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lomon's house modelled in New Atlantis, i. 202, 205, 247, instituted for the study of the works and creatures of God, 208, the true state of it, 212, the several employments and offices in it, 215.

lon compares the people to the sea, i. 315, wept for his son's death, 322, his saying to Croesus, 324, what remarkable in his laws, 671.

merset, Robert Car, earl of, letter from him to Sir Thomas Overbury, ii. 163, questions of Sir Francis Bacon relating to his case, 171, heads of the charge against him, 172, charged with treasons and plots with Spain, 173, delivered out of the Tower. 238, pardoned, and to be allowed to sit in parliament, 264.

merset, countess of, charge against her for poisoning of Overbury, i. 699, a charge against the earl for the same fact, 704, he is criminally in love with the countess of Essex, 706, his behaviour at and after the time of Overbury's being poisoned, 707, some farther account of his treason, ii. 66, some things relating to his examination, ib. several cases put to the king about his trial, confession, &c. 69, concerning his arraignment and examination, 70. See Overbury.

merset, countess of, questions to the judges relating to her case, ii. 171. Dr. Whiting ordered to preach before her, 173, charge prepared by Francis Bacon against her, in case she pleaded guilty, 174, delivered out of the Tower, 238.

oot, a good compost, i. 131. 149.

oporiferous medicines, i. 198.

[blocks in formation]

oul of man was first breathed into him by God, i. 338, of good men how disposed of after death, 339, of idiots and wise men the same, 335.

oul doctrine of the human soul, i. 44. oul of the world, i. 190.

ounds musical and immusical, i. 98.

ounds, why more apt to procure sleep than tones, i. 99, nature of sounds not sufficiently inquired, 100, motions, great, in nature without sounds, ib. nullity and entity of sounds, ib. swiftness of motion may make sounds inaudible, ib. Sound not an elision of the air, 101, the reasons thereof, 102. Sounds not produced without some local motion of the medium, ib. yet distinction to be made betwixt the motion of the air and the sounds themselves, ib. great sounds without great motions in the air, from other bodies, ib. have rarified the air much, ib. have caused deafness, ib. enclosure of sounds preserveth them, ib. Sounds partly enclosed, and partly in open air, ib. better heard from without than within, ib. a semiconcave will convey sound better than open air, ib. any long pole will do the like, ib. trial to be made in a crooked concave, 103. Sounds may be created without air, ib. difference of sounds in different vessels filled with water, ib. Sound within a flame, ib. Sound upon a barrel emptier or fuller, ib. Sound not created betwixt the bow and the string, but betwixt the string and the air, ib. the majoration of sounds, 104, soft bodies damp sounds, 105, mixture of sounds, 104, 105, magnitude of sounds, 103, in a trunk, ib. in a hunter's horn bigger at the lower end, ib. in a vault under the earth, ib. in hawk's bells, rather than upon a piece of brass in the open air, ib. in a drum, ib. farther heard by night than by day, why, ib. increased by the concurrent reflection, ib. increased by the soundboard in instruments, ib. 104, in an Irish harp, 104, in a virginal the lid shut, ib. in a concave within a wall, ib. in a bow-string, the horn of the bow laid to the ear, ib. the like in a rod of iron or brass, ib. the like conveyed by a pillar of wood from an upper chamber to a lower, ib. the like from the bottom of a well, ib. five ways of majoration of sounds, ib. exility of sounds through any porous bodies, ib. through water, ib. strings stopped short, ib. damping of sounds with a soft body, 105, iron hot not so sounding as cold, ib. water warm not so sounding in the fall, as cold, ib. loudness and softness of sound differ from magnitude and exility, ib. loudness of sounds, whence, ib. communication of sounds, ib. inequality of sounds, ib. 106, unequal sounds ingrate, 106, grateful sounds, ib. musical, and immusical, at pleasure,

