| Jonathan Tyers Barrett - 1848 - 320 pages
...greatest changes have been effected; the whole having been submitted to a new arrangement. The Grants of the " Incorporated Society for promoting the enlargement,...building, and repairing of Churches and Chapels," and the " Diocesan Society," for the same object, in Norwich, aided by the liberality of the Patron... | |
| 1848 - 632 pages
...WINTON, J. G ARMAGH, J. LINCOLN, RD. DUBLIN, G. ROCHESTER. CJ LONDON, 79 Pall Mall, August 21, 1848. INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ENLARGEMENT, BUILDING, AND REPAIRING OF CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. The number of applications received during the year ending 3Ut March, 1848. for aid from the Society's... | |
| 1849 - 644 pages
...WINTON, J. G ARMAGH, J. LINCOLN, RD. DUBLIN, G. ROCHESTEB. CJ LONDON, 79 Pall Mall, August 21, 1848. INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ENLARGEMENT, BUILDING, AND REPAIRING OF CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. The number of applications received during the year ending 3lst March, 1848. for aid from the Society's... | |
| 1838 - 728 pages
...Professor of Classical Literature. " THOMAS DALE, Professor of English Literature and Modern History. J INCORPORATED SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE ENLARGEMENT, BUILDING, AND REPAIRING OF CHURCHES AND CHAPBiflli' . A MEETING of this Society was held at their chambers in St. Martin's Place, on Monday,... | |
| 1850 - 806 pages
...defrayed by public subscriptions, aided by grants of 500/. from the Lichfield Diocesan Society, and 300/. from the Incorporated Society for Promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels. The tower of the old building and a fine chancel to the east of it have not been removed : it is proposed... | |
| Henry Melvill - 1850 - 398 pages
...display of opulence in other structures bear witness against the paucity and meanness of ecclesiastical. The Incorporated Society for promoting the enlargement, building, and repairing of Churches and Chapels, now appeals to you, under the sanction of her Majesty's letter, for assistance in rolling off the reproach... | |
| White, Francis, & co - 1850 - 996 pages
...great changes made, and to be made, in Dioceses, Parishes, «fee., are effecting much. Added to which, the Incorporated Society, for promoting the enlargement, building, and repairing of churches and chapels, was established in the year 1818. The report of this society's proceedings during the year ending 31st... | |
| 1851 - 658 pages
...£2,02o3s. 4d., contains 1,400 sittings, 687 of which are tree, in consequence of a grant obtained from the society for promoting the enlargement, building, and repairing of churches and chapels. It is a hanusome Gothic edifice. A monumental column, in the churchyard, commemorates adreadtul accident... | |
| 1852 - 838 pages
...The prospects for the present year seem favourable, as we gather from the report of the meeting of the Incorporated Society for promoting the Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels. The meeting of this society for February was held on Monday the 18th, his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury... | |
| 1864 - 680 pages
...which is the following notice : — " This Church was enlarged in the year 1843 to the extent of 337 sittings^ and, in consequence of a grant from the...Enlargement, Building, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels, 194 of that number sre hereby declared to be free and unappropriated for ever, in addition to 108 of... | |
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