508, first favourite of the king, 509, cautioned, because some near in blood to him were thought papists, 511, should give no scandal by vain or oppressive carriage, 519, is in the quality of a sentinel, 520, some account of him in a letter to the king, ii. 86. Villiers, George, earl, marquis, and duke of Buckingham, promises Sir Francis Bacon the chancellorship, ii. 169, letter to him from Sir Francis Bacon relating to the earl of Somerset, ii. 173, master of the horse, 177, his letters to Sir Francis Bacon, 182, letters to him recommending causes in chancery, 186, note ††, 188, &c. exasperated against the lord keeper Bacon, 194, reconciled to him, 196. made marquis, 200 note §, his letters to lord viscount St. Alban, 229, 236, contracts for Wallingford house, 239, engaged to Sir William Becher for the Provostship of Eton, 252 note made duke of Buckingham, 253 note, his letter to lord viscount St. Alban, 253, letters to him from that lord, 254, 255, advice to him from that lord, 256, conferences of lord St. Alban with him, 256-258, letter of advice to him from that lord, 258, other letters of that lord to him, 259–261, goes to France, 261 note §, has a son born, 263, 264, | letters to him from lord viscount St. Alban, 266. Villiers, Sir Christopher, ii. 201, 221, 224, 225. Vinegar, how produced, i. 120, 189. Vines made fruitful by applying the kernels of grapes to the roots, whence, i. 88, made to sprout with nitre, 134, said to grow to a stake at a distance, 136, love not the colewort, 138. Vine-trees anciently of great bodies, 152, an image of Jupiter made of one, ib. a tough wood when dry, ib. Vines in some places not propped, ib. bear best when old, why, 153. Vine grafted upon vine three ways, 156. Violent motion the cause of all mechanical operations, i. 83, and yet not sufficiently inquired into, ib. Violet vinegar, how best prepared, i. 84. Virginian tobacco, i. 183, how it suffered there, 289. Virtuous men like some spices, which give not their sweet smell till they are crushed, i. 264, 320. Visi Visibles, hitherto the subject of knowledge, i. 97, mingle not in the medium as audibles do, why, 111, several consents of visibles and audibles, 114, several dissents of visibles and audibles, 115. Visible species, 170. bles and audibles, 194, two lights of the same bigness will not make things to be seen as far again as one, whence, i. 111. Visual spirits infecting, i. 193. Vitellius ruined by Mucianus on false fame, i. 309. Vitriol aptest to sprout with moisture, i. 150. Vivification, i. 122, the several things required to vivification, 160, 161, the process of it, ib. 189. Ulcer in the leg harder to cure than in the head, the cause, i. 173, difference of curing them in a Frenchman and an Englishman, ib. Ulster, earldom of, to be added to our prince's titles upon the planting of Ireland, i. 472. Ulysses, a good husband, i. 266. Unbarked branch of a tree being set, hath grown, i. 155, barked will not, ib. Undertakers, a set of men so called in parliament, 12 James I. i. 497, the pernicious effects of such a project, ib. how far such a thing might be justifiable, and how far faulty, 498, some means to put a stop to their scheme, 499, for the plantation of Ireland, should not be obliged to execute in person, 473 Unguentum teli, or the weapon anointed, i. 201. Union, the force thereof in natural bodies, i. 96, appetite of union in natural bodies, 117, appeareth in three kinds of bodies, ib. certificate of the commissioners authorized to treat of a union between England and Scotland, 459. Union, reasons for the union of laws between England and Scotland, i. 468, of sovereignty, should be confirmed by that of naturalization, 465, between the Romans and Latins, ib. ought not to precede naturalization, 468, a discourse concerning the union of England and Scotland, 449, two kinds of policy used in the uniting of kingdoms, 451, of Judah, and Israel, 452, articles relating to the union of the two nations, 453, of England and Scotland how far to be proceeded in, 454, in