only in men and birds, ib. humming of bees, an unequal sound, ib. metals quenched give a hissing sound, ib. base and treble sounds, ib. two causes of treble in strings, ib. proportion of the air percussed in treble and base, 107, trial hereof to be made in the winding up of a string, ib. difference of sounds from the distances of frets, ib. in the bores of wind instruments, ib. interior and exterior sounds, ib. their difference, ib. several kinds of each, ib. interior sounds rather a concussion than a section of the air, ib. sounds by suction, 108, articulation of sounds, ib. articulate sounds in every part of the air, ib. winds hinder not the articulation, ib. distance hindereth, ib. speaking under water hindereth it not, ib. articulation requireth a mediocrity of sound, ib. confounded in a room over an arched vault, ib. motions of the instruments of speech towards the forming of letters, ib. instruments of voice, which they are, ib. inarticulate voices and inanimate sounds, have a similitude with divers letters, ib. motions of sounds, 109, they move in round, ib. may move in an arched line, ib. supposed that sounds move better downwards than upwards, ib. trial of it, ib. lasting of sounds, ib. sounds continue not, but renew, ib. great sounds heard at far distance, ib. not in the instant of the sound, but long after, ib. object of sight quicker than sound, 110, sounds vanish by degrees, which the objects of sight do not, whence, ib. passage of sounds through other bodies, ib. the body intercepting must not be very thick, ib. the spirits of the body intercepting, whether they cooperate in the sound, ib. sound not heard in a long downright arch, ib. passeth easily through foraminous bodies, ib. whether diminished in the passage through small crannies, ib. medium of sounds, ib. air the best medium, ib. thin air not so good as thick air, ib. whether flame a fit medium, ib. whether other liquors beside water, ib. figures of pipes on concaves that conduce to the difference of sounds, ib. several trials of them, 111, mixture of sounds, ib. audibles mingle in the medium, which visibles do not, ib. the cause thereof, ib. mixture without distinction makes the best harmony, ib. qualities in the air have no operation upon sounds, ib. sounds in the air alter one another, ib. two sounds of like loudness will not be heard as far again as one, why, ib. melioration of sounds, ib. polished bodies creating sounds meliorate them, ib. wet on the inside of a pipe doth the like, 112, frosty weather causeth the same, ib. mingling of open air with pent air, doth the same, ib. from a body equal sounds better, ib. intension of the sense of hearing meliorateth them, ib. imitation of sounds, ib. the wonder thereof in children and birds, ib. reflexion of sounds, 113, its several kinds, ib. no refraction in sounds observed, 114, sympathy and antipathy of sounds, 115, 116, concords and discords in music are sympathies and antipathies of sounds, 116, strings that best agree in consort, ib. strings tuned to an unison or diapason show a sympathy, ib. sympathy conceived to cause no report, ib. experiment of sympathy to be transferred to wind-instruments, ib. essence of sounds spiritual, ib. sounds not impressions of the air, ib. causes of the sudden generation and perishing of sounds, 117, conclusion touching sounds, ib.

Sour things, why they provoke appetite, i. 178.
Souring of liquors in the sun, i. 189.

Sourness in fruits and liquors, its cause, i. 185. Southampton, his confession of Essex's design, i. 412, is made general of the horse in Ireland by Essex, contrary to the queen's command, 413, his trial, with lord Essex's, 419, his defence, 420, an answer to his defence, 421, he is found guilty of treason, 422, his examinations and confessions at and after arraignment, 431, some further account of him, ii. 29.

South winds dispose men's bodies to heaviness, i. 128, south winds hurtful to fruit blossoming, 156, south winds without rain breed pestilence, with rain not, whence, 179, on the sea-coast not so, ib. South-east sun better than the south-west for ripening fruit, i. 131.

Spain, its subjection formerly to several kingdoms, i. 465, union of its kingdoms, 450, sets fire to its Indian fleet, 442, success of our English arms against them, ib. a report of their injuries to us, as represented by the mer

chants, 474, some extenuations of their injuries to us, 476, concerning the trade thither, ib. we are not to transport any commodities of the Low Countries thither, ib. its state considered, 382, its enterprise upon England, with the Invincible Armada, and the ignoble return, 384, is not to be feared by us, ib. king thereof compared with Philip of Macedon, 388, aims at universal monarchy, ib. his ambition, how crossed, 389, the designs thereof upon several nations, ib. is hindered in his intended conquests, by the wars in the Low Countries, ib. their proceedings with several other states, 390, their ill treatment of our merchants, 392, they lay aside thoughts of meddling with England, and attack France, 398, the intentions of the king against queen Elizabeth, ib. he designs to poison her, ib. a match proposed with Spain, but king James is advised against it, unless all his council agree in it, ii. 93, 94.

Spain has but two enemies, all the world and its own ministers, i. 543.

Spain, notes of a speech concerning a war with Spain, i. 530, considerations of a war with it, 532. Spalato, archbishop of, bishop Andrews' opinion of, i. 320. Spaniards and Spartans of small despatch, i. 281. Spaniards seem wiser than they are, ib. the wonder how they hold such large dominions with so few natural Spaniards, 285, have had a veteran army for sixscore years, 286, no such giants as some think, 532, accessions to their monarchy recounted, 535, twice invaded England and Ireland, 536, no overmatch for England, 537, Armada intended for an utter conquest, 538.

Spanish Montera, i. 211.

Sparkling woods by sudden breaking, i. 155.

Sparta was jealous of naturalizing persons, the fatal consequences of it to them, i. 285, 465.

