TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.* MY HONOURABLE LORD, I HAVING understood by Dr. Steward, that your lordship hath made a decree against him in the chancery, which he thinks very hard for him to perform although I know it is unusual to your lordship to make any alterations, when things are so far past; yet in regard I owe him a good turn, which I know not how to perform but this way, I desire your lordship, if there be any place left for mitigation, your lordship would show him what favour you may, for my sake, in his desires, which I shall be ready to acknowledge as a great courtesy done unto myself; and will ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 2nd of December, 1618. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.+ I HAVE written a letter unto your lordship, which will be delivered unto you in behalf of Dr. Steward; and besides, have thought fit to use all freedom with you in that, as in other things; and therefore have thought fit to tell you, that he being a man of very good reputation, and a stout man, that will not yield to any thing, wherein he conceiveth any hard course against him, I should be sorry he should make any complaint against you. And therefore, if you can advise of any course, how you may be eased of that burden, and freed from his complaint, without show of any fear of him, or any thing he can say, I will be ready to join with you for the accomplishment thereof: And so desiring you to excuse the long stay of your man, I rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. From Newmarket, 3d of December, 1618. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD Lord, YESTERNIGHT We despatched the lord Ridgeway's account. Good service is done. Seven or eight thousand pounds are coming to the king, and a good precedent set for accounts. There came to the seal about a fortnight since a strange book passed by Mr. Attorney to one Mr. Hall; and it is to make subjects, for so is denization, and this to go to a private use, till some thousand pounds be made of it. The number one hundred denizens. And whereas all books of that nature had an exception of merchants, which importeth the king not much in his customs only, for that is provided for in the book, but many other ways, this takes in merchants and all. I acquainted the commissioners with it, and by one consent it is stayed. But let me * Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. + Ibid. VOL. 11. P counsel his Majesty to grant forth a commission of this nature, so to raise money for himself, being a flower of the crown: and Hall may be rewarded out of it; and it would be to principal persons, that it may be carried with election and discretion, whom to admit to denization, and whom not. God ever bless and prosper you. Your lordship's most faithful and obliged friend and servant, December 8, 1618. FR. VERULAM, CANC. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR. I THANK your lordship for the favour, which, I understand, Sir Francis Englefyld hath received from your lordship upon my last letter, whereunto I desire your lordship to add this one favour more, which is the same that I understand your lordship granted him at Christmas last, to give him liberty, for the space of a fortnight, to follow his business in his own person; whereby he may bring it to the more speedy end, putting in security, according to the ordinary course, to render himself prisoner again, as soon as that time is expired: which is all that I desire for him, and in which I will acknowledge your lordship's favour towards him; and ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 10th of Decemb. 1618. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM.§ I SEND you herewith the copy of a letter, which we, the commissioners for Ormonde's cause, have written to the deputy of Ireland, according to his Majesty's pleasure signified by Sir Francis Blundell; which I humbly desire his Majesty would peruse, that if it do not attain his meaning, as we conveyed it, we may second it with a new letter. We have appointed Monday morning for these mint businesses, referred by his Majesty to certain commissioners, and we will carry it sine strepitu. The patent touching Guinea and Bynny for the trade of gold, staid first by myself, and after by his Majesty's commandment, we have now settled by consent of all parties. Mr. Attorney, by my direction, hath made, upon his information exhibited into the star-chamber, a thundering motion against the transportation of gold by the Dutch; which all the town is glad of; and I have granted divers writs of ne exeat regnum, according to his Majesty's warrant. Sir Edward Coke keeps in still, and we have miss of him; but I supply it as I may by my farther diligence. God ever bless you and keep you. Your lordship's most faithful and bounden friend and servant, December 11, 1618. FR. VERULAM, CANC. Ibid. § Ibid. I forget not your doctor's matter. I shall speak | direct their merchants in what they shall think fit; with him to-day, having received your lordship's | which if it be so, then his Majesty holdeth it fit, for letter; and what is possible, shall be done. I pray his part, to appoint the whole body of the council pardon my scribbling in haste. with like power over his merchants. As for me, I shall be ever ready upon any occasion to show myself TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.