what points were esteemed as united, but not perfectly in a them, ib. of England and Scotland, how far imper with regard to sovereignty, to subjection, religier, l guage, and confederacies, 455, the force thereo, the several manners thereof, 451, the several par which this union of kingdoms consists, 452 Union of kingdoms stirs up wars, i. 307, with Seati hath taken away all occasions of breach between two nations, 516. United provinces are received into protection by ca Elizabeth, i. 392, are very convenient to be annex. the crown of England, ib. are included in the artices peace between England and Spain, 393. Unities called heavenly, i. 343. Unity in religion, i. 262. Unity and uniformity. 263. Unity, breach thereof how to be punished, i. 674, in w ship, necessary to that of faith, 343, what its true bra are, ib. Universities, an exercise of learning recommended te used in them, i. 357. Unlawful acts, all preparations towards them punish as misdemeanors, though they are never performe 685. Unlawful lust, like a furnace, i. 211. Untruths, whether all are unlawful, i. 350. Voice, the shrillness thereof, in whom especially, i H why changed at years of puberty, ib. labour and intent conduceth much to imitate voices, 113, imitatin voices as if they were distant, ib. Voyages for discovering arts and sciences, manufactu and inventions, i. 208. Urban, a pope of that name, instituted the croisado, i 2 Urine, the whey of blood, i. 90. Urine in quantity a great hinderer of nourishment, i why cold separates it, 122. Urswick, chaplain of Henry VII. sent to Charles VI 744, made almoner, 759, sent with the order of the gat ter, &c. 760. Vide 773. Usage often overrules the express letter of a statute, im stances of which are given, i. 639. Use, what it is, i. 584, is settled by statute the 27th Henry VIII. ib. lands how conveyed thereby, with circumstances necessary thereto, ib. reasons on statute of uses, 597, exposition of it, 598, the nature definition of a use, ib. what it is not, 599, what it is, its parts and properties, ib. Glanville's mistake abri uses, 600, its nature farther explained in four points was once thought to be not deviseable, 601, En thereof disapproved, 602, in the civil law, what most të sembles uses, ib. compared with copyholders, in w respects, ib. how they came first to be practised, ib. commencement and proceeding, according to con and statute law, ib. the practice of them not very a cient, 603, the word use found in no statute till 7 Richard II. ib. three points to be noted conc uses in the common law, ib. concerning the raising pr serving, spreading, transferring, interrupting, & uses, 600, 611, the statute of uses commended, 605, th time of it, ib. the title of it, ib. the precedent of it, preamble of it, ib. the inconveniences redressed by 10% statute, ib. &c. who most favoured by it, 606, how 75 spectful to the king, ib. the remedy intended to beg by this statute, 607, two false opinions concerning statute answered, ib. an account of the statute itsel explanation of its terms, and what things are ther excluded, 607, 608, an error corrected, that uses be raised by agreement, 608, difference between 4 in remainder and reverter, ib. what provisos made this statute, 610, what persons may be seised to a and what not, 611, must ever be in a person certain. 5 in what cases the same persons may be both seised to use and cestuy que use too, 613, what persons may i and declare a use, 614. See Case. Usurious selling of commodities to those who w money, and so were forced to sell them back agun disproportionate rates, the draught of an act agains practice, i. 640. Usury, i. 294. Usury the certainest and worst means of gain, i Warham, Sir William, LL.D. sent to the arch-duke Philip against Perkin, i. 764, his speech, ib. master of the rolls and commissioner for trade, 772. Warlike people, their importance, i. 284, profession of arms necessary to a warlike nation, 286. England warlike, 751. Warlike nations most liberal of naturalization, i. 661. Warm water sounds less than cold, i. 105, whether good for plants, 135, makes a fruit with little or no core, 142. Warmth a special means to make ground fruitful, i. 149. Warren, his declaration about some affairs in Essex's treason, i. 425. Warts, how cured, i. 153, 200. king: birds kept waking to increase their attention, i. Warwick, earl of, i. 737. See Plantagenet. 