Lore of the School of ElijahJewish Publication Society, 1997 - 569 pages "Tanna Debe Eliyyahu" is a midrashic work thought to have been composed between the third and the tenth centuries. Unlike all the other midrashim, it does not consist of a compilation of individual homilies but is a unified work shaped with a character of its own. This Midrash is distinguished by its didactic and moral aims. The author deals with the divine precepts and the reasons for them, and the importance and knowledge of Torah, prayer, and repentence. He is especially concerned with the ethical and religious values that are enshrined in the lives of the patriarchs. In the eye of many students and scholars, it is unique, a masterpiece of Jewish thought. |
CHAPTER 9 | 9 |
Gods decision to give Torah to the Jews and their being tested before | 11 |
CHAPTER 22 | 15 |
CHAPTER 23 | 23 |
Gods reward of the righteous His compassion for the repentant His requital | 37 |
CHAPTER 5 | 46 |
CHAPTER 5 6 ER 2731 | 61 |
CHAPTER 28 26 | 305 |
CHAPTER 29 27 ER 14347 | 313 |
CHAPTER 30 28 ER 14756 | 323 |
CHAPTER 31 29 ER 15665 | 340 |
EZ 16771 | 359 |
Refutation of a skeptics argument concerning the source of Mishnah | 367 |
CHAPTER 3 EZ 17578 | 374 |
CHAPTER 4 EZ 17881 | 380 |
CHAPTER 2 | 62 |
Torah is Gods innermost sanctum Prophets plead for mercy in Israels behalf | 73 |
CHAPTER 7 8 ER 3946 | 92 |
CHAPTER 8 9 ER 4648 | 106 |
Of Deborah and Jezebel Omri and Ahab | 112 |
The rewards of piety honesty and learning | 120 |
CHAPTER 11 12 ER 5559 | 126 |
Dining with the right kind of people | 135 |
Encounter with a man who had Scripture but not Mishnah | 154 |
CHAPTER 15 | 157 |
CHAPTER 15 16 ER 7280 | 161 |
Why one is to rejoice because of the advent of death the Impulse to evil | 177 |
CHAPTER 17 | 183 |
devotion to Torah likened to devotion to a wife Torah | 196 |
CHAPTER 19 ER 11012 | 240 |
Its faithfulness to | 262 |
CHAPTER 24 22 ER 12427 | 269 |
CHAPTER 25 23 ER 12729 | 276 |
CHAPTER 27 25 ER 13539 | 294 |
CHAPTER 5 EZ 18182 | 386 |
EZ 184 | 392 |
EZ 18689 | 398 |
CHAPTER 10 EZ 18991 | 404 |
CHAPTER 12 | 411 |
Intense study of Torah leads to happiness and radiance of countenance Elijahs | 421 |
moral practical personal and communal together | 427 |
EZ CHAPTER 17 S 1523 | 443 |
EZ CHAPTER | 450 |
EZ CHAPTER | 457 |
EZ CHAPTER 21 S 3336 | 463 |
EZ CHAPTER | 473 |
EZ CHAPTER | 481 |
God as Israels escort to and from Egypt Josephs character and experiences | 489 |
CHAPTER 3 | 497 |
GLOSSARY | 507 |
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Aaron Abraham Aggadot Amalek angels asked B.Ber Balaam Behold blessed bring brought children of Israel command covenant daughter David death deeds Deut disciples dwell earth Egypt Egyptians Elijah Exod Ezek Ezekiel Father in heaven Friedmann Gehenna glory God's Haida Halakah Halakot hand hath heart heathen heave offering Hence Hezekiah Holy ibid Impulse to evil Isaiah Israelites Jacob Jeroboam Jerusalem Jethro Joshua Judg Land Louis Ginzberg Maimonides master mean mercy Messiah Midrash Mishnah mortal king Moses MTeh parable Phinehas precepts presence priest PRKM PRKS Prophets Prov punishment Rabbah Rashi read Scripture recite Mishnah regard rejoice repentance replied requital righteous Sages Sanhedrin Scripture Scripture says Sennacherib servants Song sons speak study of Torah Temple thee Thereupon things Thou shalt transgression unto verse weep wicked wife wisdom wise woman word the world words of Torah world-to-come