Spartans, the cause of their ruin, i. 285, the patience of the Spartan boys, 293.

Species visible and spiritual, i. 170, 191.

Speech always with expulsion of breath, i. 102, wonderful imitation of it in children and birds, 112, discretion of speech better than eloquence, 288, how influenced, 293. Speech about recovering drowned mineral works, i. 247. Speech, a report of the earls of Salisbury's and Northampton's, upon the merchants' petition relating to the Spanish grievances, i. 474, to the king, upon presenting to him from the parliament an account of some griev. ances, 483, to obtain liberty of the king to treat upon compounding for tenures, 484, concerning the parliament's manner of receiving messages from the king, 487, one in behalf of a supply to be given to the king, 492, about a set of men in parliament called undertakers, 497, upon receiving the great seal, 709, before the summer circuits, 712, upon making Sir William Jones lord chief justice of Ireland, 714, upon Denham's being made baron of the exchequer, 715, upon making Hutton one of the judges of the common pleas, 716, upon Richardson's excusing himself to be speaker of the house of commons,


Speeches, an appendix of history, i. 32. Spencer, Hugh, his banishment, i. 662, 663, his dangerous assertion concerning the homage of the subject, ib. Spencer, alderman, left his vast fortune to his daughter, who married lord Compton, ii. 141. Spirit, the Holy, how it is ordinarily dispensed, i. 339. Spirit of wine cold to the touch, i. 93. Spirits in bodies scarce known, i. 97, several opinions of them, ib. they are natural bodies rarified, ib. causes of most of the effects in nature, ib. they have six differing operations, 121. Spirit of wine, several experiments about it, 127. Spirits in bodies, 150, how they differ in animate and inanimate, ib. how in plants and living creatures, ib. motion of the spirits excited by the moon, 189, the strengthening of them prohibiteth putrefaction, 123. Spirits of men fly upon odious objects, i. 174, the transmission of spirits, 190, et seq. transmission of them from the minds of men, 194, et seq. such things as comfort the spirits by sympathy, 197, the strife of the spirits best helped by arresting them for a time, 197, 198. Spoils in war, like water spilt on the ground, not to be gotten up, i. 777.

Springs of water made by art, i. 299.
Spring-water on the top of hills best, i. 130.
Sprouting of plants with water only, i. 154.
Spunge draws up water higher than the surface, i. 94. 1
Spunges, the place and manner of their growth, i. lê.
Spur of birds is but a nail, i. 168.

Squill, good to set kernels or plum-stones in, i. 135.
Squinting, whence it proceeds, i. 185.
Squire, Edward, executed for treason, ii. 154 note †.
Stafford, Humphry and Thomas, take arms against He
VII. i. 736, fly for sanctuary to Colnham, ib. Humpe
executed, and the younger pardoned, ib.

Stafford, Edward, eldest son of the Duke of Buckingh
i. 735, restored by Henry VII. to his dignities and far-
tunes, ib.

Stag's horn, ivy said to grow out of one, i. 144.
Stag's heart, with a bone in it, i. 168.
Stanchers of blood, i. 92, 199.
Stanford, Sir William, ii. 185.
Stanhope, lord, ii. 198.

Stanhope, Mr. John, ii. 153.

Stanley, William, puts a crown on Henry VII. in the fc2 i. 732. Sir William favours Perkin, 763, is lord chamberlain, 765, impeached by Clifford, ib. one of the riches subjects, 766, condemned and beheaded, ib. Stanley, Thomas lord, made earl of Derby at the cores tion of Henry VII. i. 734, being the king's father-in-la ib. brother to Sir William, 765.

Stanley, imprisoned in the Tower, ii. 154 note +. Star-chamber confirmed by parliament in certain cases. : 748, one of the sagest institutions in the kingdom, Stars, lesser, obscured, a sign of tempest, i. 177. Statim, its meaning explained by several cases, i. 690 Statute laws, the great number of them censured, i. 665 they want most correcting of any, ib. more doubts ar upon them than upon the common law, 668, the metho of reforming them, 670, of 27th of Henry VIII. concer ing a use, its advantage and extent, 584, this statute takes away all uses, and reduces the law to the ancest form of conveyance of land by feoffment, fine, and recovery, 585, of 39 of Elizabeth, concerning the explan tion of the word marches, 638, of 2 Edward VL for same, ib. of 32 Henry VIII. for the same, ib. of $7 € Henry VIII. for the same, ib. of 4 of Edward IV. for the same, ib. of 27 of Edward IV. for the same, ib. th things to be considered for the right understanding any statute, 598, several relating to the case of uses etplained, 578, of 5 of Edward III for the relief of ere ors, 603, several collected relating to uses, 604, an method to be observed in expounding them, 607, when an action is given by one, interest is supposed, 620, Cservations of statute 26 Henry VIII. and 16 Richard ¦ 637, 25 of Edward III. concerning where allegiance 5 due, 656, of Prærogativa regis, its excellent and w foundation, 664, whether those touching England a Scotland are to be repealed upon the union, 454, which consider the Scots as an enemy, ib. breach of i statute how to be punished, 677. See Case. Her VIII. upon the design of poisoning any one, 696, of Esward III. concerning purveyors, 449, of Henry V. cocerning the redress by letters of mart, 477. Stealths of all sorts are to be presented, i. 676. Steel, the melting of it promoted by brimstone, i. 240. Steel and parchment, very doubtful whether they are gor against natural title, i. 788. Stercoration, i. 149.

