MIRROR OF TASTE, AND DRAMATIC CENSOR. VOL. II. PUBLISHED BY BRADFORD AND INSKEEP, PHILADELPHIA; AND INSKEEP AND BRADFORD, NEW-YORK. J. Maxwell, Printers 1810. PREFACE TO THE SECOND VOLUME. THE first volume of the Mirror having been for a month in the hands of the subscribers, they are enabled, by this time, to determine how far we have performed our promise, and in what manner we have been able to execute the plan laid down in the Prospectus. That plan, as it stands unfolded in the first volume, we mean to pursue with as little variation as possible, in the second: of the execution we are not without better hopes; not that it is in our power to bring to it more zeal, more industry, or a livelier desire to return the public patronage with the utmost exertion of such humble powers as we possess; but because practice has given us greater facilities, and our pathway, which, at first was rough, entangled, and obscure, has, by our repeatedly beating it, become smooth to the foot, and clear and familiar to the eye. Though no alteration is intended in the future arrangement of the work, there may occur an occasional difference in the materials that compose it. As the selected part depends very much upon the various publications which come from the other side of the Atlantic, we must, in a great measure, follow them in that portion of the work, and catch the more interesting articles as they arise without very scrupulously adhering to one train of subjects, or of heads, or to any exact proportion of matter in the different classes. In general it shall be our care to select such articles as are chiefly recommended by variety, M52909 |