GEORGE ELIOT. course, there were spectators laughing: she had no need to look round to assure herself of that. Well! it would, perhaps, be better to be forced to think more of Paradise. But at the thought that the dear accustomed world was no longer in her choice, there gathered some of those hard tears which just moisten elderly eyes, and she could see but dimly a large rough hand holding a red cross, which was suddenly thrust before her over the shoulders of the boys, while a strong guttural voice said, "Only four quattrini, madonna, blessing and all! Buy it. You'll find a comfort in it now your wig's gone. Deh! what are we sinners doing all our lives? Making soup in a basket, and getting nothing but the scum for our stomachs. Better buy a blessing, madonna! Only four quattrini; the profit is not so much as the smell of a danaro, and it goes to the poor." Monna Brigida, in dim-eyed confusion, was proceeding to the further submission of reaching money from her embroidered scarsella, at present hidden by her silk mantle, when the group around her, which she had not yet entertained the idea of escaping, opened before a figure as welcome as an angel loosing prison bolts. Romola, look at me!" said Monna Brigida, in a piteous tone, putting out both her hands. The white troop was already moving away, with a slight consciousness that its zeal about the head-gear had been superabundant enough to afford a dispensation from any further demand for penitential offerings. "Dear cousin, don't be distressed," said Romola, smitten with pity, yet hardly able to help smiling at the sudden apparition of her kinswoman in a genuine, natural guise, strangely contrasted with all her memories of her. She took the black drapery from her own head, and threw it over Monna Brigida's. There," she went on, soothingly, no one will remark you now. We will turn down the Via del Palagio and go straight to our house." 66 They hastened away, Monna Brigida grasping Romola's hand tightly as if to get a stronger assurance of her being actually there. "Ah, my Romola, my dear child," said the short fat woman, hurrying with frequent steps to keep pace with the majestic young 535 figure beside her. "What an old scarecrow I am! I must be good,—I mean to be good!" "Yes, yes; buy a cross!" said the guttural voice, while the rough hand was thrust once more before Monna Brigida; for Bratti was not to be abashed by Romola's presence into renouncing a probable customer, and had quietly followed 66 their retreat. up Only four quattrini, blessing and all,—and if there was any profit, it would all go to the poor." Monna Brigida would have been compelled to pause, even if she had been in a less submissive mood. She put up one hand deprecatingly to arrest Romola's remonstrance, and with the other reached a grosso, worth many white quattrini, saying, in an entreating tone, "Take it, good man, and begone." "You're in the right, madonna," said Bratti, taking the coin quickly, and thrusting the cross into her hand. "I'll not offer you change, for I might as well rob you of a mass. What we must all be scorched a little, but you'll come off the easier; better fall from the window than the roof. A good Easter and a good year to you!" "Well, Romola," cried Monna Brigida, pathetically, as Bratti left them, "if I'm to be a Piagnone it's no matter how I look." 66 "Dear cousin," said Romola, looking at her affectionately, 'you don't know how much better you look than you ever did before. I see now how good-natured your face is, like yourself. That red and finery seemed to thrust themselves forward and hide expression. Ask our Piero or any other painter if he would not rather paint your portrait now than before. I think all lines of the human face have something either touching or grand, unless they seem to come from low passions. How fine old men are, like my godfather! Why should not old women look grand and simple ?" "Yes, when one gets to be sixty, my Romola," said Brigida, relapsing a little; "but I'm only fifty-five, and Monna Berta and every body,-but it's no use: I will be good like you. Your mother, if she'd been alive, would have been as old as I am,—we were cousins together. One must either die or get old. But it doesn't matter about being old, if one's a Piagnone." Romola, Chap. xlix., li. GENERAL INDEX. A. Abbot on Shipping, 485. Abernethy on Sterne, 175. Achilles, Hawkesworth on, 196. Actions, 187, 396, 512. ACTIVITY AND POWER, 393. Adams, John, 364, 439. ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, 289. ADDISON, JOSEPH, 133. Addison, Joseph: Cowper on, 244. Goldsmith on. 231, 232, 233. Jeffrey on, 314, 317. Johnson on, 133. Macaulay on, 133, 448, 450. Adelung, Dictionary of, 182. Admiralty Reports, 485. Alison, Sir A., to S. Austin Alli- Allibone, S. Austin: Alison to, Carlyle to, 419. De Quincey, E., to, 381. Alva, Duke of, 528. Ambassador, Wiquefort's, 485. America, 102, 234, 312, 348, 350, AMERICA, WAR WITH, 177. Anacharsis, 256. Anarchy, 286. "Ancestors, wisdom of our," 340. Angelo, Michael, 411. Anger, Penn on, 120. Angler, Complete, 54. Anne, Queen, authors of the age Antiquity of man, 434. Antithesis, 217. Antoninus, 256. Antony, 396, 528. Anxiety, folly of, 110. Apocrypha, 54. Apollonius Tyaneus, 247. Arabian Nights, 196. ARBUTHNOT, JOHN, M.D., 233. Arcadia, the, 239. Archæology, 513. Archelaus, 138. Archimedes, 402, 508. Architecture, 180, 383, 494, 508, Ariosto, 240, 336, 348, 373, 374. Aristocracy, 15. Aristophanes, 180. Aristotle, 146, 181, 218, 421. As You Like It, 527. Assurances, Emerigon on, 485. Assyria, 303. Astrology, 127, 240, 421. Astronomy, 128, 341, 356, 424. ASTRONOMY, USES OF, 411. Atheism, 73, 127, 306, 412. Athens, authors of, 63, 180, 203. books at, 247. ATHENS, ST. PAUL AT, 404. 537 ATTERBURY, POPE TO, 158. Austin on Blackstone, 221. 238, 264. Oriental, 203, 224. study of, 140. AUTHORSHIP, 427. Avellanda, 336. Aventine Mount, 248. Beaconsfield, Earl of, 287. BEATTIE, JAMES, LL.D., 252. 327, 329, 345, 449. BEAUTY, ESSAY ON, 39. BECKFORD, WILLIAM, 278. Benares, 443. BENEVOLENCE AND FRIENDSHIP, Beni, 183, 218. BENTHAM, JEREMY, 270. Bentham, Jeremy, 302. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF SUNDAY, 206. Bentley on Pope's Homer, 185. B. Babylon, tunnel at, 508. BACON, FRANCIS, 39. Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, Brougham on, 340. Combe on, 393. Emerson on, 462. Hazlitt on, 345. prayer of, 40. Bailments, Jones on, 485. Baldwin's Constitutional Views, BANCROFT, GEORGE, 437. Bancroft, George, 244, 521. Barber, Frank, 441. BARCLAY, ROBERT, 121. Barnwall and Alderson, 491. BARROW, ISAAC, D.D., 93. Barrow, Isaac, 232, 315. Barton's Suit in Equity, 485. Bassano, Alps of, 521. BASTILE, ATTACK UPON THE, 418. BERKELEY, GEORGE, D.D., 150. BINNEY, HORACE, 357. BIRDS, MUSIC OF, 156. Blades on Caxton, 20. Blair, Hugh, 148, 161. Blakey, History of Philosophy, 250. Blenheim, 441. Boadicea, 290. Bo-bo, 325. Boccace, 240. Boetius on books, 17. Book-stall reading, 329. Books, 16, 17, 61, 64, 127, 145, BOOKS, BUYING OF, 503. BOOKS AND BOOK-BUYERS, 521. BOOKS AND READING, WATTS ON, 140. Boston, Address at, 313. Boswell's Johnson, 44, 91, 126, Botanic Garden, 507. Boulay-Paty, Droit Commercial, Boulton, M., 508. Bracebridge Hall, 368. Braddock's Expedition, 438, 486. Braybrooke, Lord, 101. Brazil, Pedro II. of, 471. Bridge, Natural, 486. British Quarterly Review, 302, Bronté, Charlotte, 519. Brooke, Lord, and Sir P. Sidney, 331. Brother Jonathan, 351. BROUGHAM, LORD, 338. Brougham, Lord, 83, 102, 106, 177, 181, 220, 259, 293. Brown, John, M.D., 488. BROWN, THOMAS, M.D., 343. Brown, Thomas, M.D., 393. BROWNE, SIR THOMAS, 58. BOIS-GUILBERT AND REBECCA, Bruce, Robert, 394. 309. Boleyn, Anne, 239. BOLINGBROKE, LORD, 145. Book Buyers and Books, 521. Brueys, Admiral, 320. Brunswick, House of, 234. Buckle on Burke, 233. BUDGELL, EUSTACE, 153. BULL, SQUIRE, AND HIS SON, 350. Bunyan, John, 440. BUONAPARTE, NAPOLEON, 387. Burke, Edmund, 12, 251, 317, Burlamaqui's Natural and Politi- Burnet, Bishop, 24, 72, 109, 115. BURNING OF VANITIES, 533. Butler, Charles, Hora Juridica BUTLER, BISHOP JOSEPH, 163. BUTLER, SAMUEL, 69. Butler, Samuel, 154, 373. Castel Melhor, 446. Castile, Isabella of, 290. CATO, MARCUS, 525. Celsus, 247. Censor, The, 448. CENSORSHIP OF THE PRESS, 64. Cervantes, 195, 217, 336. CHALMERS, THOMAS, D.D., 354. Chancery, Newland's, 485. Chapman, George, 348, 527. CHARACTER OF HAMLET, 348. CHARACTER OF NEW ENGLAND, Characteristics, 131. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays, 349. Charity, 153, 347. CHARLES I.: Clarendon on, 66. CHARLES II., DEATH OF, 444. CHARLETON, WALTER, M.D., 80. CHILDE HAROLD, 397. Childe Harold, 398, 500. CHILDREN, PENN'S ADVICE TO HIS, 119. Children and Parents, 12, 164, 473. China, 421. Chinese, 324, 325, 340, 383, 421, CHINESE, CONDITION OF THE, 340. CHOICE OF Books, 418. Christ, 58, 112, 148, 189, 226, 247, CHRIST, ASCENSION OF, 70. LIGION, 255. CHRISTIANITY AND STOICISM, 199, EDY, 479. Christianity, Latin, 404. CHRISTIAN'S DEPENDENCE UPON Church of England, 27, 126, 143, Cicero, Arnold on, 421. Jones, Sir W., on, 301. Tusculan Questions of, 18. Civil Law, Domat's 485 Civilization, 362. CLARENDON, EARL OF, 65. on, 340. |