Attention of the Reader to what I have written. I am ready to own, that in this Matter I depend on the Reader's Courtefy. But only thus far I may have fome Colour for putting in a Claim; that if the Reader be difpofed to pafs his Cenfure on what I have written, I may be fully and patiently heard, and well attended to, before I am condemned. However, this is what I would humbly ask of my Readers, together with the Prayers of all fincere Lovers of Truth, that I may have much of that Spirit which Chrift promised his Difciples, which guides into all Truth; and that the bleffed and powerful Influences of this Spirit would make Truth victorious in the World.
Wherein are explain'd various Terms and Things belong ing to the Subject of the enfuing Difcourfe.
ECT. I. Concerning the Nature of the Will. Pag. 1, &c. SECT. II. Concerning the Determination of the Will. 6 SECT. III. Concerning the Meaning of the Terms Necef- fity, Impoffibility, Inability, &c. and of Contingence. SECT. IV. Of the Distinction of natural and moral Ne- ceffity and Inability.
SECT. V. Concerning the Notion of Liberty, and of
Wherein it is confidered, Whether there is, or can be any fuch Sort of FREEDOM OF WILL, as that wherein Arminians place the Effence of the Liberty of all moral Agents; and whether any fuch Thing ever was, or can be conceived of.
ECT. I. Shewing the manifeft Inconfiftence of the Arminian Notion of Liberty of Will, confifting in the Will's felf-determining Power. SECT. II. Several fuppofed Ways of evading the foregoing Reafoning confidered.
SECT. III. Whether any Event whatsoever, and Volition in particular, can come to pass without a Caufe of its Existence, 57 SECT. IV. Whether Volition can arife without a Caufe, thro' the Activity of the Nature of the Soul. 66 SECT. V. Shewing that if the Things afferted in thefe Evafions fhould be fuppofed to be true, they are alto- gether Impertinent, and can't help the Caufe of Armi- nian Liberty; and how this being the State of the Cafe, Arminian Writers are obliged to talk inconfiflently. SECT. VI. Concerning the Will's determining in Things which are perfectly indifferent, in the View of the Mind.
78 SECT. VII. Concerning the Notion of Liberty of Will confifting in Indifference. SECT. VIII. Concerning the fuppofed Liberty of the Will, as oppofite to all Neceffity.
SECT. IX. Of the Connection of the Acts of the Will with the Dictates of the Underflanding. 107 SECT. X. Volition neceffarily connected with the Influ- ence of Motives; with particular Obfervations on the great Inconfiftence of Mr. Chubb's Affertions and Rea- fonings, about the Freedom of the Will. 117 SECT. XI. The Evidence of God's certain Foreknowledge of the Volitions of moral Agents. 137 SECT. XII. God's certain Foreknowledge of the future Vo- litions of moral Agents, inconfiftent with fuch a Con- tingence of thofe Volitions, as is without all Neceffity.
And infers a Neceffity of Volition, as much as an abfo- lute Decree. SECT. XIII. Whether we fuppofe the Volitions of moral Agents to be connected with any Thing antecedent, or not, yet they must be neceffary, in fuch a Senfe, as to overthrow Arminian Liberty. 183
Wherein is inquired, Whether any fuch Liberty of Will as Arminians hold, be neceffary to moral Agency, Vir- tue and Vice, Praife and Difpraife, &c.
ECT. I. God's moral Excellency neceffary, yet vir- tuous and Praiseworthy.
Pag. 188 SECT. II. The Acts of the Will of the human Soul of JESUS CHRIST neceffarily holy, yet virtuous, praise-worthy, rewardable, &c. 194 SECT. III. The Cafe of fuch as are given up of God to Sin, and of fallen Men in general, proves moral Neceffity and Inability to be confiftent with Blame-worthiness. 213 SECT. IV. Command, and Obligation to Obedience, con- fiftent with moral Inability to obey. SECT. V. That Sincerity of Defires and Endeavours, which is fuppofed to excufe in the Non-performance of Things in themselves good, particularly confidered. 237 SECT. VI. Liberty of Indifference, not only not neceffary to Virtue, but utterly inconfiftent with it and all, either virtuous or vicious Habits or Inclinations, inconfiftent with Arminian Notions of Liberty, and moral Agency.
249 SECT. VII. Arminian Notions of moral Agency incon- fiftent with all Influence of Motive and Inducement, in either virtuous or vicious Actions. 260
Wherein the chief Grounds of the Reafonings of Armi- nians, in Support and Defence of their Notions of Li- berty, moral Agency, &c. and against the oppofite Doctrine, are confidered.
ECT, I. The Effence of the Virtue and Vice of the
lies not in their Caufes, but their Nature.
SECT. II. The Falfenefs and Inconfiftence of that metaphy- fical Notion of Action and Agency, which feems to be generally entertain'd by the Defenders of the foremen- tion'd Notions of Liberty, moral Agency, &c. 278 SECT. III. The Reasons why fome think it contrary to common Senfe, to fuppofe Things which are neceffary, to be worthy of either Praife or Blame. 288 SECT. IV. It is agreeable to common Senfe, and the natural Notions of Mankind, to fuppofe moral Neceffity to be confiftent with Praife and Blame, Reward and Punish-
297 SECT, V. Concerning those Objections, That this Scheme of Neceffity renders all Means and Endeavours for the avoiding of Sin or the obtaining Virtue and Holinefs, vain and to no Purpose; and that it makes Men no more than mere Machines, in Affairs of Morality and Religion. SECT. VI. Concerning that Objection against the Doctrine which has been maintain'd, That it agrees with the Stoical Doctrine of Fåte, and the Opinion of Mr. Hobbes.
SECT. VII. Concerning the Neceffity of the divine Will.
323 SECT. VIII. Some further Objections against the moral Neceffity of God's Volitions, confidered. SECT. IX. Concerning that Objection against the Doctrine which has been maintain'd, That it makes God the Author of Sin.
354 SECT. X. Concerning Sin's firft Entrance into the World.
SECT. XI. Of a fuppofed Inconfiftence of these Principles with God's moral Character. SECT. XII. Of a fuppofed Tendency of thefe Principles to Atheism, and Licentiousness. SECT. XIII. Concerning that Objection against the Rea- foning by which the Calvinistic Doctrine is fupported, That it is metaphysical and abstruse.
HAT Treatment this Difcourfe may probably meet with from fome Perfons.
Confequences concerning feveral Calvinistic Doctrines; fuch as an univerfal, decifive Providence.
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