years' space there passed scarce ten suits that were allowed. And I doubt now, upon his Majesty's coming home from this journey, he will be much troubled with petitions and suits; which maketh me think this remedy more seasonable. It is not meant, that suits generally should pass that way, but only such suits as his Majesty would be rid on. Indorsed, September 21, 1617. in it. Some of the particular errors committed in this business he will name, but without accusing any particular persons by name. Thus your lordship seeth the fruits of my natural inclination. I protest, all this time past it was no small grief unto me to hear the mouth of so many, upon this occasion, open to load you with innumerable malicious and detracting speeches, as if no music were more pleasing to my ear, than to rail of you; which made me rather regret the ill nature of To revive the commission of suits. For the King. mankind, that, like dogs, love to set upon them that they see snatched at. And to conclude, my lord, you have hereby a fair THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM TO THE LORD occasion so to make good hereafter your reputation, KEEPER, SIR FRANCIS BACON.* MY LORD, I HAVE made his Majesty acquainted with your note concerning that wicked fellow's speeches, which his Majesty contemneth, as is usual to his great spirit in these cases. But, notwithstanding, his Majesty is pleased, that it shall be exactly tried, whether this foul-mouthed fellow was taken either with drunkenness or madness, when he spake it. And as for your lordship's advice for setting up again the commissioners for suits, his Majesty saith, there will be time enough for thinking upon that, at his coming to Hampton-Court. But his Majesty's direction, in answer of your letter, hath given me occasion to join hereunto a discovery upon the discourse you had with me this day.t For I do freely confess, that your offer of submission unto me, and in writing, if so I would have it, battered so the unkindness, that I had conceived in my heart for your behaviour towards me in my absence, as out of the sparks of my old affection towards you, I went to sound his Majesty's intention towards you, specially in any public meeting; where I found, on the one part, his Majesty so little satisfied with your late answer unto him, which he counted, for I protest I use his own terms, confused and childish, and his rigorous resolution, on the other part, so fixed, that he would put some public exemplary mark upon you; as I protest the sight of his deep-conceived indignation quenched my passion, making me upon the instant change from the person of a party into a peace-maker; so as I was forced upon my knees to beg of his Majesty, that he would put no public act of disgrace upon you. And as, I dare say, no other person would have been patiently heard in this suit by his Majesty but myself; so did I, though not without difficulty, obtain thus much, that he would not so far disable you from the merit of your future service, as to put any particular mark of disgrace upon your person. Only thus far his Majesty protesteth, that upon the conscience of his office he cannot omit, though laying aside all passion, to give a kindly reprimand, at his first sitting in council, to so many of his counsellors as were then here behind, and were actors in this business, for their ill behaviour * This seems to be the letter to which the lord keeper returned an answer, September 22, 1617, printed in his works. † At Windsor, according to Sir Antony Weldon, who may by your sincere service to his Majesty, as also by your firm and constant kindness to your friends, as I may, your lordship's old friend, participate of the comfort and honour that will thereby come to you Thus I rest at last Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, The force of your old kindness hath made me set down this in writing unto you, which some, that have deserved ill of me in this action, would be glad to obtain by word of mouth, though they bo far enough from it, for ought I yet see. But I beseech your lordship to reserve this secretly to yourself only, till our meeting at Hampton-Court, lest his Majesty should be highly offended, for a cause that I know. Indorsed, A letter of reconciliation from lord Buckingham, after his Majesty's return from Scotland. TO THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, Ir may please your lordship to let his Majesty understand, that I have spoken with all the judges, signifying to them his Majesty's pleasure touching the commendams. They all una voce did reaffirm, that his Majesty's powers, neither the power of the crown, nor the practised power by the archbishop, as well in the commendam ad recipiendum, as the commendam ad retinendum, are intended to be touched; but that the judgment is built upon the particular defects and informalities of this commendam now before them. They received with much comfort, that his Majesty took so well at their hands the former stay, and were very well content and desirous, that when judgment is given, there be a faithful report made of the reason thereof. The accounts of the summer circuits, as well as that of the lent circuit, shall be ready against his Majesty's coming. They will also be ready with some account of their labours concerning Sir Edward Coke's Reports: wherein I told them his Majesty's meaning was, not to disgrace the person, but to rec perhaps be believed