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[blocks in formation]

Bloemhof, 270.
Blood R., 75.

Blythswood, 146, 188, 193.
Board, Matrimonial, 165, 250.
of Education, 184.
Bodleian Library, the, 312.
Boer War, 23.

Boers, II, 17, 91, 154, 159, 163,
250, 251, 253, 280, 283.
Bokkeveldt, 50, 71, 122, 272.
Bombay Coolies, 218, 246, 263.
Bomvanaland, 288, 291.
Bond, Mr., 80.

Bond, the Afrikander, 171, 172.
Booma Pass, 150.
Boomplaats, 280.
Borckenhagen, 172.

Bordeaux, 228.

Boschberg, The, 38, 51, 146.
Boshof, 281.
Bosi R., 309.

Bosjesman's district, 137.
Botletle R., 56, 79, 303.
Botma, 16.
Bradshaw, 80.
Brak R., 73.

Brakfontein, 161.

Brand, President, 154, 282.

Brant Vlei, 122.

Braunschweig, 148.

Brazil, 312.

Bredasdorp, 131.
Breede R., 71, 127.
Breidbach, 148.

Britstown, 135.

Bromhead, 21, 75.

Bronker's Spruit, 23.
Bruintjes Hoogte, 134.
Brussels, 25.
Bubi, 78.

Buffalo R., 44, 148, 240.
Buffels R., 72, 74, 75.
Buissine, 211.

Buluwayo, 303, 304.
Burchell, 97.

Burgers, President, 27, 182, 278,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Castle of Capetown, 112, 114, 164.
Catfield Shoals, 46.

Cathcart, 149.
Cawston, Mr., 27.

Cedarberg, 52, 70, 84, 86, 232.
Census, the 1891, 201.

Ceres, 71, 89, 122, 157.
Cetywayo, 17, 76, 116, 296.
Ceylon, 312.

Chainouqua, 314.

Chaka, 288.

Chalumna R., 74.

Chamber of XVII, 113, 165, 197.

Champagne Castle, 51, 69.

Chapman, the, 139.

Chapong Hills, 303.

Chard, 21, 75.

Chelmsford, Lord, 17, 121.
Chiloane, 327.

Chinese, the, 246.

Chobona, 314.

Chocoqua, 314.

Church of England, 179.


the Dopper, 181.

the Dutch, 130, 165, 166, 174,

175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 188.

the Roman, 176, 179.

Circles, Electoral, 104, 105.

Circuits, 200, 201.
Clanwilliam, 101, 123.

Claremont, 118.

Classis of Amsterdam, 176.

Claughton, Bishop, 178.

Coalfields, 149, 224, 245, 264, 265.

Cockburn Shoals, 46.

Cockscomb, the, 52, 72.

Coerney R., 137.

Coghill, 21.

Cogman's Kloof, 162.

Colenso, Bishop, 178, 262.

Colesberg, 70, 101, 133, 147, 156,


Kopjie, 152.

College, the Diocesan, 188, 190.
Colleges, 185, 190.

Colley, Sir G., 23.

Collins, Col., 139.

Comforter, the sick, 175, 182.

Commandant, 283.

Commandos, 16, 220, 284.
Commerce, Cape, 244, 255.
Commissaris politique, 175.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Dampier, 256.

Danger Point, 40. 42.

Daniel's Kuil, 157.
Davagul, 313.
Davis, 213.

Dawnay, Hon. G., 80.
de Aar, 136, 141, 240.
de Beers Mine, 152.
Pass, 53.
Debe Nek, 74.
Debt, Cape, 239, 349.
-Natal, 266.

Defence, Natal, 267.
de Chavonnes, 183.

de Gama, Francisco, 312.
Vasco, 3, 160, 255, 311.


de Kaap, 273, 274.

Delagoa Bay, 22, 30, 46, 47, 68,

241, 255, 273, 278, 327, 360.
de Mist, Commissary, 143, 183,

Diamond Mines, 19, 70, III, 150,

152, 153, 164, 244.
Diaz, 1, 3, 40, 160.
Diego, 313.
Dinizulu, 297.
Dioceses, S. A., 177.
Diu, 313.

Divisions of Natal, 258.
Doddington, the, 40.
Dommett Shoals, 46.
Donkin, Sir R. S., 140.

[blocks in formation]

Examinations, Cape, 189.
Expenditure, Basutoland, 296.
Cape, 235.

Natal, 265.

- O. F. S., 280.

- Transkeian, 238.
Transvaal, 277.
Exports, Cape, 234.


Fairbairn, Mr., 167.
Fairview, 224.

False Bay, 37, 42, 112, 116.
Faure, Mr., 211.
Fauresmith, 281.
Feudal System, 103.
Field cornet, 102, 284.

Fingoes, 148, 170, 208.
Fingoland, 290.

Fiscal, the, 165, 166, 197, 251.
Fish, Cape, 225.

- River, 15, 44, 68, 73, 97, IOI,
136, 138, 146, 286, 288.
Fitzherbert, Humphrey, 7.
Flushing, 247.

Formosa Peak, 53, 71.

Forster, Right Hon. W. E., 26,

Fort Beaufort, 142, 147, 158, 171.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gough, the, 59, 160.

Govan, Rev. W., 145.
Governor's kop, 142.

Graaf Reinet, 14, 59, 91, 100, IOI,
133, 134, 137, 138, 144, 157, 162,
172, 187, 188, 243.

Grahamstown, 103, 142, 158, 177,
178, 187, 243.
Granville, Earl, 41.

Gray, Bishop, 178, 180, 188, 200.

Green Point, 114, 151.

Grey, Albert, 27.

Sir G., 104, 117.

- Library, 117.

Greyton, 129.

Griqualand, East, 31, 53, 170, 171,

288, 290, 291.

Hanover, 147, 148.

Hantams, 50, 71, 123, 232.

Harmattan, the, 38.
Harris, Capt., 97, 275.
Harrismith, 50, 281.
Hartley, 317, 320, 328.
Harz R., 301.

Havelock, Sir A., 297.
Hebron, 157.

Heemraad, the, 198.

Heidelberg, 129, 189, 225, 270.
Heilbron, 281.

Henry of Portugal, 2.
Herero, 290.

Herité, M., 151.

Herschel, Sir J., 39, 116, 183.
Herschel (division), 148, 149, 162.
Hex R. Mt., 52, 72.


Valley, 50, 121.

Hindoos, 287.

Hintza, 16.
'Hoek,' 161.

Hofmeyr, J., 220.

Holland, 11, 22.

Hollanders, 113.

Holub, 80.

'Homeward Bound,' the, 88.

Hondeklip Bay, 41.

Hoogeveldt, 60.

'Hoop, The,' 6.

Hoopstadt, 281.
Hope Shoals, 46.
Hopetown, 70, 135.
Höpfner, Dr., 125.

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