Sterility of the year changeth corn into another kind 142. Steward, Dr. ii. 209, 210.

Stewards of leets and law-days, their jurisdiction, i. 57 Stilpo says, he was the man whom Diogenes sought w his lantern, i. 316.

Stoic's felicity resembles that of a player, i. 255. Stolen goods, in what cases they may be seized by t owner, and in what not, i. 586.

Stomach, the appetite thereof, i. 178, the qualities t provoke appetite, ib. a receipt for it, 253. Stone wanting in fruits, i. 142.

Stone said to be cured by an application to the wrist, i stone will melt and vitrify, 242, where the seat of a

human bodies, 246, 247, stone engendered in a toad's Supremacy of the pope, placed with offences of state, i. 675, head, 247.

rawberries early, i. 131.

raying, how property in live cattle is gained thereby, i. 586.

retching, a motion of imitation, i. 118.

rife of the spirits how to be assuaged, i. 198. rings, musical, should be all of a size, i. 106. udies for delight, ornament, and ability, i. 301, studies, how influenced, 293, perfect nature, and are perfected by experience, 301, condemned by the crafty, admired by the simple, used by the wise, ib.

utting, two causes thereof, i. 129, generally in choleric persons, why, ib.

iarez, an account of his doctrine about the pope's power to depose kings, i. 688.

bjection to a king generally, and to a king as king of a certain kingdom, this difference how authorized, with answer, i. 657, that it is rather due to the crown than the person of the king, is a dangerous doctrine, 663, how resented by the nobility in Spencer's case, ib.

bjects of England, how far they think it not legal to be forced to foreign wars, i. 506.

abjects of our thoughts, words, and actions, under what direction, i. 293.

blimation of metals, i. 245.

ubmission to monarchical government, proceeds from four causes, i. 653.

bscriptions of the clergy, our author's opinion of them, i. 357.

bsidy and benevolence without war, i. 788.

bsidy, a speech on the motion of one in the 39th of Elizabeth, i. 441.

abterrany fires, i. 126.

accession, particular cases relating to the succession to lands by the offspring of any person once attainted, i. 580, to kingdoms, instances in many princes who would not fix it, i. 385.

uccessor declared may abate respect, but increases safety, i. 797, 798.

ucking long, ill for children, i. 125.

uckling, Sir John, ii. 263.

uffolk, earl of, son of John de la Pole, duke of Suffolk, and Elizabeth, eldest sister of Edward IV. i. 784, flies to his aunt the duchess of Burgundy, ib. involves himself at prince Arthur's marriage, 787, and flies again into Flanders, ib. styled a hair-brained fellow by the king, 790, is recalled, being assured of life with hopes of liberty, ib.

uffolk, lord, and his lady, prosecuted in the star-chamber, ii. 211, he is admitted again to sit in parliament, 264. ugar shineth in scraping, i. 124. Sugar little known to the ancients, 151. Sugar, how dissolved, 182, its uses, ib. draweth liquor higher than the liquor cometh, 94. uing in forma pauperis, its original, i. 769. Suing to be made a judge, to be suspected, &c. 512.

uitors, i. 301, what they are in fact, and what they ought to be, ib. despatch to be given them, 509, how to be ranked into several kinds, 510.

suits in chancery, what kind of them are to be dismissed the court, i. 717, what to be admitted in chancery, after judgment in other courts, 718, in which the plaintiff had not probabilem causam litigandi, he shall pay utmost costs, 719, are to be carried on with less delay and expense to the subject, 712.

Sulphureous and mercurial tribes, i. 125.

Summer and winter sicknesses, i. 128, the prognostics of a dry summer, 177.

Sun tanneth, which fire doth not, whence, i. 130.

Sun, the reason of its greater heat under Leo than Cancer, i. 450.