in such a circumstance as this. See Court and Character of King James I. p. 122. tify the work, having in his royal contemplation | middle shires, unto his Majesty, who liketh it very rather posterity than the present. The two points touching the peace of the middle shires, I have put to a consult with some selected judges. The cause of the Egertons I have put off, and shall presently enter into the treaty of accord, according to his Majesty's commandment, which is well tasted abroad in respect of his compassion towards those ancient families. God ever preserve and prosper your lordship, according to the faithful and fervent wishes of Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, York-house, Oct. 11, 1617. TO THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, I HAVE reformed the ordinance according to his Majesty's corrections, which were very material. And for the first of phrasis non placet, I understand his Majesty, nay farther, I understand myself, the better for it. I send your lordship therefore six privy seals; for every court will look to have their several warrant. I send also two bills for letters patents to the two reporters: and for the persons, I send also four names, with my commendations of those two, for which I will answer upon my knowledge. The names must be filled in the blanks: and so they are to be returned. For the business of the court of wards, your lordship's letter found me in the care of it. Therefore, according to his Majesty's commandment, by you signified, I have sent a letter for his Majesty's signature. And the directions themselves are also to be signed. These are not to be returned to me, lest the secret come out; but to be sent to my lord of Wallingford, as the packets used to be sent. I do much rejoice to hear of his Majesty's health and good disposition. For me, though I am incessantly in business, yet the reintegration of your love maketh me find all things easy. God preserve and prosper you. Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, York-house, Oct. 18, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.* MY HONOURABLE LORD, well. As for the point of law, his Majesty will con- Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Hinchinbroke, the 22nd TO THE LORD KEEPER.† MY HONOURABLE LORD, His Majesty hath spent some time with Sir Lionel Cranfield about his own business, wherewith he acquainted his Majesty. He hath had some conference with your lordship, upon whose report to his Majesty of your zeal and care of his service, which his Majesty accepteth very well at your hands, he hath commanded Sir L. Cranfield to attend your lordship, to signify his farther pleasure for the fartherance of his service; unto whose relation I Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Oct. 26, 1617. SIR FRANCIS ENGLEFYLD TO THE LORD RIGHT HONOURABLE, GIVE me leave, I beseech your lordship, for want of other means, by this paper to let your lordship understand, that notwithstanding I rest in no contempt, nor have to my knowledge broken any order made by your lordship concerning the trust, either for the payment of money, or assignment of land; yet, by reason of my close imprisonment, and the unusual carriage of this cause against me, I can get no counsel, who will in open court deliver my case unto your lordship. I must therefore humbly leave unto your lordship's wisdom, how far your lordship will, upon my adversary's fraudulent bill exhibited by the wife without her husband's privity, extend the most powerful arm of your authority against me, who desire nothing but the honest performance of a trust, which I know not how to leave, if I would. So, nothing doubting but your lordship I HAVE delivered the judges' advice, touching the will do what appertaineth to justice, and the emi * Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. + Ibid. This gentleman was very unfortunate in his behaviour, with regard to those who had the great seal; for in Hilary term of the year 1623-4, he was fined 3000l. by the star-chamber, for casting an imputation of bribery on the lord keeper Williams, bishop of Lincoln. MS. Letter of Mr. Chamberlain to Sir Dudley Carleton, dated at London, 1623-4. Sir Francis had been committed to the Fleet for a contempt of a decree in chancery; upon which he was charged, by Sir John Bennet, with having said before sufficient witness, that he could prove this holy bishop judge had been bribed by some that fared well in their causes. A few days after the sentence in the star-chamber, the lord keeper sent for Sir Francis, and told him, he would refute his foul aspersions, and prove upon him, that he scorned the pelf of the world, or to exact, or make lucre of any man and that for his own part, he forgave him every penny of his fine, and would crave the same mercy towards him from the king. Bishop Hacket's Life of Archbishop Williams, Part I. pp. 83, 84, nent place of equity your lordship holdeth, I must, since I cannot understand from your lordship the cause of my late close restraint, rest, during your lordship's pleasure, Your lordship's close prisoner in the Fleet, Oct. 28, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.