12. les, mead used in, i. 182. Iking up hill and down, i. 166. lls of brick more wholesome than those of stone, i. 94. lter, Sir John, ii. 229. r, an invasive one with Spain much desired, i. 442, and eace, right of declaring them solely in the king, 478, many istances of this right given, ib. the answers of several ings to petitions, wherein this right was concerned, ib. convenience of debating this right in parliament, 479, he advantages of war in some cases, 386, the commons, ut of modesty, refuse Richard II. to take into considertion matters relating thereto, as not belonging to them, 78. matters relating to it should be kept secret, ib. pariaments have sometimes been made acquainted therewith, and why, 479, they are the highest trials of right, $76. r with Spain, consideration concerning it, i. 532, changes n wars, 307, art of war improved, ib. war to maintain tself, 756, just cause, sufficient forces, prudent designs, ecessary to a war, 532, not confined to the place of the quarrel, 533, why always a just cause of war against the Turk, 534. War, defensive, what, 533, 536. Wars with subjects, like an angry suit for a man's own, 523. Wars foreign and civil, 515. ir, when lawful, 276. ir: notes of a speech concerning a war with Spain, i. 530. ar, incited by music, i. 100. ir, holy, i. 522, for the propagation of the faith, whether awful or obligatory, 525, several questions touching the awfulness, 526. arbeck, Perkin, his adventures, i. 761, the supposed godson of Edward IV. ib. called Peter, whence Peterkin, Osbeck, ib. closetted by the lady Margaret, ib. his letters to the earls of Desmond and Kildare upon his landing at Cork, 762, invited into France by Charles VIII. ib. geneally believed to be the duke of York, ib. his friends and avourers, ib. discouraged at the beheading of his friends and the defection of Clifford, 767, lands at Sandwich in Kent, 768, goes into Scotland, on the advice of Charles and Maximilian, 770, his address to the king of Scots, ib. he is married by that king's approbation to the lady Catherine Gordon, his near kinswoman, 771, his declaration to the people of England, ib. abandoned by Scotland, 777, sails into Ireland, ib. his cabinet council there, ib. lands in Cornwall with about sevenscore men, 778, publishes an invective proclamation against the king in style of Richard IV. ib. besieges Exeter, though without artillery, ib. raises the siege and flies, 778, surrenders himself out of sanctuary, on promise of life, 779, his former false honours plentifully repaid with scorn, ib. the account of his examination, 780, makes his escape, and gets into the priory of Shene, 781, set in the stocks twice, where he reads his confession, and then sent to the Tower, ib. where he seduces the earl of Warwick into a plot against the lieutenant, ib. arraigned for treasons committed since his coming into this kingdom, condemned, and executed at Tyburn, 782. ards, commission of in Ireland, its vast advance in one year, ii. 106, a speech to obtain leave of the king to treat of a composition with him for them, i. 484. ards, a frame of declaration for the master of the wards at his first sitting, i. 485, directions for the master of the wards to observe for his majesty's better service, and the general good, 486. Waste, case of impeachment of waste, i. 616, &c. very difficult to resolve this case, ib. Water, salt, how made fresh, i. 82, foul, how clarified, 83, how separated from wine, ib. turned into ice, by snow, nitre, and salt, 86. Water thickened in a cave, i. 94, changed suddenly into air, 96, more difficult to turn water into oil, than silver into gold, 125, choice of waters, by weight, 129, by