M Nitin A DOGMATICE THEOLOGIÆ QUAM CONCINNAVIT FRANCISCUS PATRICIUS KENRICK, Episcopus Arathensis, in partibus infidelium, et Coadj. Ep. Phil. VOLUMEN IV. "Sola igitur Catholica Ecclesia est, quæ verum cultum retinet. Hic est fons veritatis, PHILADELPHIÆ: TYPIS L. JOHNSON, IN GEORGII VICO. AN. MDCCCXL. 1840 CN THE NEW YORK 474181 ASTOR, LENOX AND TADEN FOUNDATIONS. 1909 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1840, by FRANCIS PATRICK KENRICK, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
INDEX. 13 Propositio. Est in novo Testamento sacerdotium visibile et externum; sertim summum Pontificem 71 |