| John James Blunt - 1857 - 376 pages
...preferred with a most appro1 The following argument was suggested to me by reading Wilson's " Illustrations of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the...opinions of Jews and Christians concerning Christ." 24 priate reference to the tribunals before which they were made. Thus the first hearing was before... | |
| John Kitto - 1856 - 518 pages
...valuable work on this subject, as far as it relates to the Person of our Saviour, entitled : " ^4n Illustration of the method of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians respecting Christ. By William Wilson, BD, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge, I797."... | |
| 1856 - 516 pages
...valuable work on this subject, as far as it relates to the Person of our Saviour, entitled : " j4n Illustration of the method of explaining the New Testament, by the early opinions of Jews and Christians respecting Christ. By William Wilson, BD, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Cambridge, I797."... | |
| Cambridge univ, exam. papers - 1856 - 200 pages
...of King's College, Cambridge, and Professor of Hebrew, Lampeter. Crown 8vo. 10». 6rf. Wilson.—An Illustration of the Method of Explaining the New Testament by the early Opinions of the Jews and Christians concerning Christ. By the Rev. W. WILSON, MA, late Fellow of St. John's College,... | |
| Aristotle - 1882 - 498 pages
...by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy 8vo. js. 6d. WILSpN'S ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD of explaining the New Testament,...Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy 8vo. 55. LECTURES ON DIVINITY delivered in the University of Cambridge, by JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Alfred Plummer - 1882 - 476 pages
...University. Demy Octavo, -¡s. (,d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament bv the early opinions of Jews and Christians concerning...T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5*. DD ¡ate Lord Bishop of Ely. t vols. Demy Octavo. 15*. GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS, &c. (See also... | |
| Alfred Plummer - 1882 - 476 pages
...SS. TheoSchola ineoiogica English Notes, including . WHKWELL* DD late Master of other Tracts Wilsons Illustration of the Method of explaining the New Testament by the early opinions of Jews and Chnstians concerning ChrTst'. Edited by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Innres оГА7 delivered... | |
| Edwin Charles Clark - 1883 - 450 pages
...Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, is. fld. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...Lectures on Divinity delivered in the University of Cam• bridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition, by T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. » vols. Demy... | |
| Mark (st.) - 1883 - 360 pages
...Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo, -js.bd. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5*- . . , „, Tatures on Divinity delivered m the University of Cambridee By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition,... | |
| Émile Erckmann - 1883 - 226 pages
...Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Reg1us Professor of Greek in the University. Demy Octavo. 71. 6d. Wilson's Illustration of the Method of explaining...T. TURTON, DD late Lord Bishop of Ely. Demy Octavo. 5*. Lectures on Divinity del1vered m the Un1vers1ty of Cambridge. By JOHN HEY, DD Third Edition, by... | |
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