bacon, ii. 169. Sibyl's books, i. 259. Sicknesses of the summer and the winter, i. 128. Sighing and yawning, the breath drawn in by both, i. 158, 159. Sight, the object thereof, quicker than of hearing, i. 110. plained of, i. 386. Soles of the feet have a sympathy with the head, i. 97. Solitude, what the delight in it implies, i. 281. Solomon's house modelled in New Atlantis, i. 202, 205, 247, instituted for the study of the works and creatures of God, 208, the true state of it, 212, the several employments and offices in it, 215. Solon compares the people to the sea, i. 315, wept for his son's death, 322, his saying to Crœsus, 324, what remarkable in his laws, 671. Somerset, Robert Car, earl of, letter from him to Sir Thomas Overbury, ii. 163, questions of Sir Francis Bacon relating to his case, 171, heads of the charge against him, 172, charged with treasons and plots with Spain, 173, delivered out of the Tower, 238, pardoned, and to be allowed to sit in parliament, 264. Somerset, countess of, charge against her for poisoning of Overbury, i. 699, a charge against the earl for the same fact, 704, he is criminally in love with the countess of Essex, 706, his behaviour at and after the time of Overbury's being poisoned, 707, some farther account of his treason, ii. 66, some things relating to his examination, ib. several cases put to the king about his trial, confession, &c. 69, concerning his arraignment and examination, 70. See Overbury. Somerset, countess of, questions to the judges relating to her case, ii. 171. Dr. Whiting ordered to preach before her, 173, charge prepared by Francis Bacon against her, in case she pleaded guilty, 174, delivered out of the Tower, 238. Soot, a good compost, i. 131, 149. Sorrel, i. 157, the root thereof sometimes three cubits deep, ib. Sovereign. See King. Soul of man was first breathed into him by God, i. 338, of good men how disposed of after death, 339, of idiots and wise men the same, 335. Soul: doctrine of the human soul, i. 44. Sounds musical and immusical, i. 98. Sounds, why more apt to procure sleep than tones, i. 99, nature of sounds not sufficiently inquired, 100, motions, great, in nature without sounds, ib. nullity and entity of sounds, ib. swiftness of motion may make sounds inaudible, ib. Sound not an elision of the air, 101, the reasons thereof, 102. Sounds not produced without some local motion of the medium, ib. yet distinction to be made betwixt the motion of the air and the sounds themselves, ib. great sounds without great motions in the air, from other bodies, ib. have rarified the air much, ib. have caused deafness, ib. enclosure of sounds preserveth them, ib. Sounds partly enclosed, and partly in open air, ib. better heard from without than within, ib. a semiconcave will convey sound better than open air, ib. any long pole will do the like, ib. trial to be made in a crooked concave, 103. Sounds may be created without air, ib. difference of sounds in different vessels filled with water, ib. Sound within a flame, ib. Sound upon a barrel emptier or fuller, ib. Sound not created betwixt the bow and the string, but betwixt the string and the air, ib. the majoration of sounds, 104, soft bodies damp sounds, 105, mixture of sounds, 104, 105, magnitude of sounds, 103, in a trunk, ib. in a hunter's horn bigger at the lower end, ib. in a vault under the earth, ib. in hawk's bells, rather than upon a piece of brass in the open air, ib. in a drum, ib. farther heard by night than by day, why, ib. increased by the concurrent reflection, ib. increased by the soundboard in instruments, ib. 104, in an Irish harp, 104, in a virginal the lid shut, ib. in a concave within a wall, ib. in a bow-string, the horn of the bow laid to the ear, ib. the like in a rod of iron or brass, ib. the like conveyed by a pillar of wood from an upper chamber to a lower, ib. the like from the bottom of a well, ib. five ways of majoration of sounds, ib. exility of sounds through any porous bodies, ib. through water, ib. strings stopped short, ib. damping of sounds with a soft body, 105, iron hot not so sounding as cold, ib. water warm not so sounding in the fall, as cold, ib. loudness and softness of sound differ from magnitude and exility, ib, loudness of sounds, whence, ib. communication of sounds, ib. inequality of sounds, ib. 106, unequal sounds ingrate, 106, grateful sounds, ib. musical, and immusical, at pleasure, only in men and birds, ib. humming of bees, an unequal sound, ib. metals quenched give a hissing sound, ib. base and treble sounds, ib. two causes of treble in strings, ib. proportion of the air percussed in treble and base, 107, trial hereof to be made in the winding up of a string, ib. difference of sounds from the distances of frets, ib. in the bores of wind instruments, ib. interior and exterior sounds, ib. their difference, ib. several kinds of each, ib. interior sounds rather a concussion than a section of the air, ib. sounds by suction, 108, articulation of sounds, ib. articulate sounds in every part of the air, ib. winds hinder not the articulation, ib. distance hindereth, ib. speaking under water hindereth it not, ib. articulation requireth a mediocrity of sound, ib. confounded in a room over an arched vault, ib. motions of the instruments of speech towards the forming of letters, ib. instruments of voice, which they are, ib. inarticulate voices and inanimate sounds, have a similitude with divers letters, ib. motions of sounds, 109, they move in round, ib. may move in an arched line, ib. supposed that sounds move better downwards than upwards, ib. trial of it, ib. lasting of sounds, ib. sounds continue not, but renew, ib. great