Sun, good by aspect, evil by conjunction, i. 257, never sets in the Spanish dominions, 524, worshipped in Feru, ib. Superfœtation, its cause, i. 145.

Super-plants, others beside mistletoe, i. 156.

worse than infidelity, i. 274, in matters of blood surpasses custom, 293. Supplicavit for good behaviour, when to be granted, i.


Supporting plants of themselves, and others not, i. 149.

the asserters thereof how to be punished, ib. how dangerous to princes this doctrine is, 694, ecclesiastical, a prerogative of the crown of England, 478, oaths of it, are altered by queen Elizabeth, 387, a contest between king James and the pope about it, ii. 39.

Surety, how one may be bound to find it for good behaviour, i. 570, the method of proceeding with a person so bound before he is discharged, 573, the benefits of it with regard to the union of England and Scotland, 466. Surfeits often cause purging, i. 88

Surplice, whether the use of it should be laid aside or no, i. 356.

Surprise in business, i. 279.

Surrey, Thomas earl of, released out of the Tower, and pardoned by Henry VII. i. 749, sent against the Yorkshire rebels, ib. and defeats them, ib. lieutenant of the north, ib. despatched again into the north, 774, pursues the king of Scots, and takes the castle of Aton, 776. Suspicions, i. 287, like bats among birds flying by twilight, ib. cloud the mind, check business, ib. seated in the brain, not the heart, ib. causes whence they proceed, ib. Sutton, his design about the charter-house condemned, i. 494, what his intent was therein, 495, advice to the king about the managing his estate, ib.

Sutton's hospital, i. 247.

Swallows, their early arrival, what it portends, i. 177.
Swallows, how made white, i. 199.

Swart, Martin, sent by the lady Margaret at the head of 2000 Almains, i. 739, slain in battle by Henry VII. 741. Sweat, moderate, preserveth the body, i. 126. Sweat, what, 163, parts under the water, though hot, sweat not, ib. salt in taste, ib. cometh more from the upper parts than from the lower, ib. more in sleep than waking, ib. cold sweat commonly mortal, ib. Sweat, in what diseases good, in what bad, ib. some men smelling sweet in their sweats, 83.

Sweating sickness, i. 733, its description and cure, ib. 734. Sweden, state of its affairs, i. 381.

Sweet moss, i. 144, 154. Sweetness of odour from the rainbow, 178. Sweetness of odour, whether or not in some water, ib. found in earth, ib. Sweet smells, ib. several properties of them, ib. they have a corporeal substance, are not like light, colours, and sound, ib. Sweetness in fruits and liquors, whence, i. 185. Sweet things commixed prohibit putrefaction, 124. Swelling, how caused in the body, i. 122, how it may be kept down,, 185, why it followeth upon blows and bruises, ib.

Swelling of grains upon boiling, i. 184, the cause of the different swelling of them, ib.

Swimming of bodies, whence, i. 172, 174.
Swines' dung dulcorateth fruit, whence, i. 136.
Swinging of bottles, the use of it, i. 119.

Switzers, why they last well notwithstanding the diversity of religion, i. 271.

Switzers, their success over Burgundy and France, i. 467. Swoonings, i. 193.

Swords, two among christians, i. 263, the sword of Mahomet a third to propagate religion by sanguinary persecutions, 263. Sword in the people's hand tends to the subversion of government, ib.

Sylla raised Pompey, i. 282, three things remarkable in him, 671.

"Sylva sylvarum," the intention of it, i. 96, its contents, ib. 142.

Sympathies are of two sorts only, i. 439.

Sympathy and antipathy, i. 96, 97. Sympathy and antipathy of plants, 137, et seq. Sympathy, wherein it consists, 191. Sympathy secret, between persons near in blood, 199, between great friends in absence, ib. Sympathy betwixt multitudes, ib. Sympathy in individuals, 200. Synods blamed, i. 347.


TACITUS, his arts of state and life, i. 264. Vide 40, 41. His character of Seneca, 290, his saying of Mucianus, 303. Talbot, Sir William, a charge against him for appealing to the doctrine of the church of Rome about deposing and

excommunicating kings, i. 686, the occasion of his of fence, 687. the particulars of the charge against him, 687, 688. his declaration subscribed by himself concerning the doctrine of Suarez, 688. Tanfield, Laurence, made chief baron of the exchequer, ii. 143.

Tangible bodies of themselves cold, i. 93, even spirit of
wine and chemical oils cold to the touch, ib. differences
of tangible parts in bodies, received some light from the
chemists, 97.

Tar, an antidote against the plague, i. 192.
Taste, alteration of it in bodily disorders, i. 159.
Taxes, people overlaid with them never martial, i. 285,
laid by consent best, ib. the several sorts of taxes in
England, 386.

