| John Aikin - 1796 - 374 pages
...I will not undertake to maintain^ " againft the concurrent and unvaried tefu timony of all ages and nations* There " is no people, rude or learned, among...which perhaps prevails as far as human " nature is diffufed, could become uniT a .. "verfa) " verfal only by its truth: thofe that ne" ver heard it of... | |
| James Boswell - 1799 - 648 pages
...promise you safety : there is no danger from the dead ; he that is once buried will be seen no more.' ' That the dead are seen no more, (said Imlac,) I will...are not related and believed. This opinion, which prevails' as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth ; those that... | |
| James Boswell - 1799 - 496 pages
...promise you safety : there is no danger from the dead ; he that is once buried will be seen no more. " That the dead are seen no more, (said Imlac,) I will...are not related and believed. This opinion, which prevails as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth ; those that... | |
| James Boswell - 1799 - 640 pages
...promise you safety : there is no danger from the dead ; he that is once buried will be seen no more.' 'That the dead are seen no more, (said Imlac,) I will...are not related and believed. This opinion, which prevails3 as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth ; those that... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 462 pages
...no more, faid Imlac, I will not undertake to maintain, againft the concurrent and unvaried teftimony of all ages, and of all nations. There is no people, rude or learned, among among whom apparitions of the dead are not related and believed. This opinion, which perhaps prevails... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 458 pages
...no more> faid Imlac, I will not undertake to maintain, againft the concurrent and unvaried teftimony of all ages, and of all nations. There is no people, rude or learned, &mong whom apparitions of the dead are not related and believed. This opinion, which perhaps prevails... | |
| John Bigland - 1805 - 286 pages
...dead are feen no more," faid Imlac, "I will not undertake to maintain againft the concurrent teftimony of all ages, and of all nations. There is no people,...which, perhaps, prevails as far as human nature is diffufed, could become univerfal only by its truth : thofe that never heard of one another, would not... | |
| James Boswell - 1807 - 514 pages
...promise you safety: there is no danger from the dead ; he that is once buried will be seen no more. " That the dead are seen no more, (said Imlac,) I will...are not related and believed. This opinion, which prevails as far as human nature is diffused, could become universal only by its truth ; those that... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1807 - 276 pages
...no more, faid Imlac, I will not undertake to maintain again (I the concurrent and unvaried teftimony of all ages and of all nations. There is no people,...opinion, which perhaps prevails as far as human nature is diffufed, could become univerfal; only by its truth ; thofe that never heard of one another would not,... | |
| Nathan Drake - 1809 - 524 pages
...explicitly gave his opinion on this mysterious subject : " that the dead are seen no more," he remarks, " I will not undertake to maintain, against the concurrent...ages, and of all nations. There is no people, rude or unlearned, among whom «'. • .. - ->VoL 2, p. 98. apparitions of the dead arc not related and believed.... | |
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