Lately published by the Author, And may be had of J. JOHNSON, IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. I. ELEMENTS OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE HUMAN MIND AND OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY. 2. A REVIEW OF MR. WILBERFORCE'S TREATISE, entitled " A Practical View of the prevailing Religious System of Professed Christians, &c." in Letters to a Lady. Price 4s. in boards. 3. DISHONEST SHAME the primary Source of the Corruptions of the Christian Doctrine. A Sermon preached at Hackney. Price 6d. 4. KNOWLEDGE THE FOUNDATION OF VIRTUE. A Sermon addressed to young Persons. Price 6d. 5. A SERIOUS CAUTION AGAINST POPULAR ERRORS. A Sermon addressed to young Persons. Second edition. Price is. 6. A FREEDOM OF INQUIRY AND ZEAL IN THE DIFFUSION OF CHRISTIAN TRUTH, asserted and recommended. A Sermon delivered at Bristol, before the Society of Unitarian Christians established in the West of England, for promoting Christian Knowledge and the Practice of Virtue by the Distribution of Books. Price is. 7. THE RIGHT AND DUTY OF UNITARIAN CHRISTIANS TO FORM SEPARATE SOCIETIES FOR RELIGIOUS WORSHIP. Books published by J. JOHNSON, St. Paul's Church-yard. WORSHIP. A Sermon preached at Birmingham, July 22, 1802, at the Opening of the New Meeting-House, in the Room of that in which Dr. Priestley formerly officiated, and which was destroyed in the Riot, July, 14, 1791, Price is. 8. THE STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES S RECOмMENDED, in a Discourse delivered at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, July 13, 1803, before a Society of Unitarian Christians established in the South of England, for promoting the Knowledge of the Scriptures and the Practice of Virtue by the Distribution of Books. Price 6d. 9. THE CHARACTER OF THE CHRISTIAN TEACHER DELINEATED, AND THE MEANS OF FORMING IT REPRESENTED, in a Discourse delivered at Hackney, January 8, 1804, for the Benefit of the Academical Institution at Exeter. Price 1s. 10. ZEAL AND FORTITUDE IN THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY, ILLUSTRATED AND EXEMPLIFIED. A Discourse delivered at Hackney, April 8, 1804, on occasion of the Death of the Rev. Joseph Priestley, LL. D. F. R. S. 11. THE PROGRESS OF ERROR, CONCERNING THE PERSON OF CHRIST. A Sermon delivered at the Unitarian Chapel in Essex-Street, March 31, 1805. 1. A NEW TRANSLATION OF THE EPISTLES OF PAUL, with an Exposition and Notes. 2. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE ARGUMENTS FOR THE PROPER HUMANITY OF JESUS CHRIST. |