Taxes, how to be managed after the union of England and
Scotland, i. 459, concerning the number of them in queen
Elizabeth's time, 386.

Tears of trees, i. 151, 152.

Teeth, scales growing on them, i. 96. great intercourse between them and the instrument of hearing, 104. Teeth, 159. 168, their tenderness, 104. Teeth set on edge by harsh sounds, the cause, 162, sinews in them, the cause of their pain, not the marrow. 168, their several kinds, ib. their difference in several creatures, ib. horned beasts have no upper teeth, ib. Tooth, the mark of horses' age, ib. at what age they come forth in men, ib. what things hurt them. 169, chiefest considerations about the teeth, ib. restitution of teeth in age, ib. whether it may be done

or no, ib.

Telesius, the reviver of Parmenides, and the best of the
novelists. i. 93.

Temperance the proper virtue of prosperity, i. 264.
Tempests, their productions, i. 177.

Temple, Mr. William, some account of him, ii. 30.
Tenants particular, their power in estates, i. 618, of seigni-
ories, shall not have aid. and why, 618, in dower, much
favoured by our laws, 606, upon the borders of Scotland,
how to be dealt with after the union, 454.
Tensile bodies, i. 181, difference between fibrous and

viscous, ib.

Tensure, i. 83.

Tenure of land, what is meant thereby, i. 577, in capite, what it is, 578, of the king, may take more hurt by a resolution in law, than by many suppressions and concealments, 623, 624, the great favour of our law towards those in capite, 624, are divided into two kinds, ib. by knight's service more eminent than by socage, with the reasons of it, ib. in capite is the most worthy of all, ib. by knight's service in capite, cannot be aliened without icence from the king, ib. the penalty of alienation, ib. wheresoever the law createth the tenure of the king, it always raiseth a tenure in capite, 625, 626, where there

Themistocles reprimands an ambassador, 321. Vide
Themistocles compares speech to cloth of Arras S

abroad, i. 283, his arrogant commendations of his 284, drove Xerxes out of Greece by a report, 309, Theodosius promised nothing if it was unjust, i. 321. Thistle-down, flying in the air, foreshoweth wind, i Thomas Aquinas, his definition of a just cause* ** i. 535.

Thomas, Valentine, accuses the king of Scots, i
note +.

Thorns, plants that have them, i. 145.
Thorpe, observations on his case, ii. 232.
Thoughts and conjectures on the different objects
merit man's attention, i. 232.

Thucydides, what he says of the war of Peloponnes
i. 534.

Thunder, i. 176. Thunders, whether greatest in the
of the moon, 189.

Thwaites, Sir Thomas, conspires in favour of Perkin, i. 76
Thynne, Sir Thomas, i. 198.

Tiberius died in an act of dissimulation, i. 262, which w
the practice of his life, 264, uses the ambition of Ma
to pull down Sejanus, 291.
Ticinum in Italy, a remarkable church there, i. 174.
Timber, i. 155, the several natures thereof. ib. that

tough which grows in moist ground, ib. the several co
according to the nature of the trees, ib.

Timber of a house fallen by tempest, to whom belong

i. 619.

Timber tree, when standing, is part of the inheritan well as the soil itself, this point argued, i. 617, the s more fully discussed, ib. so it is also when severed. several authorities produced to show that the prope of them belongs to the lessee, 619, these authorities bated and confuted, ib. &c. the felling thereof supp to be ad exhæredationem, 617, cases wherein the may fell, 619, the statute of Gloucester relating to the explained, 620.

Time and heat in many instances work the like effects 117, 185, accelerating of it in works of nature of gr importance, 119.

Time, the measure of business,

as money is of wares, i
prefaces, excuses, &c. great wasters of time, 21,
time passes in sickness or pain, 256.
Timoleon's fortune, i. 294.

Timotheus, his folly and vanity, i. 294.
Tin, incorporation of with other metals, i. 243.
Tincture of metals, i. 245.
Tipping, Sir George, ii. 202.

Tirrel, Sir James, his account how he murdered the
and duke, i. 763, soon after beheaded in the Tower-
for other matters of treason, 787.

is any uncertainty of tenure by common law, it shall be Titillation, i. 170, the cause of it, ib. induceth laug' ing i

tenure in capite, 625, where the tenure reserved is re

of the nostrils, causeth sneezing, ib.

pugnant to law, or impossible, it is the same, ib. so also Titus, eldest son of Vespasian, i. 321, dissuades the tr

where a tenure once created is afterwards extinct, ib. several instances of what are tenures in capite, ib. of a rent or seigniory when judged in esse, 626, in what cases they are revived, 627, a speech to desire liberty of the king to compound for them, 484, they have regard to considerations of honour, conscience, and profit, ib. belong to the prerogative by ancient common law, ib. the nature of them much altered, 485, cases of wardship,

upon urine, 323.

