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upon each of them. (that is on each of the Apoftles,) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them Utterance. Acts ii. 1, &c.

And many Signs and Wonders were done by the Apostles, (Acts ii. 43.) who wrought many Miracles in Confirmation of their Testimony, and Doctrine in the several Cities and Countries into which they went preaching the Gospel of Chrift ;Wherefore it is faid, God also bearing them Witness both with Signs and Wonders, and with divers Miracles, and Gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own Will. Heb. ii. 4.

I have now given myself a Pleasure, and a Pleasure to my Fellow-Christians, who shall read this summary Account of the Glories of the Meffiah, our only Saviour; the Confideration of it, may confirm our Faith, establish our Hope in Him, and increase our Reverence of, and our Love to him.

The Great, and the Holy God, has demonstrated his Being, his Existence, and his infinite Perfections two ways, viz.

By his Works of Creation; the Heavens declare his Glory, and the Firmament, and the vast Variety of Creatures shew his handy Work, and all proclaim his infinite Wisdom and Power, and Goodness.

When I view the Heavens, and the Earth, the Sun, Moon and Stars, and the Manifold Kinds of Animals, and Vegetables, I conclude and I ought to conclude, (if I would reason rightly,) that there is a God, whose Wisdom contrived, and whose Power brought them into Existence.

And likewise by the Works of his Providence, he demonftrates the same; especially by his giving to us the Holy Scriptures, and the everlasting Gospel, God has manifested his Being, and his Glory.

The Doctrines, and Laws, of the Old Testa

ment, and the Gospel revealed more clearly in the New, are ratified, or proved to be from God, by a wonderful Constructure of Predictions, and by the Accomplishment of them.

And likewife when I read the Holy Scriptures, and the Prophefies of the Events many Years, and some of them many Ages future, and how exactly the Things foretold have come to pass, I conclude that there is a God, and that our Bible contain his Word, or the Revelation of his Will, and that the Doctrines of both the Testaments are certainly true.

Because if there was not a Foreknowledge of future Events, there could be no Prophefies of them; if there was not a God who foreknew his own Acts, what himself would do, and what he would permit, or prevent, and whose Power over-rules all Creatures, and all their Actions, Predictions could not be fulfilled. But as we are certain that the Prophefies, recorded in the Holy Scriptures have very many of them been fulfilled, and that others are fulfilling, so we are certain that there is a God, and as certain that the Gofpel is true.

And that in Christian Countries, Unbelievers, those Infidels have no Excuse.

How God will deal with the Heathens, with Nations that never heard the joyful Sound of the Gospel, we Christians know not; only we know that The Judge of all the Earth will do right: And that in every Nation he that feareth God, and worketh Righteousness is excepted with him. (Acts x. 35.)

But as for those who live in a Country, where the Gospel is preached, and where the People have the Holy Scriptures, and may read them if they


they will, we know how God will deal with them.

The Holy Jesus said to the Jews, If ye believe not that I am be, ye shall die in your Sins. (John viii. 24.) which proves that the Unbelievers, if they continue such, can never escape everlasting Destruction.

Unbelivers, reject Christ from being their King; they will not have this Man to reign over them : But that Time will furely come, when this King will appoint them to be destroyed. But those mine Enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring them bither, and flay them before me. Luke xix. 21.

Are there not Infidels in this Age, Persons who do not and will not believe that Jesus is the SON of God, and the promised Saviour? And may not those Predictions of his justly fill them with Dread? They may.

And fo may those Predictions, recorded (2 Thef. i. 7, 8, 9.) where the Apostle foretells that The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angles, in flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the Presence of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Power.

These Predictions may well excite in rational Minds the most amazing Fears, if they are guilty of disbelieving the Gospel of Chrift; becaufe their reasoning Faculty renders them capable of confidering the Evidence of true Propositions, and thereby of receiving Conviction of the Truth of the Gospel.

And if they are not convinced of the most plain, and most important Truths, it is because they will not confider the Evidence of them.

If a Man at Noon Day, with a clear Sky,

shall say the Sun does not shine, and that there is no such Thing as the Sun, he either is blind, or belies his Senfes, and either he has no Reafon, or knowingly contradicts it.

And thus if a Man shall say, the Gospel of Chrift is not true, (fince Christ by many infallible Proofs has established it,) he speaks and acts against Reason in rejecting it.

What the Holy Jesus said of the Jews, is applicable to these Unbelievers. In John xv. 24. the blessed Jesus said of them; If I had not done among them the Works which none other Man did, they had not had Sin; but now have they both feen and hated me and my Father. And it may be faid of the Infidels (who have the Gospel among them, and will not believe it,) that they have Sin, and no Cloke for their Sin.

They shut their Eyes and will not fee, but they shall fee, and be ashamed, as it is faid; Ifa. xxvi. 17. and it may be very foon: For when Death comes, tho' it closes the Eyes of their Bodies, it will open the Eyes of their Minds: And then they will fee that the Holy Scriptures are indeed the Word of God, and that the Gospel came from God, publishing and offering Salvation to all Sorts of Sinners, by Jesus Chrift: Then they will fee the Worth of their Souls, and the Excellency of the Happiness purchased by Chrift, and offered to them, and refused by them.

O what Horror, what Distress filled the Mind of St. Paul, when Jesus of Nazareth appeared to him in the Way, as he went to Damafcus, and when he found that just One, whom the Jews had crucified, both Lord and Chrift !

But how much greater Horrors, and even a dreadful and irremoveable Despair join'd with them,

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them, will fill the Souls of the Infidels, as foon as they are taken from their Bodies, by an Angry and a Sin-revenging God!

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These Infidels are more guilty, and their Guilt more aggravated than that of the Devils.

The Devils believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, and the Saviour of Men; they believe all the Facts relating to him, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.

But the Infidels deny them; and their Guilt is the more heinous, as Christ came into the World on purpose not to save the Devils, but the finful Children of Men. And as the whole Series of his Actions, were Acts of Pity, of Love manifested both to the Bodies and Souls of Men, as he came to purchase the Pardon of Sins, Peace with God, and everlasting Felicity for all that would become his Disciples.

O Merciful God, awaken the Consciences of those desperate Sinners; bring them to believe that Faith which they have hitherto been labouring to destroy! Bring them to read, and confider what the blessed Jesus says, (in Matt. x. 32, 33.) whosoever therefore shall confess me before Men, bim will I confess also before my Father, which is in Heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before Men, bim will I a'so deny before my Father which is in Heaven.

These Words should engage us not only to believe in Christ, but readily to own and acknowledge him to be our Redeemer, in whom we trust for Salvation, and they should restrain us from denying him.

In Mark viii. 36, 37, 38. Christ says, For what shall it profit a Man, if he gain the whole World, and lose his own Soul? or what shall a Man give in Exchange for bis Soul? Whoever therefore shall he afbamed of me, and of my Words

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