Image-Breakers of the Netherlands...... 505 Merey, God's..... 190 Mary, Queen of Scots, Execution of...... 515 75 Mary, Queen of Scots, Robertson on..... 210 137 Mathematical Learning.. 141 272 Matrimonial Happiness.. 162 157 Matrimony, Dickens on.. 497 95 Melancholy and Contemplation.. 44 169 Memory, Fuller on...... 61 276 139 482 160 155 Taste. Reflections on.. Tears, Steeje on..... Teufeldrockh's View of the City. PAGE 123 View of the Divine G Terms 491 Virtue More Pleasant than V. 522 424 Wakefeld. Family of.... Themistocles, Aristides, and Composition 879 Thurlow, Josephus, and Tacitus.......... Unbelievers, Expostulation with.. Vanities, Burning of........... 127 243 Warkerten to Hui.. 281 Washington Air að and at H 365 Washington Appointed Comu ar ar-in72 Chief... 47 Washington. Fate of 121 Washington. Farewell A liress of.. 100 Wife, Economical. 84 Wit, Ready and Nimble.. Wolsey and Henry VIII. 12 Work, Carlyle on.. 1:0 110 100 474 474 415 GREAT AUTHORS ALL OF AGES. "The history of eloquence at Athens is remarkable. From a very early period great speakers had flourished there. Pisistratus and Themistocles are said to have owed much of their influence to their talents for debate. We learn, with more certainty, that Pericles was distinguished by extraordinary oratorical powers. The substance of some of his speeches is transmitted to us by Thucydides, and that excellent writer has doubtless faithfully reported the general line of his arguments."-LORD MACAULAY: On the Athenian Orators: Knight's Quarterly Magazine, August. 1824, and in his works, complete, 1866, 8 vols., 8vo, vii. 668. Many of those who have spoken before me on occasions of this kind have commended the author of that law which we are now obeying, for having instituted an oration to the honour of those who sacrifice their lives in fighting for their country. For my part, I think it sufficient for men who have approved their virtue in action, by action to be honoured for it-by such as you see the public gratitude now performing about this funeral; and that the virtues of many ought not to be endangered by the management of any one person, when their credit must precariously depend on his oration, which may be good, and may be bad. Difficult indeed it is, judiciously to handle a subject where even probable truth will hardly gain assent. The hearer, enlight ened by a long acquaintance, and warm in thing unfavourably expressed, in respect to his affections, may quickly pronounce everywhat he wishes and what he knows; whilst the stranger pronounceth all exaggerated, through envy of those deeds which he is conscious are above his own achievement. For the praises bestowed on others are then only to be endured when men imagine they can do those feats they hear to have been done; they envy what they cannot equal, and immediately pronounce it false. Yet, as this solemnity has received its sanction from the authority of our ancestors, it is my duty to obey the law, and to endeavour to procure, so far as I am able, the good will and approbation of all my audience. I shall therefore begin first with our fore fathers, since both justice and decency require that we should, on this occasion, bestow on them an honourable remem to brance. In this our country they kept themselves always firmly settled; and, through their valour, handed it down free every since succeeding generation. Worthy, indeed, of praise are they, and yet more worthy are our immediate fathers; since, enlarging their own inheritance into the extensive empire which we now possess, they bequeathed that, their work of toil, to us their sons. Yet even these successes, we ourselves, here present, who are yet in the strength and vigour of our days, have nobly improved, and have made such provisions for this our Athens, that now it is all-sufficient in itself to answer every exigence of war and of peace. I mean not here to recite those martial exploits by which these ends were accomplished, or the resolute defences we ourselves and our forefathers have made against the formidable invasions of Barbarians and Greeks. Your own knowledge of these will excuse the long detail. But by what methods we have rose to this height of glory and power; by what 9 |