Toadstool, its dimension and place of growth, i. 144
Tobacco relieves weariness, i. 166, 167. English teb
how it may be mended, 184, comforteth the spir
discharges weariness, 193.

Tongue, showeth inward diseases, i. 159.
Torpedo marina, i. 200.

Tones, why less apt to procure sleep than sounds, i. 99

where there was nothing of them, ib. See Case, Lowe's Tortosa, cardinal, preceptor to Charles V. made pape


Tenures of several kinds. i. 579.

Terebration of trees, i. 136.

Terentius, a Roman knight, his behaviour and saying when he was accused of intimacy with Sejanus, ii. 61 note *. Terminor, the nature of his estate, i. 617, inferences re

750, son of a dutch brewer, ib.

Tough bodies, i. 179. Toughness, its cause, 181.
Tournaments not lawful at any time without the k

licence, i. 685.

Tourne, sheriff's court so called, and why, i. 651. jers

tion of it, ib.

lating to the inheritance of timber trecs drawn from Towerson, Mr. merchant of London, brother to eart

thence, ib.

Terra Lemnia, i. 162.

Terra sigillata communis, i. 162.

Thales, his monopoly of olives, i. 157, his stricture upon marriage, 315.

Theft, a property gained that way, how it may sometimes

Amboyna, ii. 179 note †.

Gabriel Towerson, one of the English put to death. Trade at home layeth a foundation of foreign tre Traffic was very flourishing under queen Elizabeth. 517, encouraging tillage may spare for transportat


bar the right of the owner, i. 586, and robberies, how to Trajan, what was said of him by Tacitus, i. 483.

be punished, 676.

Tramontanes not relished in Italy, i. 756.

ansmission of water through earth, it is material whether | Trust, what it is defined to be, i. 599, special trust, in : riseth or falleth, i. 83.

ansmission of immateriate virtues, whether any, i. 190. insmission of spirits, i. 190, et seq. eight kinds of transnissions of spirits; as of the airy parts of bodies, 191, of piritual species, ib. of spirits causing attraction, ib. of pirits working by the primitive nature of matter, ib. of he spirits of the mind of man, ib. of the influences of the eavenly bodies, ib. in operations of sympathy, ib. by ympathy of individuals, 192.

insmutation of air into water, i. 85.

Transmutation of netals, 180. Transmutation of plants, 142, six rules for he effecting it, 143, farther inquisitions into it, 246. iske, John, prosecuted in the star-chamber, ii. 216 note +.

eason, several cases wherein a man becomes guilty of it, .662, the punishment, the method of trial, and other proceedings relating thereto, 643. See Petty treason ind Misprision.

ebisond, honey made there from the box tree, that makes nen mad, i. 182.

ees planted warm, i. 131, housing of them, 132, heap of lint laid at the bottom helpeth their growth, 133, shakng hurteth a tree at first setting, afterwards not, ib. cutting away suckers helpeth them, ib. how to plant a tree that may grow fair in one year, ib. helped by boring 1 hole through the heart of the stock, ib. and 135, by slitting the roots, 133, by spreading them upon the wall, io. by plucking off some leaves, 134, by digging yearly about the roots, ib. by applying new mould, ib. by removing to better earth, ib. by slicing their bark, ib. in some kinds by shade, ib. by setting the kernels or stones in a squill growing, 135, helped by pulling off some blossoms, ib. by several applications to the roots, 135, 136, by letting them blood, 136, grow best fenced from sun and wind, 137, causes of their barrenness, ib. Tree blown up by the roots and replaced proved fruitful, 134, trial of watering a tree with warm water, 135. Trees that grow best without grafting, ib. fruit-tree grafted upon a moister stock will grow larger, ib.

Trees re

moved, to be coasted as before, 136, lower boughs bring the bigger fruit, 134, 153. Trees apparelled with flowers, 140, forming of trees into several shapes, 141, transmutation of trees and plants, 142, six designations thereof, 143. Trees in coppice-woods grow more tall and straight, whence, ib. Trees full of heat grow tall, why, ib. how to dwarf trees, ib. Trees that are winders, ib. Trees moister yield less moss, why, 144. Trees in clay ground apt to gather moss, whence, ib. Trees hide-bound bring forth moss, ib. Trees that ripen latest blossom earliest, 147. Trees that last longest, namely, the largest of body, such as bring mast or nuts, such as bring forth leaves late, and shed them late, such as are often cut, 147. Trees with scattered boughs, 148, with upright boughs, whence, ib. Tree, Indian, with leaves of great largeness, and fruit without stalks, 151. Tree in Persia nourished with salt water, ib. Trees commonly fruitful but each other year, why, 153. Trees bearing best on the lower boughs, others on the higher boughs, whence, ib. some bear best when they are old, others when they are young, whence, ib. soils and places peculiar to them, 155.