† I HAVE acquainted his Majesty with your letters, who is very well pleased with your care of his service, in making stay of the grant of denizens upon the reason you allege, whereof his Majesty will speak farther with you at his return. The letter, which you sent me about my lord of Ormonde's son, is not according to his Majesty's meaning; but I would have you frame another to my lord deputy to this purpose: "That his Majesty having seen a letter of his to Sir Francis Blundell, advertising, that the earl of Ormonde's son, and some other of his kindred, did victual and fortify their houses; his Majesty hath thereupon commanded you to write unto him, that if the ground of his information be true, which he may best know, that then he send for the said earl's son, and the principal of his kindred, to appear before him; and if they appear, and give him satisfaction, it is well; but if they refuse to appear, or give him not satisfaction though they appear, that then he assemble what forces he can, be they never so few, and go against them, that he may crush the rebellion in the egg." I have remembered his Majesty, as I promised your lordship, about the naming you for a commissioner to treat with the Hollanders: But besides that you have so many businesses, both of the starchamber, and others in the term-time, when this must be attended as well as in the vacation, whereby this would be either too great a toil to you, or a hinderance to his Majesty's service; he thinketh it could not stand with the honour of your place to be balanced with those that are sent from the state, so far unequal to his Majesty, and being themselves none of the greatest of the state. Therefore his Majesty holdeth it not fit or worthy of you to put you into such an employment, in which none of your predecessors, or any of the chief counsellors, have been ever used in this kind, but only in a treaty of marriage or conclusion of a peace; as when the constable of Castile was here, when the commissioners on both sides had their authority under the great seal of either kingdom, with direct relation to their sovereigns, far differing from this commission, which is now given to these men, and whereunto his Majesty is to frame the course of his. As for the part which concerneth Scotland, the choice hath not been made of the chancellor or archbishop of St. Andrew's, but of men nearer the rank of those, that come hither to treat. As yet his Majesty delayeth to give any commission at all, because he would first be informed from the lords, both of the points and form of their commission, which his Majesty hitherto understandeth to be, with authority to over-rule and Steward's. See above, p. 209. Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 14th of December, 1618. TO THE LADY CLIFFORD. I SHALL not be wanting in any thing, that may express my good affection and wishes towards your ladyship, being so near unto me, and the daughter of a father, to whom I was in the passages of my fortune much obliged. So with my loving commendations, in the midst of business, I rest Your affectionate kinsman and assured friend, FR. VERULAM, CANC. York-house, this 25th of January, 1618. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.‡ LEST my often writing may make your lordship conceive, that this letter hath been drawn from you by importunity, I have thought fit for preventing of any such conceit, to let your lordship know, that Sir John Wentworth, whose business I now recommend, is a gentleman, whom I esteem in more than an ordinary degree. And therefore I desire your lordship to show him what favour you can for my sake in his suit, which his Majesty hath referred to your lordship: which I will acknowledge as a courtesy unto me, and rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Newmarket, January 26th, 1618. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.Ş I BEING desired by a special friend of mine to recommend unto your lordship's favour the case of this petitioner, have thought fit to desire you, for my sake, to show him all the favour you may in this his desire, as you shall find it in reason to deserve; which I shall take as a courtesy from your lordship, and ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, I thank your lordship for your favour to Sir John Wentworth, in the despatch of his business. Newmarket, March 15, 1618. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.* MOST HONOUrable lord, Ir may please your lordship, there was with me this day one Mr. Richard White, who hath spent some little time at Florence, and is now going into England. He tells me, that Galileo had answered your discourse concerning the flux and reflux of the sea, and was sending it unto me; but that Mr. White hindered him, because his answer was grounded upon a false supposition, namely, that there was in the ocean a full sea but once in twenty-four hours. But now I will call upon Galileo again. This Mr. White is a discreet and understanding gentleman, though | he seem a little soft, if not slow and he hath in his hands all the works, as I take it, of Galileo, some printed, and some unprinted. He hath his discourse of the flux and reflux of the sea, which was never printed; as also a discourse of the mixture of metals. Those which are printed in his hand are these the Nuncius sidereus; the Macchie solari; and a third, Delle Cose, che stanno su l'aqua, by occasion of a disputation, that was amongst learned men in Florence about that which Archimedes wrote, de insidentibus humido. : I have conceived, that your lordship would not be sorry to see these discourses of that man; and therefore I have thought it belonging to my service to your lordship to give him a letter of this date, though it will not be there so soon as this. The gentleman hath no pretence or business before your lordship, but is willing to do your lordship all humble service; and therefore both for this reason, as also upon my humble request, I beseech your lordship to bestow a countenance of grace upon him. I am beholden to this gentleman; and, if your lordship shall vouchsafe to ask him of me, I shall receive honour by it. And I most humbly do your lordship reverence. Your lordship's most obliged servant, TOBIE MATTHEW. Brussels, from my bed, the 14th of April, 1619. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR, AND SIR LIONEL TANFIELD, LORD CHIEF BARON OF THE EXCHEQUER.‡ MY LORDS, His Majesty having been moved by the duke of Savoy's ambassador in the behalf of Philip Bernardi, whom he is to send about some special employment over the seas to the duke of Savoy, that before his going, the business mentioned in this petition may be ended, hath commanded me to recommend the same unto your lordships' care, that with all expedition the cause may be heard and ended by your lordships, according to his Majesty's reference; or left to the determination of the court of chancery, where it is depending, and where the party assureth himself of a speedy end. And so I rest Your lordship's very assured friend at command, G. BUCKINGHAM. Royston, the 19th of April, 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. § I THINK fit to let your lordship understand what passed yesterday in the star-chamber touching Suffolk's || business. There came to me the clerk of the court in the inner chamber, and told me, that my lord of Suffolk desired to be heard by his council at the sitting *** him. of the court, because it was pen I marvelled I heard not of it by Mr. Attorney, who should have let me know as much, that I might not be taken on the sudden in a cause of that weight. I called presently Mr. Attorney to me, and asked him whether he knew of the motion, and what it was, and how he was provided to answer it. He signified to me, that my lord would desire to have the commission for examinations in Ireland to be returnable in Michaelmas term. I said, it might not be, and presently drew the council then present to me, and made Mr. Attorney repeat to them the passages past, and settled it, that the commission should be returnable the first day of the next term, and then republication granted, that it might, if accidents of wind and weather permit, come to hearing in the term. And upon motion in open court it was ordered accordingly. God ever preserve and prosper you. I pray God this great casterly wind agree well with his Majesty. Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful servant, May 6, 1619. FR. VERULAM, CANC. Indorsed, Sent by Sir Gilbert Houghton. meanors in that office, together with his lady, and Sir John Bingley, her ladyship's agent; and an information preferred against them all in the star-chamber. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I AM much bounden to his Majesty, and likewise to your lordship. I see, by the late accesses I have had with his Majesty, and now by his royal and real favour,* that he loveth me, and acknowledgeth me for the servant I am, or desire to be. This in me must turn to a great alacrity to honour and serve him with a mind less troubled and divided. And for your lordship, may and doth daily receive addition, but cannot, nor never could, receive alteration. I pray present my humble thanks to his Majesty; and I am very glad his health confirmeth; and I hope to see him this summer at Gorhambury: there is sweet air as any is. God preserve and prosper you both. I ever rest Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful servant, May 9, 1619. FR. VERULAM, CANC. MINUTE OF A LETTER TO THE COUNT PALATINE OF THE RHINE. MONSEIGNEUR, JE me tiens a grand honneur, qu'il plaise à vostre altesse de me cognoistre pour tel, que je suis, ou pour le moins voudrois éstre, envers vous et vostre service et m'estimeray heureux, si par mes counseils aupres du roy, ou autre devoir, je pourroy contribuer à vostre grandeur, dont il semble que Dieu vous a basti de belles occasions, ayant en contemplation vostre tres-illustre personne, non seulement comme tres cher allié de mon maistre, mais aussi, comme le meilleur appui, apres les roys de Grande Bretagne, de la plus saine partie de la Chrestieneté. Je ne puis aussi passer sous silence la grande raison, que vostre altesse fait a vostre propre honneur en choissisant tels conseilleurs et ministres d'estat, comme se monstre tres-bien estre monsieur le baron de Dhona et Monsieur de Plessen, estants personages si graves, discretes et habiles; en quoy vostre jugement reluict assez. Vostre altesse de vostre grace excusera la faulte de mon language François, ayant ésté tant versé es vielles loix de Normandie: mais le cœur supplera la plume, en priant Dieu de vous tenir en sa digne et saincte garde, Monseigneur, De vostre altesse le plus humble et plus affectionné serviteur. Indorsed, May 13, 1619. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.† MY HONOURABLE LORD, His Majesty was pleased, at the suit of some who have near relation unto me, to grant a licence for transportation of butter out of Wales unto one Lewis and Williams; who, in consideration that the patent should be passed in their names, entered into articles for the performance of certain conditions agreed upon between them, which, now that the patent is under the great seal, they utterly refuse to perform. My desire therefore to your lordship is, that you would call the said Lewis and Williams before you, with the other parties, or some of them, who shall be ready at all times to attend your lordship; and out of your consideration of the matter, according to equity to take such course therein, that either the said agreement may be performed, or that they which refuse it may receive no benefit of the patent; which upon reason thereof was passed in their names. And herein