sounds heard at far distance, ib. not in the instant of the sound,. but long after, ib. object of sight quicker than sound, 110, sounds vanish by degrees, which the objects of sight do not, whence, ib. passage of sounds through other bodies, ib. the body intercepting must not be very thick, ib. the spirits of the body intercepting, whether they cooperate in the sound, ib. sound not heard in a long downright arch, ib. passeth easily through foraminous bodies, ib. whether diminished in the passage through small crannies, ib. medium of sounds, ib. air the best medium, ib. thin air not so good as thick air, ib. whether flame a fit medium, ib. whether other liquors beside water, ib. figures of pipes on concaves that conduce to the difference of sounds, ib. several trials of them, 111, mixture of sounds, ib. audibles mingle in the medium, which visibles do not, ib. the cause thereof, ib. mixture without distinction makes the best harmony, ib. qualities in the air have no operation upon sounds, ib. sounds in the air alter one another, ib. two sounds of like loudness will not be heard as far again as one, why, ib. melioration of sounds, ib. polished bodies creating sounds meliorate them, ib. wet on the inside of a pipe doth the like, 112, frosty weather causeth the same, ib. mingling of open air with pent air, doth the same, ib. from a body equal sounds better, ib. intension of the sense of hearing meliorateth them, ib. imitation of sounds, ib. the wonder thereof in children and birds, ib. reflexion of sounds, 113, its several kinds, ib. no refraction in sounds observed, 114, sympathy and antipathy of sounds, 115, 116, concords and discords in music are sympathies and antipathies of sounds, 116, strings that best agree in consort, ib. strings tuned to an unison or diapason show a sympathy, ib. sympathy conceived to cause no report, ib. experiment of sympathy to be transferred to wind-instruments, ib. essence of sounds spiritual, ib. sounds not impressions of the air, ib. causes of the sudden generation and perishing of sounds, 117, conclusion touching sounds, ib. Sour things, why they provoke appetite, i. 178. Souring of liquors in the sun, i. 189. Sourness in fruits and liquors, its cause, i. 185. Southampton, his confession of Essex's design, i. 412, is made general of the horse in Ireland by Essex, contrary to the queen's command, 413, his trial, with lord Essex's, 419, his defence, 420, an answer to his defence, 421, he is found guilty of treason, 422, his examinations and confessions at and after arraignment, 431, some further account of him, ii. 29. South winds dispose men's bodies to heaviness, i. 128, south winds hurtful to fruit blossoming, 156, south winds without rain breed pestilence, with rain not, whence, 179, on the sea-coast not so, ib. South-east sun better than the south-west for ripening fruit, i. 131. Spain, its subjection formerly to several kingdoms, i. 465, union of its kingdoms, 450, sets fire to its Indian fleet, 442, success of our English arms against them, ib. a report of their injuries to us, as represented by the mer chants, 474, some extenuations of their injuries to us, ❘ Springs of water made by art, i. 299. Spring-water on the top of hills best, i. 130. Spain has but two enemies, all the world and its own Spain, notes of a speech concerning a war with Spain, i. Spanish Montera, i. 211. Sparkling woods by sudden breaking, i. 155. Sparta was jealous of naturalizing persons, the fatal conse- Species visible and spiritual, i. 170, 191. Speech always with expulsion of breath, i. 102, wonderful imitation of it in children and birds, 112, discretion of speech better than eloquence, 288, how influenced, 293. Speech about recovering drowned mineral works, i. 247. Speech, a report of the earls of Salisbury's and Northampton's, upon the merchants' petition relating to the Spanish grievances, i. 474, to the king, upon presenting to him from the parliament an account of some grievances, 483, to obtain liberty of the king to treat upon compounding for tenures, 484, concerning the parliament's manner of receiving messages from the king, 487, one in behalf of a supply to be given to the king, 492, about a set of men in parliament called undertakers, 497, upon receiving the great seal, 709, before the summer circuits, 712, upon making Sir William Jones lord chief justice of Ireland, 714, upon Denham's being made baron of the exchequer, 715, upon making Hutton one of the judges of the common pleas, 716, upon Richardson's excusing himself to be speaker of the house of commons, 499. Speeches, an appendix of history, i. 32. Spencer, Hugh, his banishment, i. 662, 663, his dangerous Spirit, the Holy, how it is ordinarily dispensed, i. 339. Spirits in bodies scarce known, i. 97, several opinions of Spirits of men fly upon odious objects, i. 174, the transmission of spirits, 190, et seq. transmission of them from the minds of men, 194, et seq. such things as comfort the spirits by sympathy, 197, the strife of the spirits best helped by arresting them for a time, 197, 198. Spoils in war, like water spilt on the ground, not to be gotten up, i. 777. Squill, good to set kernels or plum-stones in, i. 135. Stafford, Edward, eldest son of the Duke of Buckingham, Stag's horn, ivy said to grow out of one, i. 144. Stanchers of blood, i. 92, 199. Stanford, Sir William, ii. 185. Stanley, William, puts a crown on Henry VII. in the field, Stanley, Thomas lord, made earl of Derby at the corona- Stanley, imprisoned in the Tower, ii. 154 note †. Steel, the melting of it promoted by brimstone, i. 240. against natural title, i. 788. Stercoration, i. 149. Steward, Dr. ii. 209, 210. |