* MY HONOURABLE LORD, I HAVE thought good to renew my motion to your lordship, in the behalf of my lord Huntingdon, my lord Stanhope, and Sir Thomas Gerard; for that I am more particularly acquainted with their desires; they only seeking the true advancement of the charitable uses, unto which the land, given by their grandfather, was intended: which, as I am informed, was meant by way of a corporation, and by this means, that it might be settled upon the schoolmaster, usher, and poor, and the coheirs to be visitors. The tenants might be conscionably dealt withal; and so it will be out of the power of any feoffees to abuse the trust; which, it hath been lately proved, have been hitherto the hinderance of this good work. These coheirs desire only the honour of their ancestor's gift, and wish the money, misemployed and ordered to be paid into court by Sir John Harper, may rather be bestowed by your lordship's discretion for the augmentation of the foundation of their ancestors, than by the censure of any other. And so I rest Your lordship's servant, Theobald's, November 12. Indorsed, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.† MY HONOURABLE LORD, THOUGH I had resolved to give your lordship no more trouble in matters of controversy depending before you, with what importance soever my letters had been; yet the respect I bear unto this gentleman hath so far forced my resolution, as to recommend unto your lordship the suit, which, I am informed by him, is to receive a hearing before you on Monday next, between Barnaby Leigh and Sir Edward Dyer, plaintiffs, and Sir Thomas Thynne defendant; wherein I desire your lordship's favour on the plaintiffs so far only as the justice of their cause shall require. And so I rest Your lordship's faithful servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 15th of Nov. Indorsed, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.§ MY HONOURABLE LORD, THE certificate being returned upon the commission touching Sir Richard Haughton's alum-mines, I have thought fit to desire your lordship's fartherance in the business, which his Majesty, as your lordship will see by his letter, much affecteth as a bargain for his advantage, and for the present relief of Sir Richard Haughton. What favour your lordship shall do him therein, I will not fail to acknowledge, and will ever rest Your lordship's faithful servant, Indorsed, Received November 16, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.|| MY HONOURABLE LORD, I HAVE acquainted his Majesty with your lordship's letter, who liketh well of the judges' opinion you sent unto him, and hath pricked the sheriff of Buckinghamshire in the roll you sent, which I return signed unto your lordship. His Majesty takes very well the pains you have taken in sending to Sir Lionel Cranfield; and desireth you to send to him again, and to quicken him in the business. Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, His Majesty liketh well the course taken about his household, wherewith he would have your lordship, and the rest of his council, to go forward. Newmarket, the 17th of November, 1617. Indorsed, My lord of Buckingham, showing his Majesty's approbation of the courses held touching the household. TO THE LORD KEEPER. MY HONOURABLE LORD, UNDERSTANDING that Thomas Hukeley, a merchant of London, of whom I have heard a good report, intendeth to bring before your lordship in chancery a cause depending between him, in right of his wife, daughter of William Austen, and one John Horsmendon, who married another daughter of the said Austen; I have thought fit to desire your lordship to give the said Thomas Hukeley a favourable hearing when his cause shall come before you; and so far to respect him for my sake, as your lord Thomas Thynne, Esq. assassinated by the followers of Count Coningsmark, February 12, 1682-3. * Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. + Ibid. Harl. MSS. Vol. 7006. || Ibid. ship shall see him grounded upon equity and reason; ❘ request yielded to recommend his business so far to which is no more than, I assure myself, your lordship will grant readily, as it is desired by Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Indorsed, November 17, 1617. your lordship's favour, as you shall find his case to deserve compassion, and may stand with the rules of equity. And so I rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, Newmarket, the 4th of December. TO THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM.* MY VERY GOOD LORD, THE last letter of my lord's, whereof the conclusion indeed is a little blunt, as the king calleth it, was concluded in my absence, which hath been but once since I came to this town; and brought me by the clerk of the council, as I sat in chancery. Whereupon I retired to a little closet I have there, and signed it, not thinking fit to sever. For my opinion, I despatched it the morrow following. And till Sir Lionel Cranfield + be able to execute his part in the sub-commission, it will, in my opinion, not be so fit to direct it. He crept to me yesternight, but he is not well. I did his Majesty's message to him touching the tobacco; and he said he would give his Majesty very real and solid satisfaction touching the same. This is all for the present I shall trouble your lordship withal, resting ever Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, November 20, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER. MY HONOURABLE LORD, His Majesty liketh very well of the draught your Iordship sent of the letter for the sub-commission, and hath signed it, as it was, without any alteration, and sent it to the lords. Which is all I have to write at this time, but that I ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 2d of Decemb. 