rees, when young belong to the lessee, when full grown to the lessor, and when set to the lessee again, with the reasons of it, i. 618, it is a fault to say the lessee has a property in the trees, ib. when severed by grant they subsist as a chattel divided, 617, that are wind-falls, to whom they belong, 619.

refoil swelleth against rain, i. 178. rembling, whence, i. 163.

rembling in shadows whence, i. 187. rent, council of, i. 274.

repidation of water hath an affinity with the letter L, i. 106. Trepidation on the sight of offensive objects, 174. resham, Sir Lewis, his suit in chancery recommended by the earl of Buckingham, ii. 188.

rials for wholesome airs, i. 172.

Trials, the care of our laws observable in them, i. 606. riumvirate of kings, i. 276.

rochisks of vipers much magnified, i. 159, 198.

what cases lawful or not so, ib. Truth, how it becomes corrupted, i. 346.

Truths, theological, philosophical, and political, i. 261, 262. Truth and falsehood will not incorporate, but resemble Nebuchadnezzar's image, 263, the concealment of it from princes, sometimes as bad as treachery, 509. Tuft of moss in a brier-bush, i. 145. Turkey, rice much fed upon in, i. 90. Turkish turban, i. 203. Turks great sitters, i. 167, to them bathing good, ib. empoison the water, 192, make an expedition into Persia, 325, despise marriage, 266. Turks cruel to men and compassionate to beasts, 270, warlike, 286, why always a just cause of war against them, 534, their rise from poverty, 467, king of Spain pretends war against them,


Twelve tables of Rome, i. 305.

Twice a year fruits, i. 147.

Tyndall, Sir John, killed by John Bertram, ii. 184 note *. Tyranny over men's understandings and beliefs, much affected, i. 201.

Tyrant, Suarez's distinction of tyrant in title, and in regiment, i. 688.

Tyrant in title, i. 731, princes think it most politic to have a tyrant reign in their neighbourhood, 743. Tyrone, his reports to several persons after his conference with Essex, about his design upon England, i. 411, was to be made viceroy of Ireland, ib.

Tythes, how they came to be tried for in ecclesiastical courts, i. 355, a great cause of them concerning the benefices in London, ii. 201.

V and U.

VAGABONDS and gamesters coupled together in the statutes, i. 788.

Vain-glory, essential to soldiers and commanders, i. 303.
Valour of several kinds, i. 542.

Value, what the law intends by it, i. 631.
Vanlore, Peter, fined in the star-chamber, ii. 216.

Vapour of charcoal, or of sea-coal, or of a room new plastered, mortal, i. 192.

Vapours metalline very noxious, i. 192. Vapours which taken outwardly would condense the spirits, i. 193.

Vatican, i. 297.

Vaughan, lord, ii. 250.

Vegetables rotting upon the ground a good compost, i. 149, several instances thereof, ib.

Venomous quality of man's flesh, i. 85.
Venous bodies, i. 180.

Venus, i. 159, in excess dimmeth the sight, ib. the acts of it, 160, men more inclined in winter, women in summer, ib. Verdict false, remediable, i. 769.

Vere, Sir Francis, ascribeth the victory at the battle of
Newport to the English, i. 540.
Vere, Sir Horace, i. 540.

Verge, a charge at the sessions thereof, i. 673, what is meant thereby, ib. some points chiefly recommended to be inquired into by the jury thereof, ib. jurisdiction of this court, 674.

Verjuice. i. 94, 189.

Vermin frighted with the head of a wolf, i. 198.
Vernon, lady, ii. 205.

Verunsel, president of Flanders, i. 773.
Vespasian reprimands his son Domitian, i. 321.
Vespasian defeats a corrupt suitor, i. 322, his question to
Apollonius, ib. sets a tribute upon urine, 323, died with
a jest, 262, changed for the better by power, 269.
Vestimentum, the canonists' interpretation thereof, i. 555.
Vesuvius, the countries about it enriched by the eruptions,
i. 149, 173.

Vices, if profitable, the virtuous man the sinner, i. 133. Vicissitude of wet and dry, hot and cold, hasten putrefaction, i. 122.

Vicissitude of things, i. 306, in earth and in the heavens, ib. in religion, 307, in wars, ib. in weapons of war, ib. Villenage, what sort of tenure it is, i. 579.

Villiers, Sir George, afterwards duke of Buckingham, i.

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