boiling, ib. by longest lasting unputrified, ib. by making drinks stronger, ib. by bearing soap, ib. judged of by the places where they are congregated, 130, by the soil, ib. Waters sweet not to be trusted, ib. Well-water, ib. whether water putteth forth herbs without roots, 146, water alone will cause plants to sprout, ib. well-water warmer in winter than summer, 187, water rising in a bason by means of flame, ib. hot water and fire heat differently, i. 158, water cooleth air, and moisteneth it not, 185. Water may be the medium of sound, i. 174, watry moisture induceth putrefaction, 122, turning watry substances into oily, a great work in nature, 125, for instances thereof, ib. wrought by digestion, ib. watering of grounds a great help to fruitfulness, 149, cautions therein, ib. means to water them, ib. Water-cresses, i. 125. Water-fowls flocking to the shore portend rain, i. 178. Waving, how a property in goods may be got thereby, i. 586. Wealth of England under queen Elizabeth, i. 380. Wealth, excess of, hurtful to a state, and to private persons, i. 506. Wealth, in whose custody it is of most advantage to a state, i. 506, 507, inconveniences of its being lodged in few hands, 507. Weapon anointed, i. 200, 201, weapons and ammunition of all sorts should be stored up, 516. Weapons of war, i. 307. Weight of the dissolution of iron in aqua-fortis, i. 173. Weight, how it causes separation of bodies, i. 84, weight in air and water, 174. Weights and measures, prerogative of the king relating thereto, i. 478. Wentworth, Sir John, his cause recommended to the lord Weston, Sir Richard, chancellor of the exchequer, letter Whispering place, i. 104, you cannot make a tone, or sing in whispering, 107. White, a penurious colour, i. 96, 141, in flowers, commonly more inodorate than other colours, whence, 141. White more delicate in berries, whence, ib. not so commonly in fruits, whence, ib. White gunpowder, i. 101. Whitehead favoured by queen Elizabeth, i. 316. Whiteness, directions for inquiring into its nature, i. 225. White rose, the clearness of that title, i. 732. Wholesome seats, i. 172, trial for them, 177, moist air not good, ib. inequality of air naught, ib. Wife, excused by law, if she acts in obedience to her husband in felony, i. 554, but not in treason, and why, ib. loseth no dower, though the husband be attainted of felony, 580. Wife and children hostages to Fortune, i. 266, reckoned only as bills of charges by some, ib. Wives good and bad, ib. are mistresses, companions, nurses, ib. of kings, 276. Wilbraham, Sir Roger, ii. 176. Wives Wildfires, why water will not quench them, i. 173. Wild herbs show the nature of the ground, i. 155. Wilford, Ralph, counterfeit earl of Warwick, i. 782 Will, conveyance of lands thereby, i. 584, the want of this before 32 Henry VIII. was justly thought to be a defect of the common law, ib, what shifts people were forced to make before this method, 585, the inconveniences therefrom of putting lands into use, as they then did, ib. the method of preventing this by several statutes, ib. how lands are to be disposed of by will, by statute of 27 Henry VIII. ib. what limitations several lands are under in this way of disposing, ib. what it is to have one proved, 587, how a man's goods were formerly disposed of when he died without a will, ib. what bishop shall have the right of proving them how determined, ib. Will of man, branches of knowledge which refer to it, i. 56. William I. declines the title of Conqueror in the beginning of his reign, i. 732, and claims by the will of Edward the Confessor, ib. William, duke of Mantua, i. 365. duke of Bavaria, i. 367. duke of Lunenburgh, i. 367. duke of Juliers, Cleve, and Bergen, i. 368. Williams, Dr. John, bishop of Lincoln, and lord keeper, Williams, John, discovered to be author of a libel against king James I. ii. 164 note †, executed, ib. Willoughby, Sir Robert, sent to sheriff Hutton, i. 733, conveys Edward Plantagenet, and shuts him up in the Tower, ib. created lord Brook, 735. Winch, Sir