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.§ MY HONOURABLE LORD, His Majesty hath been pleased to refer a petition of one Sir Thomas Blackstones to your lordship, who being brother-in-law to a gentleman whom I much respect, Sir Henry Constable, I have at his * In answer to his lordship's letter from Newmarket, November 19, 1617, printed in lord Bacon's works. + He was originally a merchant in the city of London, introduced to the king's knowledge by the earl of Northampton, and into his service by the earl of Buckingham, being the great projector for reforming the king's household, advancing the customs, and other services; for which he was made lord TO THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM. MY VERY GOOD LORD, Your lordship may marvel, that together with the letter from the board, which you see passed so well, there came no particular letter from myself; wherein, though it be true, that now this very evening I have made even with the causes of chancery, and comparing with the causes heard by my lord,|| that dead is, of Michaelmas term was twelve-month, I find them to be double so many and one more; besides that the causes that I despatch do seldom turn upon me again, as his many times did; yet nevertheless I do assure your lordship, that should have been no excuse to me, who shall ever assign both to the causes of the subject, yea, and to my health, but the leavings of times after his Majesty's business done. But the truth is, I could not speak with Sir Lionel Cranfield, with whom of necessity I was to confer about the names, till this afternoon. First, therefore, I send the names, by his advice, and with mine own good allowance of those, which we wish his Majesty should select; wherein I have had respect somewhat to form, more to the avoiding of opposition, but most to the service. Two most important effects his Majesty's letter hath wrought already: the one, that we perceive his Majesty will go through stitch; which goeth to the root of our disease. The other, that it awaketh the particular officers, and will make their own endeavours and propositions less perfunctory, and more solid and true for the future. Somewhat is to be done presently, and somewhat by seasonable degrees. For the present, my advice is, his Majesty would be pleased to write back to the table, that he doth well approve, that we did not put back or retard the good ways we were in of ourselves; and that we understood his Majesty's right: that his late direction was to give help, and not hinderance, to the former courses; and that he doth expect the propositions we have in hand, when they are finished: and that for the sub-commissions, he hath sent us the names he hath chosen out of those by us sent and propounded; and that he leaveth the particular directions from time to time, in the use of sub-commissioners, wholly to the table. This I conceive to be the fairest way; first to seal the sub-commission without opening the nature of their employments, and without seeming that they should have any immediate dependence upon his Majesty, but merely upon the table. As for that which is to be kept in breast, and to come forth by parts, the degrees are these: First, to employ the sub-commissioners in the reconsidering of those branches, which the several officers shall propound. Next, in taking consideration of other branches of retrenchment, besides those which shall be propounded. The third, to take into consideration the great and huge arrears and debts in every office; whether there be cause to abate them upon deceit or abuse; and at least how to settle them best, both for the king's honour, and avoiding of clamour, and for the taking away, as much as may be, that same ill influence and effect, whereby the arrear past destroys the good husbandry and reformation to come. The fourth is to proceed from the consideration of the retrenchments and arrears to the improvements. All these four, at least the last three, I wish not to be stirred in till his Majesty's coming. God ever preserve and prosper you. Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, Your lordship will be pleased to have a little care of the bestowing of this letter. York-house, this 6th of December, 1617. TO THE LORD KEEPER.* MY HONOURABLE LORD, LEST Mr. Secretary† should be come away before the delivery of this packet, I have thought fit to direct it to your lordship, with this letter to your lordship about the court of wards, and another to the lords from his Majesty. Which is all I have now to write, but that I ever rest Your lordship's faithful friend and servant, G. BUCKINGHAM. Newmarket, the 7th of December, 1617. TO THE EARL OF BUCKINGHAM. SIR George Chaworth and I am agreed, so that now I shall retain the grace of my place, and yet he rewarded. The king hath no ill bargain; for he hath four times as much as he was offered by Sir George of increase; and yet I take upon me to content my servants, and to content him. Nevertheless, I shall think myself pleasured by his Majesty, and do acknowledge, that your lordship hath dealt very honourably and nobly with me. I send enclosed a letter, whereby your lordship signifieth his Majesty's pleasure to me; and I shall make the warrant to Mr. Attorney. I desire it may be carried in privateness. I ever rest Your lordship's true friend and devoted servant, This New-Year's eve, 1617. |