Bible Conversations: Catholic-Protestant Dialogues on the Bible, Tradition, and, 2007 M04 27 - 224 pages Fifteen dialogues loosely based on encounters of a Catholic apologist with Protestants, over the course of nearly five years of Internet discussions on lists, bulletin boards, and private correspondence. The most important and fundamental issues that divide Protestants and Catholics are dealt with: the relationship of Bible and tradition, the authority of the Church, whether the Church and tradition can be infallible like the Bible, how one is saved, the relationship of faith and works, whether Catholics believe in "salvation by works," grace alone, etc. |
The Premises of Sola Scriptura 2 Is the Bible the Ultimate Rule of Faith?21 | 21 |
Does the Bible Clearly Teach That it is Clear? | 46 |
The Perspicuity Clarity of the Bible | 55 |
The Formal Sufficiency of Holy Scripture70 | 70 |
Tradition | 79 |
The Nature of the Church | 89 |
On Church Authority and Epistemological | 95 |
Are Dissident Catholics a Disproof of the Catholic Churchs | 101 |
Repentance | 128 |
Justification the Law | 140 |
The Reformed Definitions of Protestant and Pelagian150 | 150 |
The Biblical Evidence for Infant Baptism and Baptismal | 161 |
Martin Luther and the New Testament Canon183 | 183 |
Catholic Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics | 193 |
The Antiochene School of Literal | 200 |
The Catholic View of NonCatholics Karl Adam | 211 |
Common terms and phrases
absolutely accept Acts agree Anabaptists anathema apostolic succession apostolic Tradition argument Arminians Augustine authoritative authority baptismal regeneration baptized believe Bible biblical C.S. Lewis Calvin Calvinists CANON Catholic Church Catholicism certainty Church and Tradition claim clear clearly condemned context contradict Corinthians Council denominations deny disagree divine ecumenical Epistle error Eucharist evangelical exegesis fact faith false Fathers God's gospel grace heretics hermeneutics historical Holy Scripture Holy Spirit human individual infallibility infant baptism interpretation issue Jesus Christ Jews John literal logical Lutheran means non-Catholic notion Old Testament opinion orthodox passages Paul Paul's Pelagian perspicuity Peter pope premises principle proof Protestant Protestantism refers Reformed regard relativism repentance revelation righteousness Romans Rome saith salvation sanctification saved School of Antioch Semi-Pelagian sense simply sins sola fide sola Scriptura soteriology teaching Theodore of Mopsuestia theology things Timothy Titus true truth unbiblical understand unity verses word