The Cyclopaedia of Biography ...

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G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1880 - 1153 pages

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Page 9 - The whole nation was at that time on fire with faction. The Whigs applauded every line in which liberty was mentioned, as a satire on the Tories ; and the Tories echoed every clap, to show that the satire was unfelt.
Page 504 - The saide Robert entertained an hundred tall men and good archers with such spoiles and thefts as he got, upon whom four hundred (were they ever so strong) durst not give the onset.
Page 46 - I take my subjects' money, when I want it, without all this formality of parliament?" The bishop of Durham readily answered, "God forbid, Sir, but you should: you are the breath of our nostrils." Whereupon the King turned and said to the bishop of Winchester, "Well, my Lord, what say you?" "Sir," replied the bishop, "I have no skill to judge of parliamentary cases." The King answered, "No put-offs, my Lord; answer me presently." "Then, Sir," said he, "I think it is lawful for you to take my brother...
Page 510 - Eton, his strong predilection for the sea induced his father to place him, at the age of 14, in quality of a midshipman, on board the Severn, in which ship he sailed with Anson for the Pacific, and continued going 'through the usual gradations of the service under that admiral, till 1745, when, though only 20 years of age, he obtained the command of the Baltimore sloop of war.
Page 396 - Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles, and made easy to those who have not studied Mathematics.
Page 203 - Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of delight.
Page 160 - He published his Experiments on White Magnesia, Quicklime, and several other Alkaline Substances, in the 2d volume of the Essays, Physical and Literary, of the Edinburgh Society. He demonstrates the existence of an aerial fluid in these substances, which he calls fixed air, the presence of which diminishes the corrosive power of the alkalies and the calcareous earths.
Page 405 - Table of English Silver Coins, from the Norman Conquest to the Present Time.
Page 415 - One of the political articles in the journal having offended the general court of the colony, the publisher was imprisoned, and forbidden to continue it To elude this prohibition, young Franklin was made the nominal editor, and his indentures were ostensibly cancelled. After the release of his brother, he took advantage of this act to assert his freedom, and thus escape from the ill treatment which he suffered.

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