Humphry, commended, i. 714. Windham, Sir John, beheaded by Henry VII. i. 787. Winds vary sounds, i. 114. Winds, southern, dispose men's bodies to heaviness, i. 128. Winds, southern, without rain feverish, 173. Winds gathered for freshness, 172, breathing out of the earth, 177, prognostics of winds from animals, 178. Windsor treaty, with the king of Castile, i. 790. Wine and water separated by weight, i. 84, trial thereof in two glasses, ib. when it will operate and when not, ib. spirit of wine burned, 126, mingled with wax, the operation of it, ib. Wine, whether separated from water by passing through ivy-wood, i. 83. Wine burnt inflameth less, because the finer spirit is evaporated, 85. Wine sparingly to be used in consumptions, 90, retards the germination of seeds, 131, said by the ancients to make the plane-tree fruitful, 152. Wine best in a dry vintage, 156, new wine let down into the sea presently made potable, 158, for what bodies good, and for what hurtful, 165, how to correct the Greek wines, that they may not fume or inebriate, 173. Wine for the spirits, 250, against melancholy, ib. Wine in which gold is quenched, recommended, 252. Wines and woads not to be imported but upon English bottoms, 751. Winter and summer sicknesses, i. 128, warm winters destroy trees, 156, signs of a cold winter, 166, 177. Winter sleepers, i. 189. Winwood, Sir Ralph, reflected on by the lord kee Bacon, ii. 193 note +, dies, 200 note + Wisdom for a man's self, or self-cunning, not to be indulged, i. 280, suits better with princes than pripersons, ib. no prime officers to be chosen of this: racter, ib. the self-cunning often unfortunate, ib. Wise men learn more by fools, than fools by wise i. 326, difference between a wise and cunning mat, such as are wise only in appearance, 281. Wit, we should distinguish between the saltness and bitterness of it, i. 288. Witches and conjurors are guilty of felony, i. 644, bc = be punished, 674. Witches said to eat man's flesh greedily, i. 184, their fessions not rashly to be credited, 190, 191, of what ki 191, work by imagination, 196, ointments said to be by them, 198. Witnesses, how to be examined in chancery, i. 720. Woad, the sowing of it recommended, i. 517. Wolf's guts applied to the belly, their virtue, i. 198. Wolsey, Thomas, employed to conclude a match for H--VII. with Margaret, duchess dowager of Savoy, 7 was then the king's chaplain, ib. his remarkable say ii. 234. Woman's milk, why only good for infants, i. 90. Women making an ill choice generally maintain their e duct, i. 258, 266, made capital to carry them as forcibly, 748, advanced by their husbands, should alien, 769, the regiment of them considered, 528. Wonder, the impressions thereof, i. 164, in wonder t spirits fly not as in fear, but settle, ib. Wood shining in the dark, i. 124, bathed in hot ashes cometh flexible, 181. Wood's declaration relating to Essex's treason, i. 412, Woodbine, i. 139, 157. Woods, especially of ship-timber, the planting and prese ing them recommended, i. 517. Woodseare, found only on hot herbs, i. 139. Woodvile, lord, uncle to the queen of Henry VIL i. 74 governor of the Isle of Wight, ib. against the ki commandment raises 400 men, and passes to the ass ance of the duke of Britany, ib. slain fighting valia for the Britains, 747. Wool attractive of water through a vessel, i. 94. Worcester, earl of, his declaration concerning Ess treason, i. 428. Words are to be understood so as to work somewhat, i not to be idle and frivolous, i. 551, this explained by ample, ib. if any ambiguity and uncertainty be in the in pleadings, the plea shall be strictly against him t pleads, 552, are so taken in law, as no material part the parties' intent perish, 629, rules for the exposi them, 631, of reproach and contumely frequent am the Greeks and Romans, 682. World supposed by some to be a living creature, i, 191 Worms foretell rain, i. 178. Worsley, William, a Dominican, and dean of Paul's, : tried for Perkin's treason, i. 765. Wotton, Sir Henry, his sentiment