Here the Deacon fhall ftand up, and turning to the Penitents fhall fay, Depart ye Penitents; and when they are gone out, he shall kneel down again. Then shall the Priest ftand up, and fay the following prayer of Abfolution, the People reverently bowing their heads. ALmighty God, Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who defireft not the death of a finner, but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live; and haft given power and commandment to thy Priefts to intercede with thee in behalf of thy people being penitent; Grant unto these thy fervants true repentance and forgiveness of their fins, and bless us all with thy Holy Spirit, that those things may please thee which we do at this prefent, and that the reft of our life hereafter may be pure and holy, fo that at the last we may come to thine eternal joy, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. The Confeffion and Abfolution, to be used on every day in Holy-week except Sunday. The Confeffion, to be faid by the Priest and all the Congregation. Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, Maker of all things, Judge of all men: We acknowledge and bewail our manifold fins and wickedness, Which we from time to time most grievously have committed, By thought, word, and deed, Against thy divine majefty, Provoking most justly thy wrath and indignation against us. We do earneftly repent, and are heartily forry for all our mifdoings; The remembrance of them is grievous unto us, The burden of them is intolerable. Have mercy upon us, have mercy upon us, moft merciful Father; For thy Son our Lord Jefus Chrift's fake, Forgive us all that is paft, And grant that we may ever hereafter ferve and please thee in newness of life, To the honour and glory of thy name, Through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen. Here the Deacon fhall stand up, and turning to the Penitents hall fay, Depart ye Penitents; and when they are gone out, he fall kneel down again. Then fhall the Prieft ftand up, and fay the following prayer of Abfolution, the People reverently bowing their heads. ALmighty God our heavenly Father, who of thy great mercy haft promised forgiveness of fins to all them, who with hearty repentance and true faith turn unto thee; have mercy upon this thy flock, pardon and deliver them from all their fins, confirm and strengthen them in all goodness, and bring them to everlasting life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. Then the Priest fhall fay the following prayer for all forts and conditions of men. God, the creator and preferver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all forts and conditions of men, that thou wouldest be pleased to make thy ways known unto them, thy faving health unto all nations. More especially we pray for the good eftate of the Catholick Church, that it may be fo guided and governed by thy good Spirit, that all who profefs and call themfelves Chriftians, may be led into the way of truth, and hold the faith in unity of Spirit, in the bond of peace, and in righ teousness teousness of life. Send down upon upon all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, the healthful Spirit of thy grace; and that they may truly please thee, pour upon them the continual dew of thy bleffing. We befeech thee alfo, O Lord, the only ruler of princes, with thy favour to behold thy fervant our King; and fo replenish him with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that he may alway incline to thy will and walk in thy way. Blefs and preferve the royal family, and all in authority. We likewife implore thy mercy for all thy fervants, who are departed hence from us with the fign of faith, and now do rest in the fleep of peace. Finally, we commend to thy fatherly goodness all those, who are any ways afflicted or diftreffed in mind, body, or eftate, [efpecially thofe for whom our prayers are defired; This is to be faid when any defire the prayers of the Congregation:] that it may please thee to comfort and relieve them according to their feveral neceffities, giving them patience under their sufferings, and a happy iffue out of all their afflictions. And this we beg for Jesus Chrift his fake. Amen. Then the Priest shall say the following Thanksgiving. ALmighty God, Father of all mercies, we thine unworthy fervants do give thee most humble and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindnefs to us and to all men. We bless thee for our creation, prefervation, and all the bleffings of this life, but above all for thine ineftimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jefus Chrift; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we beseech thee give us that due sense of all thy mercies, that our hearts may be unfeignedly thankful, and that we may fhew forth thy praise F3 not not only with our lips, but in our lives, by giving up our felves to thy fervice, and by walking before thee in holiness and righteoufnefs all our days, through Jefus Christ our Lord; to whom, with Thee and the Holy Ghoft, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. Then fhall follow these three Prayers. On Wednesdays, and on Monday, Tuesday, and Thurfday in Holy-week and the week before. A Shift us mercifully, O Lord, in these our fupplications and prayers, and difpose the way of thy fervants towards the attainment of everlasting falvation; that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life, they may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen. ALmighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, who knoweft our neceffities before we afk, and our ignorance in afking: We befeech thee to have compaffion upon our infirmities; and thofe things, which for our unworthinefs we dare not, and for our blindnefs we cannot afk, vouchfafe to give us for the worthiness of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Almighty God, who haft given us grace at this time with one accord to make our common fupplications unto thee; and doft promise by thy well-beloved Son, that when two or three are gathered together in his name, thou wilt grant their requests: Fulfil now, O Lord, the defires and petitions of thy fervants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world knowledge of thy truth, truth, and in the world to come life everlasting. Amen. On Fridays, and on Eafter Eve. Almighty Lord and everlasting God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, fanctify, and govern both our hearts and bodies in the ways of thy laws and in the works of thy commandments; that through thy most mighty protection, both here and ever, we may be preferved in body and foul, through our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen. PRevent us, O Lord, in all our doings with thy moft gracious favour, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy name, and finally by thy mercy obtain everlasting life, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen. ALmighty God, who haft promised to hear the petitions of them that afk in thy Son's name: We beseech thee mercifully to incline thine ears to us, who have made now our prayers and fupplications unto thee; and grant that those things, which we have faithfully afked according to thy will, may effectually be obtained, to the relief of our neceffity, and to the fetting forth of thy glory, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen. Then the Priest being turned to the People, shall pronounce this Bleffing. THE peace of God, which paffeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jefus F 4 Chrift |