I desire your lordship to make what expedition you can; because now is the season to make provision of the butter, that for this year is to be transported, whereof they take advantage to stand out. And so I rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Greenwich, May 14, 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. THOUGH it be nothing, and all is but duty; yet I pray show his Majesty the paper enclosed, that his Majesty may see how careful his poor servant is upon every emergent occasion to do him what honour he can. The motion made in court by the king's serjeant, Crew, that the declaration might be made parcel of the record, and that I hear otherwise of the great satisfaction abroad, encourageth me to let his Majesty know what passed. God ever preserve and prosper you both. Your lordship's obliged friend and faithful servant, FR. VERULAM, CANC. Indorsed, June 29, 1619. My lord to my lord marquis, enclosing the form of a declaration used in point of acknowledgment in the lady Exeter's cause. Probably the grant made to him about this time of 12007. a year. + Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. Sir Randolph Crew, made chief justice of the king's bench, Jan. 26, 1624. Countess of Exeter, accused of incest and other crimes by the lady Lake, wife of secretary Lake, and their daughter the lady Koos. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I PURPOSED to have seen you to-day, and receive your commandments before the progress. But I came not to London till it was late, and found you were gone before I came. Nevertheless, I would not fail to let your lordship understand, that as I find every day more and more occasions, whereby you bind me to you; so this morning the king of himself did tell me some testimony, that your lordship gave of me to his Majesty even now, when you went from him, of so great affection and commend ation, for I must ascribe your commendation to affection, being above my merit, as I must do contrary to that that painters do; for they desire to make the picture to the life, and I must endeavour to make the life to the picture, it hath pleased you to make so honourable a description of me. I can be but yours, and desire to better myself, that I may be of more worth to such an owner. I hope to give the king a good account of my time this vacation. If your lordship pass back by London, I desire to wait on you, and discourse a little with you: if not, my prayers shall go progress with you, and my letters attend you, as occasion serveth. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.* MY HONOURABLE LORD, His Majesty, upon a petition delivered by Mr. Thomas Digby, wherein he complaineth of great wrongs done unto him, hath been pleased, for his more speedy relief and redress, if it prove as he allegeth, to refer the consideration thereof unto your lordship. And because he is a gentleman, whom I have long known and loved, I could not but add my desire to your lordship, that if you find he hath been wronged, you would do him so much favour, as to give him such remedy, as the equity of his case may require. For which I will ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Royston, Octob. 8, 1619. TO THE LORD CHANCELLOR.† I HAVE acquainted his Majesty with your letter, who hath given order to Mr. Secretary Calvert, to signify his pleasure for the proceeding in that business, whereof you write, without any farther delay, as your lordship will more fully understand by Mr. Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful Secretary, who for that purpose is to return to London against the day of hearing. God ever preserve and prosper you. servant, FR. VERULAM, CANC. July 19, 1619. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD Lord, THIS day, according to the first appointment, I thought to have waited upon his Majesty, and to have given him an account of my cares and preparations for his service, which is my progress. And therefore, since his coming to Windsor is prolonged, I thought to keep day by letter, praying your lordship to commend my most humble service to his Majesty, and to let him know, that since I see his Majesty doth me the honour, as to rely upon my care and service, I lose no time in that which may pertain thereunto. I see the straits, and I see the way out; and what lieth in one man, whom he hath made great, and trained, shall not be wanting. And I hope, if God give me life for a year or two, to give his Majesty cause to think of me seven years after I am dead. I am glad the time approacheth, when I shall have the happiness to kiss his Majesty's hands, and to embrace your lordship, ever resting I have no answer to make to your former letter, and will add no more to this, but that his Majesty hath a great confidence in your care of his service. And so I rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Royston, Oct. 10, 1619. Indorsed, Showing his Majesty's acceptation of your lordship's care, in particular in the business against the earl of Suffolk. TO THE MARQUIS OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD Lord, The AFTER my last letter yesterday, we entered into conference, touching the Suffolk cause, myself, and the commissioners, and the two chief justices. fruit of this conference is, that we all conceive the proceedings against my lord himself to be not only just and honourable, but in some principal parts plausible in regard of the public: as namely, those three points, which touch upon the ordnance, the Your lordship's most obliged friend and faithful army of Ireland, and the money of the cautionary servant, towns; and the two chief justices are firm in it. Sir Henry Montagu of the king's bench, and Sir Henry |