how contemptible were, i. 327. Wounds cured by skins of beasts newly pulled off, a whites of eggs, i. 157, 158. Wounds made with easier to cure than with iron, 173. Wrecks, statute relating thereto explained, i. 559, b* property is gained in goods shipwrecked, 586, whưa properly a wreck, 587. Wrists have a sympathy with the head and other parts: 5 Writs original, no certain beginning of them, i, 390, Wes of covenant, and of entry, 592. Writ of certiorari in t exchequer, 593. Writs which are not to pass without warrant from chancellor, i. 721. Wyche, Mr. ii. 208, 220. X XENOPHON Commends the nurture of the Persian chi for feeding on cardamon, i. 125, observes the painted their eyes, 167. llow colour in herbs, i. 141, less succulent, and generally stand to the north, ib. lverton, Sir Henry, solicitor-general, ii. 183, his letter to lord keeper Bacon, 194, letter to him from the lord chancellor Bacon, 201, passes a strange book to one Hall for making denizens, 209, exhibits an information against the Dutch merchants, for transporting gold, 209, 214, reflected on by the lord chancellor, 223, notes of the lord chancellor's speech in his cause in the starchamber, 224, prosecution of him in that court, ib. his case, 224, 227. Yolk of the egg conduceth little to the generation of the bird, only to the nourishment, i. 96. York, house of, the indubitate heirs of the crown, i. 732, the people's affection to it, 737. Young trees, which bear best, i. 153, have more watery juices, and less concocted, ib. Younger brothers seldom fortunate where the elder are disinherited, i. 266. Youth and age, i. 295. Youth seldom passed to the best advantage, ib. Youth and age, their advantages and disadvantages, ib. the difference between the errors of young men and old, ib. a mixture of old and young recommended in business, ib. Young men more moral than old, ib. Youth, in the youth of a state arms flourish, i. 308. INDEX TO THE LATIN PART. Academiarum arctior conjunctio valde utilis, ii. 310. Academiæ mores progressui scientiarum obstant, ii. 285. Academici et sceptici philosophi scientiæ certitudinem abstulerunt, ii. 300, 357. Acatalepsiæ opinio, ii. 357. Acatalepsia Platonis, ii. 440. Accentus verborum et pronunciatio, ii. 367. Acedo sive acrimonia potus, putrefactionis genus, ii. 591. Acheloï et Herculis certamen; ad belli expeditiones hæc fabula pertinet, ii. 716. Acida generationi succi roscidi opposita, ii. 587, 600. Acosta de fluxu et refluxu maris, ii. 479. Non satis constat sibi de asseclis ventis, qui spirant ad Peruviam et litora maris australis, 521. Ejus observatio de Plata et Potosa, 524. Acoustica, ii. 330. Acria ad palatum vitanda, ii. 581. Acroamaticum sive ænigmaticum, dicendi genus dehonestatum, ii. 370. Actæonis fabula curiositatem illicitam coërcere excogitata, ii. 710. Adonidis Hercules statuam vidit, 297. Adrianus omnis secreti investigator inexplebilis, ii. 304. Adulatio literarum dignitati nocet, ii. 296. Ejus terr tudo, ib. Magis ex more, quam malitia, 384. Aucun genus, ib. Advocatum quid commendat, ii. 345. Eorum peras tiones, 424. Edificii partes efformare aliud, aliud compaginare, ii *2 ii. 642. Ægyptii non pro longævis memorantur, ii. 570. Enigmata Sphingis, ii. 322, 722. Aër desiccat, p quam colliquat, 564. Aër aquave ambiens cor utrum magis noceat, 568. Quo statu minus prædatoris 574. Aëris salubritas, 575. Equalitas et mutatio e ib. Purus, spiritus densat, 580. diuturnitatem confert, 583. noxia, 585. Exclusus ad vit Mutatio quatenus utiset Quinam optimus ad cor consolandum, Aëris bonitas, ib. Aër substantia fixa, 595, 602 Ap nive et spuma, 598. Aër et flamma heterogenea, Evolatio spiritus in aërem tanquam ad globum conrats ralium suorum, 598. Crassior flamma et spiritu. aqua, 599. Consubstantialis et homogeneus aquæ, 602. Exclusus confert ad longævitatem, 600. flamma et spiritu comparatur, 602. Aeris superoner unde, ib. Quantum confert ad sonum, 608, 609. Ar regio superior, 627. Media, ib. Incrassatur in fodis ad tempora fluxus maris, 629. Aer et flamma ¢* |