Subjunc. pres. Séa, y no séa, it may be, and it may not be. Imperfect. Sería, y no seria, it would, and it would not be. Preterite. Fuése or fuéra, y no fuése or no fuéra, it might be, and it might not be. The impersonal menester, it must. Indicat pres. Es menester, y no es menester, Imperfect. Preterite. Future. it must, and it must not. Era menester, y no era menester, Subjunc. pres. Séa menester, y no séa menester, Imperfect. Preterite. it may, and it may not be necessary. it would, and it would not be necessary. it might, and it might not be necessary. The other impersonals have infinitive, gerund, and participle; which shall be set down here for the further instruction of the pupil. Háce (it is) is used with an adjective, and some nouns denoting the disposition of the weather, as hace calór, it is-hot; hace frío, it is cold; hace viento, it is windy, &c. M An adverb is that part of speech which is joined to a verb, adjective, or participle, to express some circumstance, quality, degree, or manner of its signification. Example. Dios es infinimente justo: castigará rigorosamente á los impios. God is infinitely just: he will rigorously punish the impious. N. B. Most Spanish adjectives may be changed into adverbs by adding mente to the feminine termination of such adjectives as have two terminations; or to the common termination of such adjectives as have only one termination. Besides the number of adverbs formed from adjectives, there are many others, which can be divided into fourteen classes, according to their signification; they are as follow: commonly comun note freqüeron ente frequently almost always never hardly Gust siempre casi nunca de dia de noche dia y noche de una vez mas que nunca leisurely by day at once more than ever more and more seasonably daily. de seguido Sone after an other juntamente together al rededór round about alternativamente alternatively finalmente finally ordenadamente orderly en confusion confusedly atropelladamentein a jumble totalmente utterly tambien, topsy-turvy igualmente } likewise. Adverbs of quantity and number. } wonderfully absolutamente absolutely medianamente tolerably menos less además. moreover quantas veces how many times á lo mas at most una vez once á lo menos at least dos veces twice abundantemente plentifully tres veces thrice diez veces ten times Bien mal Adverbs of quality and manner. well, right bad, wrong muy bien very well muy mal very bad admirablemente admirably well medianamente neither well nor bad sabiamente wisely justamente justly lindamente, bonitamente prettily prudentemente prudently invariablemente constantly vigorosamente briskly facilmente easily con negligencía carelessly anticipadamente previously primeramente first of all sin masni mas, point blank, directamente bluntly enteramente derechamente falsamente de buena gana de mala gana con intencion thoroughly straight falsely heartily grudgingly on purpose voluntariamente wilfully merecidamente deservedly injustamente wrongfully seriamente seriously descuidadamente giddily locamente sillily temerariamente rashly a toda priesa headlong inadvertidamenteinadvertently accidentalmente accidentally estrechamente narrowly mortalmente mortally liberalmente largely amigablemente amicably en paz in peace tranquilamente peaceably exactamente exactly rudamente rudely vigorosamente stoutly aceleradamente in haste á pić á caballo on foot on horseback ala Española after the Spanish Adverbs of affirmation. verdaderamente yes, indeed ciertamente sure, to be sure seguramente assuredly indulitablemente certainly in truth en verdad Adverbs of negation and doubt. á cáso, perhaps No, ni no, not de ningun modo not at all tampoco por ventura neither. probablemente probably muy probable very likely.. |