ed States in, 240. See Warbur- ton. Holmes, Oliver W., Urania by, re- Homage of the Arts, by Schiller, Horsley, Dr., as a man of science, 88. Howe, S. G., on Prison Discipline, Hughes, attempts to finish Addison's Hume, David, Adam Smith indebted Humphreys, Alex., claims the earl- I. and Massillon, 392 - on the death Hamilton, Alexander, politics of, 164 Hawley, General, enters Edinburgh, • 494. Henry II., England at the accession Hindoos, ideas of a future life held by History, medieval, runs into biogra- Hochelaga, edited by E. Warburton, Iliad of Homer, by C. C. Felton, no Iliad, Pope's and Tickell's transla- Imagination, lack of, in modern times, Indians, the Iroquois, H. R. School- intel- Iroquois Indians, Census of the, 292. Island Bride, by J. F. Colman, re- J. Jefferson contrasted with Hamilton, Johnson, Dr., Brougham's life of, 60 - Κ. M. Kinloch Moidart joins Charles Ed- Mechanical inventions, progress of, L. Labitte, M., La Divine Comédie ap- MacDonald, Flora, assists Charles Mackenzie, Alexander S., Life of MacLeod, Malcolm, assists Charles Malaspina on the Sicilian Vespers, Malebranche, Addison's visit to, 327. Matilda and Gilbert Becket, legend Maury, Mrs., on the Statesmen of Legenda Aurea, a collection of Letters and Science, Brougham's Locke, John, on unprofitable poetry, 406. Long Island, battle of, 449. Lowell Offering, publication of the, 434. 274. Medals, Addison's Dialogues on, 330. Murray, Lord George, advises Ν. Nature, poetical worship of, 420. Navy, American, early prejudice New Timon, The, reviewed, 460- Nicodemus, legend in the Gospel of, 0. O, sounds of the vowel, 199. P. tions by, noticed, 521. 287. Pichot, Amédée, Histoire de Charles- Pickering, John, list of American- Pilgrim Festival, Warburton's ac- Piozzi, Mrs., second marriage of, 61. Plutarch, account of the invisible Poets, Nine New, reviewed, 402- advice given to, 404 - danger charges him with falsehood and remarks on Addison's sacred Preble, Commodore, attacks Tripoli, Prepositions, treatment of, in lexi- Procida, Giovanni da, history of, Purgatory of St. Patrick, Vision of R. Rape of the Lock, Addison's judg- Read, Thomas B., Poeins by, re- Reformers, manner of modern, 345. S. Sadducism of the present age, 284. Savage, the poet, belies Addison, 338. Saze, Marshal, appointed to invade Schiller, poetical translation from, 424. Schoolcraft, Henry R., Census of the Science, Brougham's Lives of Men 85. Shelburne, Lord, Stirling's letter to, 442. Shells from the Strand of the Sea of Shirley, Governor, military command Sicilian Vespers, Michele Amari's immediate cause of, 506 - progress Sicily, history of, in the 13th century, Smith, Adam, Brougham's life of, Smith, William, Memoir of Fichte Sobieski, Princess Clementine, mar- Songs of the Sea, by E. Sargent, re- Sparks, Jared, Library of Biography Spectator, The, establishment of, 347. Lord Shelburne, ib. - adopts the Story, William W., Poems by, re- Stuarts, tomb of the last of the, 1- his Sumner, Charles, Phi Beta Kappa Swift, Dean, compared to Dr. John- Switzerland, Taylor's travels in, 497. т. Tadjkita, Hindoo myth respecting, 103. Tatler, Steele and Addison write the, 344. ener- Taylor, J. Bayard, Views afoot in Technical words introduced into dic- |